context("freq.R") test_that("frequency table works", { library(dplyr) expect_equal(nrow(freq(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5))), 5) expect_equal(nrow(frequency_tbl(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5))), 5) # date column of septic_patients should contain 1151 unique dates expect_equal(nrow(freq(septic_patients$date)), 1151) expect_equal(nrow(freq(septic_patients$date)), length(unique(septic_patients$date))) expect_output(print(septic_patients %>% freq(age, nmax = Inf))) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, nmax = Inf))) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, nmax = NA))) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, nmax = NULL))) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, sort.count = FALSE))) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, markdown = TRUE))) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, markdown = TRUE), markdown = FALSE)) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age, markdown = TRUE), markdown = TRUE)) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age[0]))) # character expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$mo))) # integer expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age))) # date expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$date))) # factor expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$hospital_id))) # table expect_output(print(freq(table(septic_patients$sex, septic_patients$age)))) # rsi expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$amcl))) # hms expect_output(suppressWarnings(print(freq(hms::as.hms(sample(c(0:86399), 50)))))) # matrix expect_output(print(freq(as.matrix(septic_patients$age)))) expect_output(print(freq(as.matrix(septic_patients[, c("age", "sex")])))) # list expect_output(print(freq(list(age = septic_patients$age)))) expect_output(print(freq(list(age = septic_patients$age, sex = septic_patients$sex)))) library(dplyr) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:2) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:3) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:4) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:5) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:6) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:7) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:8) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(septic_patients %>% select(1:9) %>% freq() %>% print()) expect_output(print(freq(septic_patients$age), nmax = 20)) # top 5 expect_equal( septic_patients %>% freq(mo) %>% top_freq(5) %>% length(), 5) # there're more than 5 lowest values expect_gt( septic_patients %>% freq(mo) %>% top_freq(-5) %>% length(), 5) # n has length > 1 expect_error( septic_patients %>% freq(mo) %>% top_freq(n = c(1, 2)) ) # input must be freq tbl expect_error(septic_patients %>% top_freq(1)) # charts from plot and hist, should not raise errors plot(freq(septic_patients, age)) hist(freq(septic_patients, age)) # check vector expect_identical(septic_patients %>% freq(age) %>% as.vector() %>% sort(), septic_patients %>% pull(age) %>% sort()) # check format expect_identical(septic_patients %>% freq(age) %>% format() %>% apply(2, class) %>% unname(), rep("character", 5)) # check tibble expect_identical(septic_patients %>% freq(age) %>% as_tibble() %>% class() %>% .[1], "tbl_df") expect_error(septic_patients %>% freq(nonexisting)) expect_error(septic_patients %>% select(1:10) %>% freq()) expect_error(septic_patients %>% freq(peni, oxac, clox, amox, amcl, ampi, pita, czol, cfep, cfur)) })