% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/custom_antimicrobials.R \name{add_custom_antimicrobials} \alias{add_custom_antimicrobials} \alias{clear_custom_antimicrobials} \title{Add Custom Antimicrobials} \usage{ add_custom_antimicrobials(x) clear_custom_antimicrobials() } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \link{data.frame} resembling the \link{antibiotics} data set, at least containing columns "ab" and "name"} } \description{ With \code{\link[=add_custom_antimicrobials]{add_custom_antimicrobials()}} you can add your own custom antimicrobial drug names and codes. } \details{ \strong{Important:} Due to how \R works, the \code{\link[=add_custom_antimicrobials]{add_custom_antimicrobials()}} function has to be run in every \R session - added antimicrobials are not stored between sessions and are thus lost when \R is exited. There are two ways to automate this process: \strong{Method 1:} Save the antimicrobials to a local or remote file (can even be the internet). To use this method: \enumerate{ \item Create a data set in the structure of the \link{antibiotics} data set (containing at the very least columns "ab" and "name") and save it with \code{\link[=saveRDS]{saveRDS()}} to a location of choice, e.g. \code{"~/my_custom_ab.rds"}, or any remote location. \item Set the file location to the \code{AMR_custom_ab} \R option: \code{options(AMR_custom_ab = "~/my_custom_ab.rds")}. This can even be a remote file location, such as an https URL. Since options are not saved between \R sessions, it is best to save this option to the \code{.Rprofile} file so that it will loaded on start-up of \R. To do this, open the \code{.Rprofile} file using e.g. \code{utils::file.edit("~/.Rprofile")}, add this text and save the file: \if{html}{\out{<div class="sourceCode r">}}\preformatted{# Add custom antibiotic drug codes: options(AMR_custom_ab = "~/my_custom_ab.rds") }\if{html}{\out{</div>}} Upon package load, this file will be loaded and run through the \code{\link[=add_custom_antimicrobials]{add_custom_antimicrobials()}} function. } \strong{Method 2:} Save the antimicrobial additions directly to your \code{.Rprofile} file. An important downside is that this requires to load the \code{AMR} package at every start-up. To use this method: \enumerate{ \item Edit the \code{.Rprofile} file using e.g. \code{utils::file.edit("~/.Rprofile")}. \item Add a text like below and save the file: \if{html}{\out{<div class="sourceCode r">}}\preformatted{ # Add custom antibiotic drug codes: library(AMR) add_custom_antimicrobials( data.frame(ab = "TESTAB", name = "Test Antibiotic", group = "Test Group") ) }\if{html}{\out{</div>}} } Use \code{\link[=clear_custom_antimicrobials]{clear_custom_antimicrobials()}} to clear the previously added antimicrobials. } \examples{ \donttest{ # returns NA and throws a warning (which is suppressed here): suppressWarnings( as.ab("testab") ) # now add a custom entry - it will be considered by as.ab() and # all ab_*() functions add_custom_antimicrobials( data.frame( ab = "TESTAB", name = "Test Antibiotic", # you can add any property present in the # 'antibiotics' data set, such as 'group': group = "Test Group" ) ) # "testab" is now a new antibiotic: as.ab("testab") ab_name("testab") ab_group("testab") ab_info("testab") # Add Co-fluampicil, which is one of the many J01CR50 codes, see # https://www.whocc.no/ddd/list_of_ddds_combined_products/ add_custom_antimicrobials( data.frame( ab = "COFLU", name = "Co-fluampicil", atc = "J01CR50", group = "Beta-lactams/penicillins" ) ) ab_atc("Co-fluampicil") ab_name("J01CR50") # even antibiotic selectors work x <- data.frame( random_column = "some value", coflu = as.sir("S"), ampicillin = as.sir("R") ) x x[, betalactams()] } } \seealso{ \code{\link[=add_custom_microorganisms]{add_custom_microorganisms()}} to add custom microorganisms. }