# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis # # # # AUTHORS # # Berends MS (m.s.berends@umcg.nl), Luz CF (c.f.luz@umcg.nl) # # # # LICENCE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0, # # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # ==================================================================== # #' Calculate resistance of isolates #' #' These functions can be used to calculate the (co-)resistance of microbial isolates (i.e. percentage S, SI, I, IR or R). All functions can be used in \code{dplyr}s \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}} and support grouped variables, see \emph{Examples}. #' @param ab,ab1,ab2 vector of antibiotic interpretations, they will be transformed internally with \code{\link{as.rsi}} #' @param include_I logical to indicate whether antimicrobial interpretations of "I" should be included #' @param minimum minimal amount of available isolates. Any number lower than \code{minimum} will return \code{NA}. #' @param as_percent logical to indicate whether the output must be returned as percent (text), will else be a double #' @param interpretation antimicrobial interpretation #' @details \strong{Remember that you should filter your table to let it contain only first isolates!} Use \code{\link{first_isolate}} to determine them in your data set. #' #' All return values are calculated using hybrid evaluation (i.e. using C++), which makes these functions 60-65 times faster than in \code{AMR} v0.2.0 and below. The \code{rsi} function is available for backwards compatibility and deprecated. It now uses the \code{resistance} and \code{susceptibility} functions internally, based on the \code{interpretation} parameter. #' \if{html}{ #' \cr #' To calculate the probability (\emph{p}) of susceptibility of one antibiotic, we use this formula: #' \out{
} #' To calculate the probability (\emph{p}) of susceptibility of more antibiotics (i.e. combination therapy), we need to check whether one of them has a susceptible result (as numerator) and count all cases where all antibiotics were tested (as denominator). \cr #' \cr #' For two antibiotics: #' \out{
} #' \cr #' Theoretically for three antibiotics: #' \out{
} #' } #' @keywords resistance susceptibility rsi_df antibiotics isolate isolates #' @return Double or, when \code{as_percent = TRUE}, a character. #' @rdname resistance #' @export #' @examples #' library(dplyr) #' #' septic_patients %>% #' group_by(hospital_id) %>% #' summarise(p = susceptibility(cipr), #' n = n_rsi(cipr)) # n_rsi works like n_distinct in dplyr #' #' septic_patients %>% #' group_by(hospital_id) %>% #' summarise(cipro_p = susceptibility(cipr, as_percent = TRUE), #' cipro_n = n_rsi(cipr), #' genta_p = susceptibility(gent, as_percent = TRUE), #' genta_n = n_rsi(gent), #' combination_p = susceptibility(cipr, gent, as_percent = TRUE), #' combination_n = n_rsi(cipr, gent)) #' #' #' # Calculate resistance #' resistance(septic_patients$amox) #' rsi(septic_patients$amox, interpretation = "IR") # deprecated #' #' # Or susceptibility #' susceptibility(septic_patients$amox) #' rsi(septic_patients$amox, interpretation = "S") # deprecated #' #' #' # Calculate co-resistance between amoxicillin/clav acid and gentamicin, #' # so we can see that combination therapy does a lot more than mono therapy: #' susceptibility(septic_patients$amcl) # p = 67.8% #' n_rsi(septic_patients$amcl) # n = 1641 #' #' susceptibility(septic_patients$gent) # p = 69.1% #' n_rsi(septic_patients$gent) # n = 1863 #' #' with(septic_patients, #' susceptibility(amcl, gent)) # p = 90.6% #' with(septic_patients, #' n_rsi(amcl, gent)) # n = 1580 #' #' \dontrun{ #' # calculate current empiric combination therapy of Helicobacter gastritis: #' my_table %>% #' filter(first_isolate == TRUE, #' genus == "Helicobacter") %>% #' summarise(p = susceptibility(amox, metr), # amoxicillin with metronidazole #' n = n_rsi(amox, metr)) #' } resistance <- function(ab, include_I = TRUE, minimum = 30, as_percent = FALSE) { if (NCOL(ab) > 1) { stop('`ab` must be a vector of antimicrobial interpretations', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.logical(include_I)) { stop('`include_I` must be logical', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.numeric(minimum)) { stop('`minimum` must be numeric', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.logical(as_percent)) { stop('`as_percent` must be logical', call. = FALSE) } x <- as.integer(as.rsi(ab)) total <- .Call(`_AMR_rsi_calc_total`, x) if (total < minimum) { return(NA) } found <- .Call(`_AMR_rsi_calc_R`, x, include_I) if (as_percent == TRUE) { percent(found / total, force_zero = TRUE) } else { found / total } } #' @rdname resistance #' @export susceptibility <- function(ab1, ab2 = NULL, include_I = FALSE, minimum = 30, as_percent = FALSE) { if (NCOL(ab1) > 1) { stop('`ab1` must be a vector of antimicrobial interpretations', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.logical(include_I)) { stop('`include_I` must be logical', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.numeric(minimum)) { stop('`minimum` must be numeric', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.logical(as_percent)) { stop('`as_percent` must be logical', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.null(ab2)) { if (NCOL(ab2) > 1) { stop('`ab2` must be a vector of antimicrobial interpretations', call. = FALSE) } x <- apply(X = data.frame(ab1 = as.integer(as.rsi(ab1)), ab2 = as.integer(as.rsi(ab2))), MARGIN = 1, FUN = min) } else { x <- as.integer(as.rsi(ab1)) } total <- .Call(`_AMR_rsi_calc_total`, x) if (total < minimum) { return(NA) } found <- .Call(`_AMR_rsi_calc_S`, x, include_I) if (as_percent == TRUE) { percent(found / total, force_zero = TRUE) } else { found / total } } #' @rdname resistance #' @export n_rsi <- function(ab1, ab2 = NULL) { if (NCOL(ab1) > 1) { stop('`ab1` must be a vector of antimicrobial interpretations', call. = FALSE) } if (!is.null(ab2)) { if (NCOL(ab2) > 1) { stop('`ab2` must be a vector of antimicrobial interpretations', call. = FALSE) } x <- apply(X = data.frame(ab1 = as.integer(as.rsi(ab1)), ab2 = as.integer(as.rsi(ab2))), MARGIN = 1, FUN = min) } else { x <- as.integer(as.rsi(ab1)) } .Call(`_AMR_rsi_calc_total`, x) } #' @rdname resistance #' @export rsi <- function(ab1, ab2 = NULL, interpretation = "IR", minimum = 30, as_percent = FALSE) { warning("'rsi' is deprecated. Use 'resistance' or 'susceptibility' instead.", call. = FALSE) if (interpretation %in% c('IR', 'RI')) { resistance(ab = ab1, include_I = TRUE, minimum = minimum, as_percent = as_percent) } else if (interpretation == 'R') { resistance(ab = ab1, include_I = FALSE, minimum = minimum, as_percent = as_percent) } else if (interpretation %in% c('IS', 'SI')) { susceptibility(ab1 = ab1, ab2 = ab2, include_I = TRUE, minimum = minimum, as_percent = as_percent) } else if (interpretation == 'S') { susceptibility(ab1 = ab1, ab2 = ab2, include_I = FALSE, minimum = minimum, as_percent = as_percent) } else { stop('invalid `interpretation`') } } #' Predict antimicrobial resistance #' #' Create a prediction model to predict antimicrobial resistance for the next years on statistical solid ground. Standard errors (SE) will be returned as columns \code{se_min} and \code{se_max}. See Examples for a real live example. #' @param tbl table that contains columns \code{col_ab} and \code{col_date} #' @param col_ab column name of \code{tbl} with antimicrobial interpretations (\code{R}, \code{I} and \code{S}), supports tidyverse-like quotation #' @param col_date column name of the date, will be used to calculate years if this column doesn't consist of years already, supports tidyverse-like quotation #' @param year_max highest year to use in the prediction model, deafults to 15 years after today #' @param year_every unit of sequence between lowest year found in the data and \code{year_max} #' @param model the statistical model of choice. Valid values are \code{"binomial"} (or \code{"binom"} or \code{"logit"}) or \code{"loglin"} or \code{"linear"} (or \code{"lin"}). #' @param I_as_R treat \code{I} as \code{R} #' @param preserve_measurements overwrite predictions of years that are actually available in the data, with the original data. The standard errors of those years will be \code{NA}. #' @param info print textual analysis with the name and \code{\link{summary}} of the model. #' @return \code{data.frame} with columns \code{year}, \code{probR}, \code{se_min} and \code{se_max}. #' @seealso \code{\link{resistance}} \cr \code{\link{lm}} \code{\link{glm}} #' @rdname resistance_predict #' @export #' @importFrom dplyr %>% pull mutate group_by_at summarise filter #' @importFrom reshape2 dcast #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' # use it directly: #' rsi_predict(tbl = tbl[which(first_isolate == TRUE & genus == "Haemophilus"),], #' col_ab = "amcl", col_date = "date") #' #' # or with dplyr so you can actually read it: #' library(dplyr) #' tbl %>% #' filter(first_isolate == TRUE, #' genus == "Haemophilus") %>% #' rsi_predict(amcl, date) #' } #' #' #' # real live example: #' library(dplyr) #' septic_patients %>% #' # get bacteria properties like genus and species #' left_join_microorganisms("bactid") %>% #' # calculate first isolates #' mutate(first_isolate = #' first_isolate(., #' "date", #' "patient_id", #' "bactid", #' col_specimen = NA, #' col_icu = NA)) %>% #' # filter on first E. coli isolates #' filter(genus == "Escherichia", #' species == "coli", #' first_isolate == TRUE) %>% #' # predict resistance of cefotaxime for next years #' rsi_predict(col_ab = "cfot", #' col_date = "date", #' year_max = 2025, #' preserve_measurements = FALSE) #' resistance_predict <- function(tbl, col_ab, col_date, year_max = as.integer(format(as.Date(Sys.Date()), '%Y')) + 15, year_every = 1, model = 'binomial', I_as_R = TRUE, preserve_measurements = TRUE, info = TRUE) { if (nrow(tbl) == 0) { stop('This table does not contain any observations.') } if (!col_ab %in% colnames(tbl)) { stop('Column ', col_ab, ' not found.') } if (!col_date %in% colnames(tbl)) { stop('Column ', col_date, ' not found.') } if ('grouped_df' %in% class(tbl)) { # no grouped tibbles please, mutate will throw errors tbl <- base::as.data.frame(tbl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) } if (I_as_R == TRUE) { tbl[, col_ab] <- gsub('I', 'R', tbl %>% pull(col_ab)) } if (!all(tbl %>% pull(col_ab) %>% as.rsi() %in% c(NA, 'S', 'I', 'R'))) { stop('Column ', col_ab, ' must contain antimicrobial interpretations (S, I, R).') } year <- function(x) { if (all(grepl('^[0-9]{4}$', x))) { x } else { as.integer(format(as.Date(x), '%Y')) } } years_predict <- seq(from = min(year(tbl %>% pull(col_date))), to = year_max, by = year_every) df <- tbl %>% mutate(year = year(tbl %>% pull(col_date))) %>% group_by_at(c('year', col_ab)) %>% summarise(n()) colnames(df) <- c('year', 'antibiotic', 'count') df <- df %>% reshape2::dcast(year ~ antibiotic, value.var = 'count') if (model %in% c('binomial', 'binom', 'logit')) { logitmodel <- with(df, glm(cbind(R, S) ~ year, family = binomial)) if (info == TRUE) { cat('\nLogistic regression model (logit) with binomial distribution') cat('\n------------------------------------------------------------\n') print(summary(logitmodel)) } predictmodel <- stats::predict(logitmodel, newdata = with(df, list(year = years_predict)), type = "response", se.fit = TRUE) prediction <- predictmodel$fit se <- predictmodel$se.fit } else if (model == 'loglin') { loglinmodel <- with(df, glm(R ~ year, family = poisson)) if (info == TRUE) { cat('\nLog-linear regression model (loglin) with poisson distribution') cat('\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n') print(summary(loglinmodel)) } predictmodel <- stats::predict(loglinmodel, newdata = with(df, list(year = years_predict)), type = "response", se.fit = TRUE) prediction <- predictmodel$fit se <- predictmodel$se.fit } else if (model %in% c('lin', 'linear')) { linmodel <- with(df, lm((R / (R + S)) ~ year)) if (info == TRUE) { cat('\nLinear regression model') cat('\n-----------------------\n') print(summary(linmodel)) } predictmodel <- stats::predict(linmodel, newdata = with(df, list(year = years_predict)), se.fit = TRUE) prediction <- predictmodel$fit se <- predictmodel$se.fit } else { stop('No valid model selected.') } # prepare the output dataframe prediction <- data.frame(year = years_predict, probR = prediction, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) prediction$se_min <- prediction$probR - se prediction$se_max <- prediction$probR + se if (model == 'loglin') { prediction$probR <- prediction$probR %>% format(scientific = FALSE) %>% as.integer() prediction$se_min <- prediction$se_min %>% as.integer() prediction$se_max <- prediction$se_max %>% as.integer() colnames(prediction) <- c('year', 'amountR', 'se_max', 'se_min') } else { prediction$se_max[which(prediction$se_max > 1)] <- 1 } prediction$se_min[which(prediction$se_min < 0)] <- 0 total <- prediction if (preserve_measurements == TRUE) { # geschatte data vervangen door gemeten data if (I_as_R == TRUE) { if (!'I' %in% colnames(df)) { df$I <- 0 } df$probR <- df$R / rowSums(df[, c('R', 'S', 'I')]) } else { df$probR <- df$R / rowSums(df[, c('R', 'S')]) } measurements <- data.frame(year = df$year, probR = df$probR, se_min = NA, se_max = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(measurements) <- colnames(prediction) prediction <- prediction %>% filter(!year %in% df$year) total <- rbind(measurements, prediction) } total } #' @rdname resistance_predict #' @export rsi_predict <- resistance_predict