# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis for R # # # # SOURCE # # https://github.com/msberends/AMR # # # # LICENCE # # (c) 2018-2020 Berends MS, Luz CF et al. # # Developed at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in # # collaboration with non-profit organisations Certe Medical # # Diagnostics & Advice, and University Medical Center Groningen. # # # # This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute # # it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the # # GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by # # the Free Software Foundation. # # We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic # # research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be # # useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. # # # # Visit our website for the full manual and a complete tutorial about # # how to conduct AMR analysis: https://msberends.github.io/AMR/ # # ==================================================================== # #' Transform input to minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) #' #' This transforms a vector to a new class [`mic`], which is an ordered [factor] with valid minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) as levels. Invalid MIC values will be translated as `NA` with a warning. #' @inheritSection lifecycle Stable lifecycle #' @rdname as.mic #' @param x vector #' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed #' @details To interpret MIC values as RSI values, use [as.rsi()] on MIC values. It supports guidelines from EUCAST and CLSI. #' @return Ordered [factor] with additional class [`mic`] #' @aliases mic #' @export #' @seealso [as.rsi()] #' @inheritSection AMR Read more on our website! #' @examples #' mic_data <- as.mic(c(">=32", "1.0", "1", "1.00", 8, "<=0.128", "8", "16", "16")) #' is.mic(mic_data) #' #' # this can also coerce combined MIC/RSI values: #' as.mic("<=0.002; S") # will return <=0.002 #' #' # interpret MIC values #' as.rsi(x = as.mic(2), #' mo = as.mo("S. pneumoniae"), #' ab = "AMX", #' guideline = "EUCAST") #' as.rsi(x = as.mic(4), #' mo = as.mo("S. pneumoniae"), #' ab = "AMX", #' guideline = "EUCAST") #' #' plot(mic_data) #' barplot(mic_data) as.mic <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) { meet_criteria(x, allow_class = c("mic", "character", "numeric", "integer"), allow_NA = TRUE) meet_criteria(na.rm, allow_class = "logical", has_length = 1) if (is.mic(x)) { x } else { x <- x %pm>% unlist() if (na.rm == TRUE) { x <- x[!is.na(x)] } x.bak <- x # comma to period x <- gsub(",", ".", x, fixed = TRUE) # transform Unicode for >= and <= x <- gsub("\u2264", "<=", x, fixed = TRUE) x <- gsub("\u2265", ">=", x, fixed = TRUE) # remove space between operator and number ("<= 0.002" -> "<=0.002") x <- gsub("(<|=|>) +", "\\1", x) # transform => to >= and =< to <= x <- gsub("=<", "<=", x, fixed = TRUE) x <- gsub("=>", ">=", x, fixed = TRUE) # dots without a leading zero must start with 0 x <- gsub("([^0-9]|^)[.]", "\\10.", x) # values like "<=0.2560.512" should be 0.512 x <- gsub(".*[.].*[.]", "0.", x) # remove ending .0 x <- gsub("[.]+0$", "", x) # remove all after last digit x <- gsub("[^0-9]+$", "", x) # keep only one zero before dot x <- gsub("0+[.]", "0.", x) # starting 00 is probably 0.0 if there's no dot yet x[!x %like% "[.]"] <- gsub("^00", "0.0", x[!x %like% "[.]"]) # remove last zeroes x <- gsub("([.].?)0+$", "\\1", x) x <- gsub("(.*[.])0+$", "\\10", x) # remove ending .0 again x[x %like% "[.]"] <- gsub("0+$", "", x[x %like% "[.]"]) # never end with dot x <- gsub("[.]$", "", x) # force to be character x <- as.character(x) # trim it x <- trimws(x) ## previously unempty values now empty - should return a warning later on x[x.bak != "" & x == ""] <- "invalid" # these are allowed MIC values and will become factor levels ops <- c("<", "<=", "", ">=", ">") lvls <- c(c(t(sapply(ops, function(x) paste0(x, "0.00", 1:9)))), unique(c(t(sapply(ops, function(x) paste0(x, sort(as.double(paste0("0.0", sort(c(1:99, 125, 128, 256, 512, 625)))))))))), unique(c(t(sapply(ops, function(x) paste0(x, sort(as.double(paste0("0.", c(1:99, 125, 128, 256, 512))))))))), c(t(sapply(ops, function(x) paste0(x, sort(c(1:9, 1.5)))))), c(t(sapply(ops, function(x) paste0(x, c(10:98)[9:98 %% 2 == TRUE])))), c(t(sapply(ops, function(x) paste0(x, sort(c(2 ^ c(7:10), 80 * c(2:12)))))))) na_before <- x[is.na(x) | x == ""] %pm>% length() x[!x %in% lvls] <- NA na_after <- x[is.na(x) | x == ""] %pm>% length() if (na_before != na_after) { list_missing <- x.bak[is.na(x) & !is.na(x.bak) & x.bak != ""] %pm>% unique() %pm>% sort() list_missing <- paste0('"', list_missing, '"', collapse = ", ") warning(na_after - na_before, " results truncated (", round(((na_after - na_before) / length(x)) * 100), "%) that were invalid MICs: ", list_missing, call. = FALSE) } structure(.Data = factor(x, levels = lvls, ordered = TRUE), class = c("mic", "ordered", "factor")) } } all_valid_mics <- function(x) { if (!inherits(x, c("mic", "character", "factor", "numeric", "integer"))) { return(FALSE) } x_mic <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(as.mic(x[!is.na(x)])), error = function(e) NA) !any(is.na(x_mic)) & !all(is.na(x)) } #' @rdname as.mic #' @export is.mic <- function(x) { inherits(x, "mic") } #' @method as.double mic #' @export #' @noRd as.double.mic <- function(x, ...) { as.double(gsub("(<|=|>)+", "", as.character(x))) } #' @method as.integer mic #' @export #' @noRd as.integer.mic <- function(x, ...) { as.integer(gsub("(<|=|>)+", "", as.character(x))) } #' @method as.numeric mic #' @export #' @noRd as.numeric.mic <- function(x, ...) { as.numeric(gsub("(<|=|>)+", "", as.character(x))) } #' @method droplevels mic #' @export #' @noRd droplevels.mic <- function(x, exclude = ifelse(anyNA(levels(x)), NULL, NA), ...) { x <- droplevels.factor(x, exclude = exclude, ...) class(x) <- c("mic", "ordered", "factor") x } # will be exported using s3_register() in R/zzz.R pillar_shaft.mic <- function(x, ...) { out <- trimws(format(x)) out[is.na(x)] <- font_na(NA) create_pillar_column(out, align = "right", min_width = 4) } # will be exported using s3_register() in R/zzz.R type_sum.mic <- function(x, ...) { "mic" } #' @method print mic #' @export #' @noRd print.mic <- function(x, ...) { cat("Class \n") print(as.character(x), quote = FALSE) } #' @method summary mic #' @export #' @noRd summary.mic <- function(object, ...) { x <- object n_total <- length(x) x <- x[!is.na(x)] n <- length(x) value <- c("Class" = "mic", "" = n_total - n, "Min." = as.character(sort(x)[1]), "Max." = as.character(sort(x)[n])) class(value) <- c("summaryDefault", "table") value } #' @method plot mic #' @export #' @importFrom graphics barplot axis par #' @rdname plot plot.mic <- function(x, main = paste("MIC values of", deparse(substitute(x))), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "MIC value", axes = FALSE, ...) { meet_criteria(main, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1) meet_criteria(ylab, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1) meet_criteria(xlab, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1) meet_criteria(axes, allow_class = "logical", has_length = 1) barplot(table(droplevels.factor(x)), ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, axes = axes, main = main, ...) axis(2, seq(0, max(table(droplevels.factor(x))))) } #' @method barplot mic #' @export #' @importFrom graphics barplot axis #' @rdname plot barplot.mic <- function(height, main = paste("MIC values of", deparse(substitute(height))), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "MIC value", axes = FALSE, ...) { meet_criteria(main, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1) meet_criteria(ylab, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1) meet_criteria(xlab, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1) meet_criteria(axes, allow_class = "logical", has_length = 1) barplot(table(droplevels.factor(height)), ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, axes = axes, main = main, ...) axis(2, seq(0, max(table(droplevels.factor(height))))) } #' @method [ mic #' @export #' @noRd "[.mic" <- function(x, ...) { y <- NextMethod() attributes(y) <- attributes(x) y } #' @method [[ mic #' @export #' @noRd "[[.mic" <- function(x, ...) { y <- NextMethod() attributes(y) <- attributes(x) y } #' @method [<- mic #' @export #' @noRd "[<-.mic" <- function(i, j, ..., value) { value <- as.mic(value) y <- NextMethod() attributes(y) <- attributes(i) y } #' @method [[<- mic #' @export #' @noRd "[[<-.mic" <- function(i, j, ..., value) { value <- as.mic(value) y <- NextMethod() attributes(y) <- attributes(i) y } #' @method c mic #' @export #' @noRd c.mic <- function(x, ...) { y <- unlist(lapply(list(...), as.character)) x <- as.character(x) as.mic(c(x, y)) } #' @method unique mic #' @export #' @noRd unique.mic <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) { y <- NextMethod() attributes(y) <- attributes(x) y } # will be exported using s3_register() in R/zzz.R get_skimmers.mic <- function(column) { sfl <- import_fn("sfl", "skimr", error_on_fail = FALSE) inline_hist <- import_fn("inline_hist", "skimr", error_on_fail = FALSE) sfl( skim_type = "mic", min = ~as.character(sort(na.omit(.))[1]), max = ~as.character(sort(stats::na.omit(.))[length(stats::na.omit(.))]), median = ~as.character(stats::na.omit(.)[as.double(stats::na.omit(.)) == median(as.double(stats::na.omit(.)))])[1], n_unique = ~pm_n_distinct(., na.rm = TRUE), hist_log2 = ~inline_hist(log2(as.double(stats::na.omit(.)))) ) }