# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis # # # # SOURCE # # https://github.com/msberends/AMR # # # # LICENCE # # (c) 2018-2020 Berends MS, Luz CF et al. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # Visit our website for more info: https://msberends.github.io/AMR. # # ==================================================================== # .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { assign(x = "MO_lookup", value = create_MO_lookup(), envir = asNamespace("AMR")) assign(x = "MO.old_lookup", value = create_MO.old_lookup(), envir = asNamespace("AMR")) assign(x = "LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED", value = sort(c("en", unique(AMR:::translations_file$lang))), envir = asNamespace("AMR")) # support for tibble headers (type_sum) and tibble columns content (pillar_shaft) # without the need to depend on other packages s3_register("pillar::pillar_shaft", "ab") s3_register("tibble::type_sum", "ab") s3_register("pillar::pillar_shaft", "mo") s3_register("tibble::type_sum", "mo") s3_register("pillar::pillar_shaft", "rsi") s3_register("tibble::type_sum", "rsi") s3_register("pillar::pillar_shaft", "mic") s3_register("tibble::type_sum", "mic") s3_register("pillar::pillar_shaft", "disk") s3_register("tibble::type_sum", "disk") # support for frequency tables s3_register("cleaner::freq", "mo") s3_register("cleaner::freq", "rsi") } .onAttach <- function(...) { if (!interactive() || stats::runif(1) > 0.1 || isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("AMR_silentstart", FALSE)))) { return() } packageStartupMessage("Thank you for using the AMR package! ", "If you have a minute, please anonymously fill in this short questionnaire to improve the package and its functionalities:", "\nhttps://msberends.github.io/AMR/survey.html", "\n[ prevent his notice with suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(AMR)) or use Sys.setenv(AMR_silentstart = TRUE) ]") } create_MO_lookup <- function() { MO_lookup <- AMR::microorganisms MO_lookup$kingdom_index <- 99 MO_lookup[which(MO_lookup$kingdom == "Bacteria" | MO_lookup$mo == "UNKNOWN"), "kingdom_index"] <- 1 MO_lookup[which(MO_lookup$kingdom == "Fungi"), "kingdom_index"] <- 2 MO_lookup[which(MO_lookup$kingdom == "Protozoa"), "kingdom_index"] <- 3 MO_lookup[which(MO_lookup$kingdom == "Archaea"), "kingdom_index"] <- 4 # use this paste instead of `fullname` to work with Viridans Group Streptococci, etc. MO_lookup$fullname_lower <- tolower(trimws(paste(MO_lookup$genus, MO_lookup$species, MO_lookup$subspecies))) ind <- MO_lookup$genus == "" | grepl("^[(]unknown ", MO_lookup$fullname) MO_lookup[ind, "fullname_lower"] <- tolower(MO_lookup[ind, "fullname"]) MO_lookup$fullname_lower <- trimws(gsub("[^.a-z0-9/ \\-]+", "", MO_lookup$fullname_lower)) # add a column with only "e coli" like combinations MO_lookup$g_species <- gsub("^([a-z])[a-z]+ ([a-z]+) ?.*", "\\1 \\2", MO_lookup$fullname_lower) # so arrange data on prevalence first, then kingdom, then full name MO_lookup[order(MO_lookup$prevalence, MO_lookup$kingdom_index, MO_lookup$fullname_lower), ] } create_MO.old_lookup <- function() { MO.old_lookup <- AMR::microorganisms.old MO.old_lookup$fullname_lower <- trimws(gsub("[^.a-z0-9/ \\-]+", "", tolower(trimws(MO.old_lookup$fullname)))) # add a column with only "e coli"-like combinations MO.old_lookup$g_species <- trimws(gsub("^([a-z])[a-z]+ ([a-z]+) ?.*", "\\1 \\2", MO.old_lookup$fullname_lower)) # so arrange data on prevalence first, then full name MO.old_lookup[order(MO.old_lookup$prevalence, MO.old_lookup$fullname_lower), ] }