% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ab_property.R \name{ab_property} \alias{ab_property} \alias{ab_atc} \alias{ab_official} \alias{ab_official_nl} \alias{ab_trivial_nl} \alias{ab_certe} \alias{ab_umcg} \title{Property of an antibiotic} \usage{ ab_property(x, property = "official") ab_atc(x) ab_official(x) ab_official_nl(x) ab_trivial_nl(x) ab_certe(x) ab_umcg(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a (vector of a) valid \code{\link{atc}} code or any text that can be coerced to a valid atc with \code{\link{as.atc}}} \item{property}{one of the column names of one of the \code{\link{antibiotics}} data set, like \code{"atc"} and \code{"official"}} } \description{ Use these functions to return a specific property of an antibiotic from the \code{\link{antibiotics}} data set, based on their ATC code. Get such a code with \code{\link{as.atc}}. } \examples{ ab_atc("amcl") # J01CR02 ab_official("amcl") # Amoxicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor ab_official_nl("amcl") # Amoxicilline met enzymremmer ab_trivial_nl("amcl") # Amoxicilline/clavulaanzuur ab_certe("amcl") # amcl ab_umcg("amcl") # AMCL } \seealso{ \code{\link{antibiotics}} }