% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/zz_deprecated.R \docType{data} \name{AMR-deprecated} \alias{AMR-deprecated} \alias{NA_rsi_} \alias{as.rsi} \alias{facet_rsi} \alias{geom_rsi} \alias{ggplot_rsi} \alias{ggplot_rsi_predict} \alias{is.rsi} \alias{is.rsi.eligible} \alias{labels_rsi_count} \alias{n_rsi} \alias{random_rsi} \alias{rsi_df} \alias{rsi_predict} \alias{scale_rsi_colours} \alias{theme_rsi} \title{Deprecated Functions} \format{ An object of class \code{rsi} (inherits from \code{ordered}, \code{factor}) of length 1. } \usage{ NA_rsi_ as.rsi(x, ...) facet_rsi(...) geom_rsi(...) ggplot_rsi(...) ggplot_rsi_predict(...) is.rsi(x, ...) is.rsi.eligible(...) labels_rsi_count(...) n_rsi(...) random_rsi(...) rsi_df(...) rsi_predict(...) scale_rsi_colours(...) theme_rsi(...) } \description{ These functions are so-called '\link{Deprecated}'. \strong{They will be removed in a future release.} Using the functions will give a warning with the name of the function it has been replaced by (if there is one). } \keyword{internal}