--- title: "AMR Goes Vet" author: "Jason, Matthew, Javier, Matthijs" date: "2024-02-20" format: html: embed-resources: true --- ## Import WHONET data set ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(dplyr) library(readr) library(tidyr) # WHONET version of 16th Feb 2024 whonet_breakpoints <- read_tsv("WHONET/Resources/Breakpoints.txt", na = c("", "NA", "-"), show_col_types = FALSE, guess_max = Inf) %>% filter(GUIDELINES %in% c("CLSI", "EUCAST")) dim(whonet_breakpoints) ``` # EDA of Animal Breakpoints ```{r} whonet_breakpoints |> filter(BREAKPOINT_TYPE != "Human") whonet_breakpoints |> filter(BREAKPOINT_TYPE != "Human") |> count(BREAKPOINT_TYPE) whonet_breakpoints |> filter(BREAKPOINT_TYPE == "Animal") ``` ### Count of all animal breakpoints ```{r} whonet_breakpoints |> filter(BREAKPOINT_TYPE == "Animal") |> count(YEAR, HOST, REFERENCE_TABLE = gsub("VET[0-9]+ ", "", REFERENCE_TABLE)) |> pivot_wider(names_from = YEAR, values_from = n, values_fill = list(n = 0)) |> arrange(HOST, REFERENCE_TABLE) ``` ### Cats only ```{r} whonet_breakpoints |> filter(HOST == "Cats", YEAR >= 2021) |> select(GUIDELINES, YEAR, TEST_METHOD, ORGANISM_CODE, R, S) |> mutate(MO_NAME = AMR::mo_shortname(ORGANISM_CODE), .before = R) |> as.data.frame() ``` ### Site of infection in cats (2023) ```{r} whonet_breakpoints |> filter(HOST == "Cats", YEAR == 2023) |> mutate(MO = AMR::mo_shortname(ORGANISM_CODE), AB = AMR::ab_name(WHONET_ABX_CODE), SITE_OF_INFECTION = substr(SITE_OF_INFECTION, 1, 25)) |> arrange(MO, AB) |> select(MO, AB, SITE_OF_INFECTION) |> as.data.frame() ```