context("atc.R") # test_that("atc_property works", { # skip_on_cran() # relies on internet connection of server, don't test # skip_on_appveyor() # security error on AppVeyor # # if (!is.null(curl::nslookup("", error = FALSE))) { # expect_equal(tolower(atc_property("J01CA04", property = "Name")), "amoxicillin") # expect_equal(atc_property("J01CA04", property = "unit"), "g") # expect_equal(atc_property("J01CA04", property = "DDD"), # atc_ddd("J01CA04")) # # expect_identical(atc_property("J01CA04", property = "Groups"), # atc_groups("J01CA04")) # # expect_warning(atc_property("ABCDEFG", property = "DDD")) # # expect_error(atc_property("J01CA04", property = c(1:5))) # expect_error(atc_property("J01CA04", property = "test")) # expect_error(atc_property("J01CA04", property = "test", administration = c(1:5))) # } # }) test_that("guess_atc works", { expect_equal(as.character(guess_atc(c("J01FA01", "Erythromycin", "eryt", "ERYT", "ERY", "Erythrocin", "Eryzole", "Pediamycin"))), rep("J01FA01", 8)) expect_identical(class(as.atc("amox")), "atc") expect_identical(class(pull(antibiotics, atc)), "atc") expect_identical(ab_trivial_nl("Cefmenoxim"), "Cefmenoxim") expect_warning(as.atc("Z00ZZ00")) # not yet available in data set expect_warning(as.atc("UNKNOWN")) expect_output(print(as.atc("amox"))) # first 5 chars of official name expect_equal(as.character(as.atc(c("nitro", "cipro"))), c("J01XE01", "J01MA02")) })