% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/options.R \name{AMR-options} \alias{AMR-options} \title{Options for the AMR package} \description{ This is an overview of the package-specific \code{\link[=options]{options()}} you can set in the \code{AMR} package. } \section{Options}{ \itemize{ \item \code{AMR_custom_ab}: allows to use custom antimicrobial drugs with this package. This is explained in \code{\link[=add_custom_antimicrobials]{add_custom_antimicrobials()}}. \item \code{AMR_custom_mo}: allows to use custom microorganisms with this package. This is explained in \code{\link[=add_custom_microorganisms]{add_custom_microorganisms()}}. } } \keyword{internal}