% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/rsi_analysis.R \name{rsi_df} \alias{rsi_df} \title{Resistance of isolates in data.frame} \usage{ rsi_df(tbl, antibiotics, interpretation = "IR", minimum = 30, percent = FALSE, info = TRUE, warning = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{tbl}{\code{data.frame} containing columns with antibiotic interpretations.} \item{antibiotics}{character vector with 1, 2 or 3 antibiotics that occur as column names in \code{tbl}, like \code{antibiotics = c("amox", "amcl")}} \item{interpretation}{antimicrobial interpretation of which the portion must be calculated. Valid values are \code{"S"}, \code{"SI"}, \code{"I"}, \code{"IR"} or \code{"R"}.} \item{minimum}{minimal amount of available isolates. Any number lower than \code{minimum} will return \code{NA} with a warning (when \code{warning = TRUE}).} \item{percent}{return output as percent (text), will else (at default) be a double} \item{info}{calculate the amount of available isolates and print it, like \code{n = 423}} \item{warning}{show a warning when the available amount of isolates is below \code{minimum}} } \value{ Double or, when \code{percent = TRUE}, a character. } \description{ \strong{NOTE: use \code{\link{rsi}} in dplyr functions like \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}}.} \cr Calculate the percentage of S, SI, I, IR or R of a \code{data.frame} containing isolates. } \details{ Remember that you should filter your table to let it contain \strong{only first isolates}! } \examples{ \dontrun{ rsi_df(tbl_with_bloodcultures, 'amcl') rsi_df(tbl_with_bloodcultures, c('amcl', 'gent'), interpretation = 'IR') library(dplyr) # calculate current empiric therapy of Helicobacter gastritis: my_table \%>\% filter(first_isolate == TRUE, genus == "Helicobacter") \%>\% rsi_df(antibiotics = c("amox", "metr")) } } \seealso{ \code{\link{rsi}} for the function that can be used with \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}} directly. } \keyword{antibiotics} \keyword{isolate} \keyword{isolates} \keyword{rsi}