# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reproduction of the `microorganisms` data set # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data retrieved from: # # [1] Catalogue of Life (CoL) through the Encyclopaedia of Life # https://opendata.eol.org/dataset/catalogue-of-life/ # * Download the resource file with a name like "Catalogue of Life yyyy-mm-dd" # * Extract "taxon.tab" # # [2] Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) # https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei # * Extract "Taxon.tsv" # # [3] Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ) # https://www.dsmz.de/support/bacterial-nomenclature-up-to-date-downloads.html # * Download the latest "Complete List" as xlsx file (DSMZ_bactnames.xlsx) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(dplyr) library(AMR) data_col <- data.table::fread("Documents/taxon.tab") data_gbif <- data.table::fread("Documents/Taxon.tsv") # read the xlsx file from DSMZ (only around 2.5 MB): data_dsmz <- readxl::read_xlsx("Downloads/DSMZ_bactnames.xlsx") # the CoL data is over 3.7M rows: data_col %>% freq(kingdom) # Item Count Percent Cum. Count Cum. Percent # --- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------- ------------- # 1 Animalia 2,225,627 59.1% 2,225,627 59.1% # 2 Plantae 1,177,412 31.3% 3,403,039 90.4% # 3 Fungi 290,145 7.7% 3,693,184 98.1% # 4 Chromista 47,126 1.3% 3,740,310 99.3% # 5 Bacteria 14,478 0.4% 3,754,788 99.7% # 6 Protozoa 6,060 0.2% 3,760,848 99.9% # 7 Viruses 3,827 0.1% 3,764,675 100.0% # 8 Archaea 610 0.0% 3,765,285 100.0% # the GBIF data is over 5.8M rows: data_gbif %>% freq(kingdom) # Item Count Percent Cum. Count Cum. Percent # --- --------------- ---------- -------- ----------- ------------- # 1 Animalia 3,264,138 55.7% 3,264,138 55.7% # 2 Plantae 1,814,962 31.0% 5,079,100 86.7% # 3 Fungi 538,086 9.2% 5,617,186 95.9% # 4 Chromista 181,374 3.1% 5,798,560 99.0% # 5 Bacteria 24,048 0.4% 5,822,608 99.4% # 6 Protozoa 15,138 0.3% 5,837,746 99.7% # 7 incertae sedis 9,995 0.2% 5,847,741 99.8% # 8 Viruses 9,630 0.2% 5,857,371 100.0% # 9 Archaea 771 0.0% 5,858,142 100.0% # Clean up helper function ------------------------------------------------ clean_new <- function(new) { new %>% # only the ones that have no new ID to refer to a newer name filter(is.na(col_id_new)) %>% filter( ( # we only want all MICROorganisms and no viruses !kingdom %in% c("Animalia", "Chromista", "Plantae", "Viruses") # and not all fungi: Aspergillus, Candida, Trichphyton and Pneumocystis are the most important, # so only keep these orders from the fungi: & !(kingdom == "Fungi" & !order %in% c("Eurotiales", "Saccharomycetales", "Schizosaccharomycetales", "Tremellales", "Onygenales", "Pneumocystales")) ) # or the family has to contain a genus we found in our hospitals last decades (Northern Netherlands, 2002-2018) | genus %in% c("Absidia", "Acremonium", "Actinotignum", "Alternaria", "Anaerosalibacter", "Ancylostoma", "Anisakis", "Apophysomyces", "Arachnia", "Ascaris", "Aureobacterium", "Aureobasidium", "Balantidum", "Bilophilia", "Branhamella", "Brochontrix", "Brugia", "Calymmatobacterium", "Catabacter", "Chilomastix", "Chryseomonas", "Cladophialophora", "Cladosporium", "Clonorchis", "Cordylobia", "Curvularia", "Demodex", "Dermatobia", "Diphyllobothrium", "Dracunculus", "Echinococcus", "Enterobius", "Euascomycetes", "Exophiala", "Fasciola", "Fusarium", "Hendersonula", "Hymenolepis", "Kloeckera", "Koserella", "Larva", "Leishmania", "Lelliottia", "Loa", "Lumbricus", "Malassezia", "Metagonimus", "Molonomonas", "Mucor", "Nattrassia", "Necator", "Novospingobium", "Onchocerca", "Opistorchis", "Paragonimus", "Paramyxovirus", "Pediculus", "Phoma", "Phthirus", "Pityrosporum", "Pseudallescheria", "Pulex", "Rhizomucor", "Rhizopus", "Rhodotorula", "Salinococcus", "Sanguibacteroides", "Schistosoma", "Scopulariopsis", "Scytalidium", "Sporobolomyces", "Stomatococcus", "Strongyloides", "Syncephalastraceae", "Taenia", "Torulopsis", "Trichinella", "Trichobilharzia", "Trichomonas", "Trichosporon", "Trichuris", "Trypanosoma", "Wuchereria")) %>% mutate( authors2 = iconv(ref, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"), # remove leading and trailing brackets authors2 = gsub("^[(](.*)[)]$", "\\1", authors2), # only take part after brackets if there's a name authors2 = ifelse(grepl(".*[)] [a-zA-Z]+.*", authors2), gsub(".*[)] (.*)", "\\1", authors2), authors2), # get year from last 4 digits lastyear = as.integer(gsub(".*([0-9]{4})$", "\\1", authors2)), # can never be later than now lastyear = ifelse(lastyear > as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")), NA, lastyear), # get authors without last year authors = gsub("(.*)[0-9]{4}$", "\\1", authors2), # remove nonsense characters from names authors = gsub("[^a-zA-Z,'& -]", "", authors), # remove trailing and leading spaces authors = trimws(authors), # only keep first author and replace all others by 'et al' authors = gsub("(,| and| et| &| ex| emend\\.?) .*", " et al.", authors), # et al. always with ending dot authors = gsub(" et al\\.?", " et al.", authors), authors = gsub(" ?,$", "", authors), # don't start with 'sensu' or 'ehrenb' authors = gsub("^(sensu|Ehrenb.?) ", "", authors, ignore.case = TRUE), # no initials, only surname authors = gsub("^([A-Z]+ )+", "", authors, ignore.case = FALSE), # combine author and year if year is available ref = ifelse(!is.na(lastyear), paste0(authors, ", ", lastyear), authors), # fix beginning and ending ref = gsub(", $", "", ref), ref = gsub("^, ", "", ref)) %>% # remove text if it contains 'Not assigned' like phylum in viruses mutate_all(~gsub("Not assigned", "", .)) %>% # Remove non-ASCII characters (these are not allowed by CRAN) lapply(iconv, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT") %>% as_tibble(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% mutate(fullname = trimws(case_when(rank == "family" ~ family, rank == "order" ~ order, rank == "class" ~ class, rank == "phylum" ~ phylum, rank == "kingdom" ~ kingdom, TRUE ~ paste(genus, species, subspecies)))) } clean_old <- function(old, new) { old %>% # only the ones that exist in the new data set filter(col_id_new %in% new$col_id) %>% mutate( authors2 = iconv(ref, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT"), # remove leading and trailing brackets authors2 = gsub("^[(](.*)[)]$", "\\1", authors2), # only take part after brackets if there's a name authors2 = ifelse(grepl(".*[)] [a-zA-Z]+.*", authors2), gsub(".*[)] (.*)", "\\1", authors2), authors2), # get year from last 4 digits lastyear = as.integer(gsub(".*([0-9]{4})$", "\\1", authors2)), # can never be later than now lastyear = ifelse(lastyear > as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")), NA, lastyear), # get authors without last year authors = gsub("(.*)[0-9]{4}$", "\\1", authors2), # remove nonsense characters from names authors = gsub("[^a-zA-Z,'& -]", "", authors), # remove trailing and leading spaces authors = trimws(authors), # only keep first author and replace all others by 'et al' authors = gsub("(,| and| et| &| ex| emend\\.?) .*", " et al.", authors), # et al. always with ending dot authors = gsub(" et al\\.?", " et al.", authors), authors = gsub(" ?,$", "", authors), # don't start with 'sensu' or 'ehrenb' authors = gsub("^(sensu|Ehrenb.?) ", "", authors, ignore.case = TRUE), # no initials, only surname authors = gsub("^([A-Z]+ )+", "", authors, ignore.case = FALSE), # combine author and year if year is available ref = ifelse(!is.na(lastyear), paste0(authors, ", ", lastyear), authors), # fix beginning and ending ref = gsub(", $", "", ref), ref = gsub("^, ", "", ref)) %>% # remove text if it contains 'Not assigned' like phylum in viruses mutate_all(~gsub("Not assigned", "", .)) %>% # Remove non-ASCII characters (these are not allowed by CRAN) lapply(iconv, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT") %>% as_tibble(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% select(col_id_new, fullname, ref, authors2) %>% left_join(new %>% select(col_id, fullname_new = fullname), by = c(col_id_new = "col_id")) %>% mutate(fullname = trimws( gsub("(.*)[(].*", "\\1", stringr::str_replace( string = fullname, pattern = stringr::fixed(authors2), replacement = "")) %>% gsub(" (var|f|subsp)[.]", "", .))) %>% select(-c("col_id_new", "authors2")) %>% filter(!is.na(fullname), !is.na(fullname_new)) %>% filter(fullname != fullname_new, !fullname %like% "^[?]") } # clean CoL and GBIF ---- # clean data_col data_col <- data_col %>% as_tibble() %>% select(col_id = taxonID, col_id_new = acceptedNameUsageID, fullname = scientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species = specificEpithet, subspecies = infraspecificEpithet, rank = taxonRank, ref = scientificNameAuthorship, species_id = furtherInformationURL) %>% mutate(source = "CoL") # split into old and new data_col.new <- data_col %>% clean_new() data_col.old <- data_col %>% clean_old(new = data_col.new) rm(data_col) # clean data_gbif data_gbif <- data_gbif %>% as_tibble() %>% filter( # no uncertain taxonomic placements taxonRemarks != "doubtful", kingdom != "incertae sedis", taxonRank != "unranked") %>% transmute(col_id = taxonID, col_id_new = acceptedNameUsageID, fullname = scientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species = specificEpithet, subspecies = infraspecificEpithet, rank = taxonRank, ref = scientificNameAuthorship, species_id = as.character(parentNameUsageID)) %>% mutate(source = "GBIF") # split into old and new data_gbif.new <- data_gbif %>% clean_new() data_gbif.old <- data_gbif %>% clean_old(new = data_gbif.new) rm(data_gbif) # put CoL and GBIF together ---- MOs.new <- bind_rows(data_col.new, data_gbif.new) %>% mutate(taxonomic_tree_length = nchar(trimws(paste(kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, subspecies)))) %>% arrange(desc(taxonomic_tree_length)) %>% distinct(fullname, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% select(-c("col_id_new", "authors2", "authors", "lastyear", "taxonomic_tree_length")) %>% arrange(fullname) MOs.old <- bind_rows(data_col.old, data_gbif.old) %>% distinct(fullname, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% arrange(fullname) # clean up DSMZ --- data_dsmz <- data_dsmz %>% as_tibble() %>% transmute(col_id = NA_integer_, col_id_new = NA_integer_, fullname = "", # kingdom = "", # phylum = "", # class = "", # order = "", # family = "", genus = ifelse(is.na(GENUS), "", GENUS), species = ifelse(is.na(SPECIES), "", SPECIES), subspecies = ifelse(is.na(SUBSPECIES), "", SUBSPECIES), rank = ifelse(species == "", "genus", "species"), ref = AUTHORS, species_id = as.character(RECORD_NO), source = "DSMZ") # DSMZ only contains genus/(sub)species, try to find taxonomic properties based on genus and data_col ref_taxonomy <- MOs.new %>% distinct(genus, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% filter(family != "") %>% filter(genus %in% data_dsmz$genus) %>% distinct(genus, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% select(kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus) data_dsmz <- data_dsmz %>% left_join(ref_taxonomy, by = "genus") %>% mutate(kingdom = "Bacteria") data_dsmz.new <- data_dsmz %>% clean_new() %>% distinct(fullname, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% select(colnames(MOs.new)) %>% arrange(fullname) # combine everything ---- MOs <- bind_rows(MOs.new, data_dsmz.new) %>% distinct(fullname, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% # not the ones that are old filter(!fullname %in% MOs.old$fullname) %>% arrange(fullname) %>% mutate(col_id = ifelse(source != "CoL", NA_integer_, col_id)) %>% filter(fullname != "") rm(data_col.new) rm(data_col.old) rm(data_gbif.new) rm(data_gbif.old) rm(data_dsmz) rm(data_dsmz.new) rm(ref_taxonomy) rm(MOs.new) MOs.bak <- MOs # Trichomonas trick ---- # for species in Trypanosoma and Trichomonas we observe al lot of taxonomic info missing MOs %>% filter(genus %in% c("Trypanosoma", "Trichomonas")) %>% View() MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trypanosoma"), "kingdom"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trypanosoma"),]$kingdom MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trypanosoma"), "phylum"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trypanosoma"),]$phylum MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trypanosoma"), "class"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trypanosoma"),]$class MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trypanosoma"), "order"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trypanosoma"),]$order MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trypanosoma"), "family"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trypanosoma"),]$family MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trichomonas"), "kingdom"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trichomonas"),]$kingdom MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trichomonas"), "phylum"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trichomonas"),]$phylum MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trichomonas"), "class"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trichomonas"),]$class MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trichomonas"), "order"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trichomonas"),]$order MOs[which(MOs$genus == "Trichomonas"), "family"] <- MOs[which(MOs$fullname == "Trichomonas"),]$family # fill taxonomic properties that are missing MOs <- MOs %>% mutate(phylum = ifelse(phylum %in% c(NA, ""), "(unknown phylum)", phylum), class = ifelse(class %in% c(NA, ""), "(unknown class)", class), order = ifelse(order %in% c(NA, ""), "(unknown order)", order), family = ifelse(family %in% c(NA, ""), "(unknown family)", family)) # Abbreviations ---- # Add abbreviations so we can easily know which ones are which ones. # These will become valid and unique microbial IDs for the AMR package. MOs <- MOs %>% arrange(kingdom, fullname) %>% group_by(kingdom) %>% mutate(abbr_other = case_when( rank == "family" ~ paste0("[FAM]_", abbreviate(family, minlength = 8, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)), rank == "order" ~ paste0("[ORD]_", abbreviate(order, minlength = 8, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)), rank == "class" ~ paste0("[CLS]_", abbreviate(class, minlength = 8, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)), rank == "phylum" ~ paste0("[PHL]_", abbreviate(phylum, minlength = 8, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)), rank == "kingdom" ~ paste0("[KNG]_", kingdom), TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>% # abbreviations determined per kingdom and family # becuase they are part of the abbreviation mutate(abbr_genus = abbreviate(genus, minlength = 7, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)) %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(genus) %>% # species abbreviations may be the same between genera # because the genus abbreviation is part of the abbreviation mutate(abbr_species = abbreviate(stringr::str_to_title(species), minlength = 3, use.classes = FALSE, method = "both.sides")) %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(genus, species) %>% mutate(abbr_subspecies = abbreviate(stringr::str_to_title(subspecies), minlength = 3, use.classes = FALSE, method = "both.sides")) %>% ungroup() %>% # remove trailing underscores mutate(mo = gsub("_+$", "", toupper(paste( # first character: kingdom ifelse(kingdom %in% c("Animalia", "Plantae"), substr(kingdom, 1, 2), substr(kingdom, 1, 1)), # next: genus, species, subspecies ifelse(is.na(abbr_other), paste(abbr_genus, abbr_species, abbr_subspecies, sep = "_"), abbr_other), sep = "_")))) %>% mutate(mo = ifelse(duplicated(.$mo), # these one or two must be unique too paste0(mo, "1"), mo), fullname = ifelse(fullname == "", trimws(paste(genus, species, subspecies)), fullname)) %>% # put `mo` in front, followed by the rest select(mo, everything(), -abbr_other, -abbr_genus, -abbr_species, -abbr_subspecies) # add non-taxonomic entries MOs <- MOs %>% bind_rows( # Unknowns data.frame(mo = "UNKNOWN", col_id = NA_integer_, fullname = "(unknown name)", kingdom = "(unknown kingdom)", phylum = "(unknown phylum)", class = "(unknown class)", order = "(unknown order)", family = "(unknown family)", genus = "(unknown genus)", species = "(unknown species)", subspecies = "(unknown subspecies)", rank = "(unknown rank)", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(mo = "B_GRAMN", col_id = NA_integer_, fullname = "(unknown Gram-negatives)", kingdom = "Bacteria", phylum = "(unknown phylum)", class = "(unknown class)", order = "(unknown order)", family = "(unknown family)", genus = "(unknown Gram-negatives)", species = "(unknown species)", subspecies = "(unknown subspecies)", rank = "species", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(mo = "B_GRAMP", col_id = NA_integer_, fullname = "(unknown Gram-positives)", kingdom = "Bacteria", phylum = "(unknown phylum)", class = "(unknown class)", order = "(unknown order)", family = "(unknown family)", genus = "(unknown Gram-positives)", species = "(unknown species)", subspecies = "(unknown subspecies)", rank = "species", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), # CoNS MOs %>% filter(genus == "Staphylococcus", species == "") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(mo, "CNS", sep = "_"), rank = "species", col_id = NA_integer_, species = "coagulase-negative", fullname = "Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS)", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), # CoPS MOs %>% filter(genus == "Staphylococcus", species == "") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(mo, "CPS", sep = "_"), rank = "species", col_id = NA_integer_, species = "coagulase-positive", fullname = "Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (CoPS)", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), # Streptococci groups A, B, C, F, H, K MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "pyogenes") %>% .[1,] %>% # we can keep all other details, since S. pyogenes is the only member of group A mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRA", sep = "_"), species = "group A" , fullname = "Streptococcus group A"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% # we can keep all other details, since S. agalactiae is the only member of group B mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRB", sep = "_"), species = "group B" , fullname = "Streptococcus group B"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "dysgalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRC", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "group C" , fullname = "Streptococcus group C", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRD", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "group D" , fullname = "Streptococcus group D", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRF", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "group F" , fullname = "Streptococcus group F", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRG", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "group G" , fullname = "Streptococcus group G", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRH", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "group H" , fullname = "Streptococcus group H", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "GRK", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "group K" , fullname = "Streptococcus group K", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added"), # Beta-haemolytic Streptococci MOs %>% filter(genus == "Streptococcus", species == "agalactiae") %>% .[1,] %>% mutate(mo = paste(MOs[MOs$fullname == "Streptococcus",]$mo, "HAE", sep = "_"), col_id = NA_integer_, species = "beta-haemolytic" , fullname = "Beta-haemolytic Streptococcus", ref = NA_character_, species_id = "", source = "manually added") ) # everything distinct? sum(duplicated(MOs$mo)) colnames(MOs) # set prevalence per species MOs <- MOs %>% mutate(prevalence = case_when( class == "Gammaproteobacteria" | genus %in% c("Enterococcus", "Staphylococcus", "Streptococcus") | mo %in% c("UNKNOWN", "B_GRAMN", "B_GRAMP") ~ 1, phylum %in% c("Proteobacteria", "Firmicutes", "Actinobacteria", "Sarcomastigophora") | genus %in% c("Aspergillus", "Bacteroides", "Candida", "Capnocytophaga", "Chryseobacterium", "Cryptococcus", "Elisabethkingia", "Flavobacterium", "Fusobacterium", "Giardia", "Leptotrichia", "Mycoplasma", "Prevotella", "Rhodotorula", "Treponema", "Trichophyton", "Trichomonas", "Ureaplasma") | rank %in% c("kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family") ~ 2, TRUE ~ 3 )) # arrange MOs <- MOs %>% arrange(fullname) # transform MOs <- as.data.frame(MOs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) MOs.old <- as.data.frame(MOs.old, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) class(MOs$mo) <- "mo" MOs$col_id <- as.integer(MOs$col_id) # get differences in MO codes between this data and the package version MO_diff <- AMR::microorganisms %>% mutate(pastedtext = paste(mo, fullname)) %>% filter(!pastedtext %in% (MOs %>% mutate(pastedtext = paste(mo, fullname)) %>% pull(pastedtext))) %>% select(mo_old = mo, fullname, pastedtext) %>% left_join(MOs %>% transmute(mo_new = mo, fullname_new = fullname, pastedtext = paste(mo, fullname)), "pastedtext") %>% select(mo_old, mo_new, fullname_new) mo_diff2 <- AMR::microorganisms %>% select(mo, fullname) %>% left_join(MOs %>% select(mo, fullname), by = "fullname", suffix = c("_old", "_new")) %>% filter(mo_old != mo_new, #!mo_new %in% mo_old, !mo_old %like% "\\[") mo_diff3 <- tibble(previous_old = names(AMR:::make_trans_tbl()), previous_new = AMR:::make_trans_tbl()) %>% left_join(AMR::microorganisms %>% select(mo, fullname), by = c(previous_new = "mo")) %>% left_join(MOs %>% select(mo_new = mo, fullname), by = "fullname") # what did we win most? MOs %>% filter(!fullname %in% AMR::microorganisms$fullname) %>% freq(genus) # what did we lose most? AMR::microorganisms %>% filter(kingdom != "Chromista" & !fullname %in% MOs$fullname & !fullname %in% MOs.old$fullname) %>% freq(genus) # save saveRDS(MOs, "microorganisms.rds") saveRDS(MOs.old, "microorganisms.old.rds") # on the server, do: usethis::use_data(microorganisms, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2) usethis::use_data(microorganisms.old, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2) rm(microorganisms) rm(microorganisms.old) # and update the year in R/data.R