% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/get_locale.R \name{get_locale} \alias{get_locale} \title{Get language for AMR} \usage{ get_locale() } \description{ Determines the system language to be used for language-dependent output of AMR functions, like \code{\link{mo_gramstain}} and \code{\link{mo_type}}. } \details{ The system language can be overwritten with \code{\link{getOption}("AMR_locale")}. } \section{Supported languages}{ Supported languages are \code{"en"} (English), \code{"de"} (German), \code{"nl"} (Dutch), \code{"es"} (Spanish), \code{"it"} (Italian), \code{"fr"} (French), and \code{"pt"} (Portuguese). } \section{Read more on our website!}{ \if{html}{\figure{logo.png}{options: height=40px style=margin-bottom:5px} \cr} On our website \url{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR} you can find \href{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR/articles/AMR.html}{a comprehensive tutorial} about how to conduct AMR analysis, the \href{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR/reference}{complete documentation of all functions} (which reads a lot easier than here in R) and \href{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR/articles/WHONET.html}{an example analysis using WHONET data}. }