# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Data Analysis for R # # # # SOURCE # # https://github.com/msberends/AMR # # # # LICENCE # # (c) 2018-2022 Berends MS, Luz CF et al. # # Developed at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in # # collaboration with non-profit organisations Certe Medical # # Diagnostics & Advice, and University Medical Center Groningen. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # # # Visit our website for the full manual and a complete tutorial about # # how to conduct AMR data analysis: https://msberends.github.io/AMR/ # # ==================================================================== # # Go to https://lpsn.dsmz.de/downloads (register first) and download the latest CSV file. file_location <- "data-raw/taxonomy.csv" library(tidyverse) library(AMR) # these should still work after this update test_fullname <- microorganisms$fullname test_mo <- microorganisms$mo # Helper functions -------------------------------------------------------- get_author_year <- function(ref) { # Only keep first author, e.g. transform 'Smith, Jones, 2011' to 'Smith et al., 2011' authors2 <- iconv(ref, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT") authors2 <- gsub(" ?\\(Approved Lists [0-9]+\\) ?", " () ", authors2) authors2 <- gsub(" [)(]+ $", "", authors2) # remove leading and trailing brackets authors2 <- trimws(gsub("^[(](.*)[)]$", "\\1", authors2)) # only take part after brackets if there's a name authors2 <- ifelse(grepl(".*[)] [a-zA-Z]+.*", authors2), gsub(".*[)] (.*)", "\\1", authors2), authors2) # get year from last 4 digits lastyear = as.integer(gsub(".*([0-9]{4})$", "\\1", authors2)) # can never be later than now lastyear = ifelse(lastyear > as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")), NA, lastyear) # get authors without last year authors <- gsub("(.*)[0-9]{4}$", "\\1", authors2) # remove nonsense characters from names authors <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z,'& -]", "", authors) # remove trailing and leading spaces authors <- trimws(authors) # only keep first author and replace all others by 'et al' authors <- gsub("(,| and| et| &| ex| emend\\.?) .*", " et al.", authors) # et al. always with ending dot authors <- gsub(" et al\\.?", " et al.", authors) authors <- gsub(" ?,$", "", authors) # don't start with 'sensu' or 'ehrenb' authors <- gsub("^(sensu|Ehrenb.?) ", "", authors, ignore.case = TRUE) # no initials, only surname authors <- gsub("^([A-Z]+ )+", "", authors, ignore.case = FALSE) # combine author and year if year is available ref <- ifelse(!is.na(lastyear), paste0(authors, ", ", lastyear), authors) # fix beginning and ending ref <- gsub(", $", "", ref) ref <- gsub("^, ", "", ref) ref <- gsub("^(emend|et al.,?)", "", ref) ref <- trimws(ref) ref <- gsub("'", "", ref) # a lot start with a lowercase character - fix that ref[!grepl("^d[A-Z]", ref)] <- gsub("^([a-z])", "\\U\\1", ref[!grepl("^d[A-Z]", ref)], perl = TRUE) # specific one for the French that are named dOrbigny ref[grepl("^d[A-Z]", ref)] <- gsub("^d", "d'", ref[grepl("^d[A-Z]", ref)]) ref <- gsub(" +", " ", ref) ref } df_remove_nonASCII <- function(df) { # Remove non-ASCII characters (these are not allowed by CRAN) df %>% mutate_if(is.character, iconv, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT") %>% # also remove invalid characters mutate_if(is.character, ~gsub("[\"'`]+", "", .)) %>% AMR:::dataset_UTF8_to_ASCII() } abbreviate_mo <- function(x, minlength = 5, prefix = "", ...) { # keep a starting Latin ae suppressWarnings( gsub("^ae", "\u00E6\u00E6", x, ignore.case = TRUE) %>% abbreviate(minlength = minlength, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", ...) %>% paste0(prefix, .) %>% toupper() %>% gsub("(\u00C6|\u00E6)+", "AE", .) ) } # Read data --------------------------------------------------------------- taxonomy <- read_csv(file_location) # Create synonyms --------------------------------------------------------- new_synonyms <- taxonomy %>% left_join(taxonomy, by = c("record_lnk" = "record_no"), suffix = c("", ".new")) %>% filter(!is.na(record_lnk)) %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(is.na(.), "", .)) %>% transmute(fullname = trimws(paste(genus_name, sp_epithet, subsp_epithet)), fullname_new = trimws(paste(genus_name.new, sp_epithet.new, subsp_epithet.new)), ref = get_author_year(authors), prevalence = 0) %>% distinct(fullname, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% filter(fullname != fullname_new) %>% # this part joins this table to itself to correct for entries that had >1 renames, # such as: # Bacteroides tectum -> Bacteroides tectus -> Bacteroides pyogenes left_join(., ., by = c("fullname_new" = "fullname"), suffix = c("", ".2")) %>% mutate(fullname_new = ifelse(!is.na(fullname_new.2), fullname_new.2, fullname_new), ref = ifelse(!is.na(ref.2), ref.2, ref)) %>% select(-ends_with(".2")) mo_became_synonym <- microorganisms %>% filter(fullname %in% new_synonyms$fullname) updated_microorganisms <- taxonomy %>% filter(is.na(record_lnk)) %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(is.na(.), "", .)) %>% transmute(mo = "", fullname = trimws(paste(genus_name, sp_epithet, subsp_epithet)), kingdom = "Bacteria", phylum = "", class = "", order = "", family = "", genus = trimws(genus_name), species = trimws(replace_na(sp_epithet, "")), subspecies = trimws(replace_na(subsp_epithet, "")), rank = case_when(subspecies == "" & species == "" ~ "genus", subspecies == "" ~ "species", TRUE ~ "subsp."), ref = get_author_year(authors), species_id = as.character(record_no), source = "LPSN", prevalence = 0, snomed = NA) new_microorganisms <- updated_microorganisms %>% filter(!fullname %in% microorganisms$fullname) genera_with_mo_code <- updated_microorganisms %>% filter(genus %in% (microorganisms %>% filter(kingdom == "Bacteria", rank == "genus") %>% pull(genus))) %>% distinct(genus) %>% left_join(microorganisms %>% filter(kingdom == "Bacteria", rank == "genus") %>% select(mo, genus), by = "genus") genera_without_mo_code <- updated_microorganisms %>% filter(!genus %in% genera_with_mo_code$genus) %>% pull(genus) %>% unique() genera_without_mo_code_abbr <- genera_without_mo_code %>% abbreviate_mo(5, prefix = "B_") genera_without_mo_code_abbr[genera_without_mo_code_abbr %in% microorganisms$mo] <- abbreviate_mo(genera_without_mo_code[genera_without_mo_code_abbr %in% microorganisms$mo], 6, prefix = "B_") genera_without_mo_code_abbr[genera_without_mo_code_abbr %in% microorganisms$mo] <- abbreviate_mo(genera_without_mo_code[genera_without_mo_code_abbr %in% microorganisms$mo], 7, prefix = "B_") # all unique?? sum(genera_without_mo_code_abbr %in% microorganisms$mo) == 0 genus_abb <- tibble(genus = genera_without_mo_code, abbr = genera_without_mo_code_abbr) %>% bind_rows(microorganisms %>% filter(kingdom == "Bacteria", rank == "genus", !genus %in% genera_without_mo_code) %>% transmute(genus, abbr = as.character(mo))) %>% arrange(genus) # Update taxonomy --------------------------------------------------------- # fill in the taxonomy of new genera updated_taxonomy <- tibble(phylum = character(0), class = character(0), order = character(0), family = character(0), genus = character(0)) for (page in LETTERS) { message("Downloading page ", page, "... ", appendLF = FALSE) url <- paste0("https://lpsn.dsmz.de/genus?page=", page) x <- xml2::read_html(url) %>% rvest::html_node(".main-list") %>% # evety list element with a set attribute rvest::html_nodes("li[id]") for (i in seq_len(length(x))) { txt <- x %>% magrittr::extract2(i) %>% rvest::html_text() %>% gsub("\\[[A-Za-z]+, no [a-z]+\\]", "NA", .) %>% gsub("Candidatus ", "", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("[ \t\r\n\"]+", "|", .) %>% gsub("\\|ShowHide.*", "", .) %>% gsub("[\\[\\]]", "", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("^\\|", "", .) %>% strsplit("|", fixed = TRUE) %>% unlist() txt[txt == "NA"] <- "" txt <- gsub("[^A-Za-z]+", "", txt) updated_taxonomy <- updated_taxonomy %>% bind_rows(tibble(phylum = txt[2], class = txt[3], order = txt[4], family = txt[5], genus = txt[6])) } message(length(x), " entries (total ", nrow(updated_taxonomy), ")") } # Create new microorganisms ----------------------------------------------- new_microorganisms <- new_microorganisms %>% left_join(genus_abb, by = "genus") %>% group_by(genus) %>% mutate(species_abb = abbreviate_mo(species, 4)) %>% group_by(genus, species) %>% mutate(subspecies_abb = abbreviate_mo(subspecies, 4)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(mo = paste(abbr, species_abb, subspecies_abb, sep = "_"), mo = gsub("_+$", "", mo)) %>% select(-matches("abb")) # add taxonomy new microorganisms MOs <- microorganisms %>% mutate(mo = as.character(mo)) %>% bind_rows(new_microorganisms) %>% arrange(fullname) # unique MO codes MOs$mo[which(duplicated(MOs$mo))] <- paste0(MOs$mo[which(duplicated(MOs$mo))], 1) # all unique? !any(duplicated(MOs$mo)) MOs <- MOs %>% # remove entries that are now a synonym filter(!fullname %in% new_synonyms$fullname) %>% # update the taxonomy left_join(updated_taxonomy, by = "genus", suffix = c("", ".new")) %>% mutate(phylum = ifelse(!is.na(phylum.new), phylum.new, phylum), class = ifelse(!is.na(class.new), class.new, class), order = ifelse(!is.na(order.new), order.new, order), family = ifelse(!is.na(family.new), family.new, family)) %>% select(-ends_with(".new")) %>% # update prevalence based on taxonomy (Berends et al., 2021) mutate(prevalence = case_when( class == "Gammaproteobacteria" | genus %in% c("Enterococcus", "Staphylococcus", "Streptococcus") ~ 1, kingdom %in% c("Archaea", "Bacteria", "Chromista", "Fungi") & (phylum %in% c("Proteobacteria", "Firmicutes", "Actinobacteria", "Sarcomastigophora") | genus %in% c("Absidia", "Acholeplasma", "Acremonium", "Actinotignum", "Aedes", "Alistipes", "Alloprevotella", "Alternaria", "Anaerosalibacter", "Ancylostoma", "Angiostrongylus", "Anisakis", "Anopheles", "Apophysomyces", "Arachnia", "Ascaris", "Aspergillus", "Aureobacterium", "Aureobasidium", "Bacteroides", "Balantidum", "Basidiobolus", "Beauveria", "Bergeyella", "Bilophilia", "Blastocystis", "Borrelia", "Brachyspira", "Branhamella", "Brochontrix", "Brugia", "Butyricimonas", "Calymmatobacterium", "Candida", "Capillaria", "Capnocytophaga", "Catabacter", "Cdc", "Cetobacterium", "Chaetomium", "Chilomastix", "Chlamydia", "Chlamydophila", "Chryseobacterium", "Chryseomonas", "Chrysonilia", "Cladophialophora", "Cladosporium", "Clonorchis", "Conidiobolus", "Contracaecum", "Cordylobia", "Cryptococcus", "Curvularia", "Deinococcus", "Demodex", "Dermatobia", "Dicrocoelium", "Dioctophyma", "Diphyllobothrium", "Dipylidium", "Dirofilaria", "Dracunculus", "Dysgonomonas", "Echinococcus", "Echinostoma", "Elisabethkingia", "Elizabethkingia", "Empedobacter", "Enterobius", "Enteromonas", "Euascomycetes", "Exophiala", "Exserohilum", "Fasciola", "Fasciolopsis", "Flavobacterium", "Fonsecaea", "Fusarium", "Fusobacterium", "Giardia", "Gnathostoma", "Haloarcula", "Halobacterium", "Halococcus", "Hendersonula", "Heterophyes", "Hymenolepis", "Hypomyces", "Hysterothylacium", "Kloeckera", "Koserella", "Larva", "Lecythophora", "Leishmania", "Lelliottia", "Leptomyxida", "Leptosphaeria", "Leptotrichia", "Loa", "Lucilia", "Lumbricus", "Malassezia", "Malbranchea", "Mansonella", "Mesocestoides", "Metagonimus", "Metarrhizium", "Molonomonas", "Mortierella", "Mucor", "Multiceps", "Mycocentrospora", "Mycoplasma", "Myroides", "Nanophetus", "Nattrassia", "Necator", "Nectria", "Novospingobium", "Ochroconis", "Odoribacter", "Oesophagostomum", "Oidiodendron", "Onchocerca", "Opisthorchis", "Opistorchis", "Ornithobacterium", "Parabacteroides", "Paragonimus", "Paramyxovirus", "Pediculus", "Pedobacter", "Phlebotomus", "Phocaeicola", "Phocanema", "Phoma", "Phthirus", "Piedraia", "Pithomyces", "Pityrosporum", "Porphyromonas", "Prevotella", "Pseudallescheria", "Pseudoterranova", "Pulex", "Retortamonas", "Rhizomucor", "Rhizopus", "Rhodotorula", "Riemerella", "Salinococcus", "Sanguibacteroides", "Sarcophagidae", "Sarcoptes", "Schistosoma", "Scolecobasidium", "Scopulariopsis", "Scytalidium", "Sphingobacterium", "Spirometra", "Sporobolomyces", "Stachybotrys", "Stenotrophomononas", "Stomatococcus", "Streptobacillus", "Strongyloides", "Syncephalastraceae", "Syngamus", "Taenia", "Tenacibaculum", "Ternidens", "Terrimonas", "Torulopsis", "Toxocara", "Toxoplasma", "Treponema", "Trichinella", "Trichobilharzia", "Trichoderma", "Trichomonas", "Trichophyton", "Trichosporon", "Trichostrongylus", "Trichuris", "Tritirachium", "Trombicula", "Trypanosoma", "Tunga", "Ureaplasma", "Victivallis", "Wautersiella", "Weeksella", "Wuchereria") | rank %in% c("kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family")) ~ 2, TRUE ~ 3 )) # add all mssing genera, families and orders MOs <- MOs %>% bind_rows( MOs %>% arrange(genus, species) %>% distinct(genus, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% filter(rank == "species", source != "manually added") %>% mutate(mo = gsub("^([A-Z]_[A-Z]+)_.*", "\\1", mo), fullname = genus, species = "", subspecies = "", rank = "genus", species_id = "", snomed = NA, ref = NA_character_), MOs %>% group_by(family) %>% filter(!any(rank == "family") & n() > 1) %>% ungroup() %>% arrange(family) %>% distinct(family, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% filter(!family %in% c("", NA), source != "manually added") %>% mutate(mo = paste0(substr(kingdom, 1, 1), "_[FAM]_", abbreviate(family, minlength = 8, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)), mo = toupper(mo), fullname = family, genus = "", species = "", subspecies = "", rank = "family", species_id = "", snomed = NA, ref = NA_character_), MOs %>% group_by(order) %>% filter(!any(rank == "order") & n() > 1) %>% ungroup() %>% arrange(order) %>% distinct(order, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% filter(!order %in% c("", NA), source != "manually added") %>% mutate(mo = paste0(substr(kingdom, 1, 1), "_[ORD]_", abbreviate(order, minlength = 8, use.classes = TRUE, method = "both.sides", strict = FALSE)), mo = toupper(mo), fullname = order, family = "", genus = "", species = "", subspecies = "", rank = "order", species_id = "", snomed = NA, ref = NA_character_) ) %>% arrange(fullname) # clean up MOs <- MOs %>% df_remove_nonASCII() # Add LPSN record IDs ----------------------------------------------------- records_ids <- taxonomy %>% mutate(across(1:3, function(x) { x[is.na(x)] <- ""; x}), fullname = trimws(paste(genus_name, sp_epithet, subsp_epithet))) %>% transmute(fullname, species_id = as.numeric(record_no)) %>% arrange(fullname, species_id) %>% distinct(fullname, .keep_all = TRUE) message("Adding ", sum(records_ids$fullname %in% microorganisms$fullname), " LPSN record IDs") MOs <- MOs %>% select(-species_id) %>% left_join(records_ids, by = "fullname") %>% relocate(species_id, .after = ref) %>% mutate(source = case_when(!is.na(species_id) ~ "LPSN", source %unlike% "manual" ~ "CoL", TRUE ~ source)) # Merge synonyms ---------------------------------------------------------- # remove synonyms that are now valid names MOs.old <- microorganisms.old %>% # add new synonyms bind_rows(new_synonyms) %>% filter(!fullname %in% MOs$fullname) %>% arrange(fullname) %>% distinct(fullname, fullname_new, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% # add prevalence to old taxonomic names select(-prevalence) %>% left_join(MOs %>% select(fullname, prevalence), by = c("fullname_new" = "fullname")) %>% # clean up df_remove_nonASCII() message("microorganisms new: ", sum(!MOs$fullname %in% c(microorganisms$fullname, MOs.old$fullname))) message("microorganisms renamed: ", sum(!MOs.old$fullname %in% microorganisms.old$fullname)) # Save -------------------------------------------------------------------- # class class(MOs$mo) <- c("mo", "character") microorganisms <- MOs microorganisms.old <- MOs.old # --- Moraxella catarrhalis was named Branhamella catarrhalis (Catlin, 1970), but this is unaccepted in clinical microbiology # we keep them both microorganisms <- microorganisms %>% bind_rows(microorganisms %>% filter(fullname == "Branhamella catarrhalis") %>% mutate(mo = "B_MRXLL_CTRR", fullname = "Moraxella catarrhalis", genus = "Moraxella", ref = "Henriksen et al., 1968", species_id = "a374f6f0868e05f9c0f5077b60ee0a6c", snomed = as.list(24226003))) %>% arrange(fullname) %>% df_remove_nonASCII() microorganisms.old <- microorganisms.old %>% filter(fullname != "Moraxella catarrhalis") # --- # (this would be a great moment to run data-raw/snomed.R as well) # on the server, do: usethis::use_data(microorganisms, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2, compress = "xz") usethis::use_data(microorganisms.old, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2, compress = "xz") rm(microorganisms) rm(microorganisms.old) # DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE R/globals.R! # load new data sets devtools::load_all(".") # reset previously changed mo codes rsi_translation$mo <- as.mo(rsi_translation$mo, language = NULL) usethis::use_data(rsi_translation, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2, compress = "xz") rm(rsi_translation) microorganisms.codes$mo <- as.mo(microorganisms.codes$mo, language = NULL) # new NAs introduced? any(is.na(microorganisms.codes$mo)) usethis::use_data(microorganisms.codes, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2, compress = "xz") rm(microorganisms.codes) example_isolates$mo <- as.mo(example_isolates$mo, language = NULL) usethis::use_data(example_isolates, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2) rm(example_isolates) intrinsic_resistant$microorganism <- suppressMessages(mo_name(intrinsic_resistant$microorganism)) usethis::use_data(intrinsic_resistant, overwrite = TRUE, version = 2) rm(intrinsic_resistant) # load new data sets again devtools::load_all(".") source("data-raw/_internals.R") devtools::load_all(".") # Test updates ------------------------------------------------------------ # and check: these codes should not be missing (will otherwise throw a unit test error): AMR::microorganisms.codes %>% filter(!mo %in% MOs$mo) AMR::rsi_translation %>% filter(!mo %in% MOs$mo) AMR:::microorganisms.translation %>% filter(!mo_new %in% MOs$mo) AMR::example_isolates %>% filter(!mo %in% MOs$mo) # Don't forget to add SNOMED codes! (data-raw/snomed.R) # run the unit tests Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "true") testthat::test_file("tests/testthat/test-data.R") testthat::test_file("tests/testthat/test-mo.R") testthat::test_file("tests/testthat/test-mo_property.R")