% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/g.test.R \name{vector2ratio} \alias{vector2ratio} \title{Transform vector to ratio} \usage{ vector2ratio(x, ratio) } \arguments{ \item{x}{vector of values} \item{ratio}{vector with ratios of \code{x} and with same length (like \code{ratio = c(1, 2, 1)}) or a text with characters \code{":"}, \code{"-"} or \code{","} (like \code{ratio = "1:2:1"} or even \code{ratio = "1:2:1.25"})} } \description{ Transform vector to ratio } \examples{ # = EXAMPLE 1 = # Shivrain et al. (2006) crossed clearfield rice (which are resistant # to the herbicide imazethapyr) with red rice (which are susceptible to # imazethapyr). They then crossed the hybrid offspring and examined the # F2 generation, where they found 772 resistant plants, 1611 moderately # resistant plants, and 737 susceptible plants. If resistance is controlled # by a single gene with two co-dominant alleles, you would expect a 1:2:1 # ratio. x <- c(772, 1611, 737) x.expected <- vector2ratio(x, ratio = "1:2:1") x.expected # 780 1560 780 g.test(x, x.expected) # p = 0.12574. # There is no significant difference from a 1:2:1 ratio. # Meaning: resistance controlled by a single gene with two co-dominant # alleles, is plausible. # = EXAMPLE 2 = # Red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) have the tip of the upper bill either # right or left of the lower bill, which helps them extract seeds from pine # cones. Some have hypothesized that frequency-dependent selection would # keep the number of right and left-billed birds at a 1:1 ratio. Groth (1992) # observed 1752 right-billed and 1895 left-billed crossbills. x <- c(1752, 1895) x.expected <- vector2ratio(x, ratio = c(1, 1)) x.expected # 1823.5 1823.5 g.test(x, x.expected) # p = 0.01787343 # There is a significant difference from a 1:1 ratio. # Meaning: there are significantly more left-billed birds. } \references{ McDonald, J.H. 2014. \strong{Handbook of Biological Statistics (3rd ed.)}. Sparky House Publishing, Baltimore, Maryland. } \seealso{ \code{\link{g.test}} }