#' Import/export from clipboard #' #' @description These are helper functions around \code{\link{read.table}} and \code{\link{write.table}} to import from and export to clipboard with support for Windows, Linux and macOS. #' #' The data will be read and written as tab-separated by default, which makes it possible to copy and paste from other software like Excel and SPSS without further transformation. #' #' This also supports automatic column type transformation, with AMR classes \code{\link{as.rsi}} and \code{\link{as.mic}}. #' @rdname clipboard #' @name clipboard #' @inheritParams base::data.frame #' @inheritParams utils::read.table #' @inheritParams utils::write.table #' @inheritParams readr::locale #' @param startrow \emph{n}th row to start importing from. When \code{header = TRUE}, the import will start on row \code{startrow} \emph{below} the header. #' @param as_vector a logical value indicating whether data consisting of only one column should be imported as vector using \code{\link[dplyr]{pull}}. This will strip off the header. #' @param guess_col_types a logical value indicating whether column types should be guessed and transformed automatically with \code{\link[readr]{parse_guess}} from the \code{readr} package. Besides, the antimicrobial classes in this AMR package (\code{\link{as.rsi}} and \code{\link{as.mic}}) are also supported. #' @param remove_ASCII_escape_char remove ASCII escape character #' @param info print info to console #' @keywords clipboard clipboard_import clipboard_export import export #' @importFrom dplyr %>% pull as_tibble #' @importFrom clipr read_clip_tbl write_clip #' @importFrom utils read.delim write.table object.size #' @importFrom readr parse_guess locale #' @details #' The parameter \code{stringsAsFactors} defaults to \code{FALSE}, as opposed to most base \R methods. #' #' The parameters \code{date_format} and \code{time_format} also support generic date and time formats like \code{"dd-mm-yyyy"} like Excel. #' #' \if{html}{ #' \strong{Example for copying from Excel:} #' \out{
} #' \cr #' \strong{And pasting in R:} \cr #' \cr #' \code{> data <- clipboard_import()} \cr #' \code{> data} \cr #' \out{
} #' \cr #' \strong{The resulting data contains the right RSI-classes:} \cr #' \cr #' \code{> data$amox} \cr #' \out{
} #' } #' @export #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' #' df1 <- data.frame(a = letters[1:12], #' b = runif(n = 12, min = 1000, max = 2000), #' stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #' clipboard_export(df1) #' df2 <- clipboard_import() #' identical(df1, df2) #' #' # send frequency table to clipboard (e.g. for pasting in Excel) #' septic_patients %>% #' freq(age) %>% #' format() %>% # this will format the percentages #' clipboard_export() #' } clipboard_import <- function(sep = '\t', quote = "", header = TRUE, dec = ".", na = c("", "NA", "NULL"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, startrow = 1, as_vector = TRUE, guess_col_types = TRUE, date_names = 'en', date_format = '%Y-%m-%d', time_format = '%H:%M', remove_ASCII_escape_char = FALSE, tz = Sys.timezone(), encoding = "UTF-8", info = TRUE) { if (!clipr::clipr_available() & Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Linux") { # try to support on X11, by setting the R variable DISPLAY Sys.setenv(DISPLAY = "localhost:10.0") } # this will fail when clipr is (still) not available import_tbl <- clipr::read_clip_tbl(file = file, sep = sep, quote = quote, header = header, strip.white = TRUE, dec = dec, na.strings = na, encoding = 'UTF-8', stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) # use tibble, so column types will be translated correctly import_tbl <- as_tibble(import_tbl) if (startrow > 1) { # would else lose column headers import_tbl <- import_tbl[startrow:NROW(import_tbl),] } colnames(import_tbl) <- gsub('[.]+', '_', colnames(import_tbl)) if (guess_col_types == TRUE) { if (info == TRUE) { cat('Transforming data by guessing column types...') } import_tbl <- tbl_parse_guess(tbl = import_tbl, date_names = date_names, date_format = date_format, time_format = time_format, decimal_mark = dec, tz = tz, encoding = encoding, remove_ASCII_escape_char = remove_ASCII_escape_char, na = na) if (info == TRUE) { cat('OK\n') } } if (NCOL(import_tbl) == 1 & as_vector == TRUE) { import_tbl <- import_tbl %>% pull(1) } # and transform back to data.frame import_tbl <- as.data.frame(import_tbl, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) if (info == TRUE) { cat("Successfully imported from clipboard:", NROW(import_tbl), "obs. of", NCOL(import_tbl), "variables.\n") } import_tbl } #' @rdname clipboard #' @importFrom dplyr %>% pull as_tibble #' @export clipboard_export <- function(x, sep = '\t', dec = ".", na = "", header = TRUE, info = TRUE) { if (!clipr::clipr_available() & Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Linux") { # try to support on X11, by setting the R variable DISPLAY Sys.setenv(DISPLAY = "localhost:10.0") } clipr::write_clip(content = x, na = na, sep = sep, row.names = FALSE, col.names = header, dec = dec, quote = FALSE) if (info == TRUE) { cat("Successfully exported to clipboard:", NROW(x), "obs. of", NCOL(x), "variables.\n") } }