context("first_isolates.R") test_that("keyantibiotics work", { expect_equal(length(key_antibiotics(septic_patients, info = FALSE)), nrow(septic_patients)) expect_true(key_antibiotics_equal("SSS", "SSS")) expect_true(key_antibiotics_equal("SSS", "SIS", ignore_I = TRUE)) expect_false(key_antibiotics_equal("SSS", "SIS", ignore_I = FALSE)) }) test_that("guess_bactid works", { expect_equal(guess_bactid("E. coli"), "ESCCOL") expect_equal(guess_bactid("Escherichia coli"), "ESCCOL") }) test_that("first isolates work", { # septic_patients contains 1960 out of 2000 first isolates septic_ptns <- septic_patients expect_equal(sum(first_isolate(tbl = septic_ptns, col_date = "date", col_patient_id = "patient_id", col_bactid = "bactid", info = FALSE)), 1960) # septic_patients contains 1962 out of 2000 first weighted isolates septic_ptns$keyab <- suppressWarnings(key_antibiotics(septic_ptns)) expect_equal( suppressWarnings(sum( first_isolate(tbl = septic_ptns, col_date = "date", col_patient_id = "patient_id", col_bactid = "bactid", col_keyantibiotics = "keyab", type = "keyantibiotics", info = TRUE))), 1962) })