#!/bin/bash # -*- sh-basic-offset: 4; sh-indentation: 4 -*- # Bootstrap an R/travis environment. set -e # Comment out this line for quieter output: set -x CRAN=${CRAN:-"https://cran.rstudio.com"} BIOC=${BIOC:-"http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"} PKGTYPE=${PKGTYPE:-"win.binary"} BIOC_USE_DEVEL=${BIOC_USE_DEVEL:-"TRUE"} OS=$(uname -s) DOWNLOAD_FILE_METHOD=${DOWNLOAD_FILE_METHOD:-"auto"} PANDOC_VERSION='1.13.1' PANDOC_DIR="${HOME}/opt/pandoc" PANDOC_URL="https://s3.amazonaws.com/rstudio-buildtools/pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}.zip" # MacTeX installs in a new $PATH entry, and there's no way to force # the *parent* shell to source it from here. So we just manually add # all the entries to a location we already know to be on $PATH. # # TODO(craigcitro): Remove this once we can add `/usr/texbin` to the # root path. PATH="${PATH}:/usr/texbin" R_BUILD_ARGS=${R_BUILD_ARGS-"--no-manual"} R_CHECK_ARGS=${R_CHECK_ARGS-"--no-manual --as-cran"} R_VERSION_TEST="getRversion() >= '3.5.0'" R_USE_BIOC_INST="source('${BIOC}');"\ " tryCatch(useDevel(${BIOC_USE_DEVEL}),"\ " error=function(e) {if (!grepl('already in use', e$message)) {e}});"\ " options(repos=biocinstallRepos())" R_USE_BIOC_MNGR="if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly=TRUE))"\ " install.packages('BiocManager', repos=c(CRAN='${CRAN}'));"\ " if (${BIOC_USE_DEVEL})"\ " BiocManager::install(version = 'devel', ask = FALSE);"\ " options(repos=BiocManager::repositories())" R_USE_BIOC_CMDS="if (${R_VERSION_TEST}) {${R_USE_BIOC_MNGR}} else {${R_USE_BIOC_INST}};" BIOC_INSTALL="{if (${R_VERSION_TEST}) BiocManager::install else BiocInstaller::biocLite}" Bootstrap() { if [[ "Darwin" == "${OS}" ]]; then BootstrapMac elif [[ "Linux" == "${OS}" ]]; then BootstrapLinux else echo "Unknown OS: ${OS}" exit 1 fi if ! (test -e .Rbuildignore && grep -q 'travis-tool' .Rbuildignore); then echo '^travis-tool\.sh$' >>.Rbuildignore fi } InstallPandoc() { local os_path="$1" mkdir -p "${PANDOC_DIR}" curl -o /tmp/pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}.zip ${PANDOC_URL} unzip -j /tmp/pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}.zip "pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}/${os_path}/pandoc" -d "${PANDOC_DIR}" chmod +x "${PANDOC_DIR}/pandoc" sudo ln -s "${PANDOC_DIR}/pandoc" /usr/local/bin unzip -j /tmp/pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}.zip "pandoc-${PANDOC_VERSION}/${os_path}/pandoc-citeproc" -d "${PANDOC_DIR}" chmod +x "${PANDOC_DIR}/pandoc-citeproc" sudo ln -s "${PANDOC_DIR}/pandoc-citeproc" /usr/local/bin } BootstrapLinux() { # Set up our CRAN mirror. sudo add-apt-repository "deb ${CRAN}/bin/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs)/" sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E084DAB9 # Add marutter's c2d4u repository. sudo add-apt-repository -y "ppa:marutter/rrutter" sudo add-apt-repository -y "ppa:marutter/c2d4u" # Update after adding all repositories. Retry several times to work around # flaky connection to Launchpad PPAs. Retry sudo apt-get update -qq # Install an R development environment. qpdf is also needed for # --as-cran checks: # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help//2012-September/335676.html Retry sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends r-base-dev r-recommended qpdf # Change permissions for /usr/local/lib/R/site-library # This should really be via 'staff adduser travis staff' # but that may affect only the next shell sudo chmod 2777 /usr/local/lib/R /usr/local/lib/R/site-library # Process options BootstrapLinuxOptions } BootstrapLinuxOptions() { if [[ -n "$BOOTSTRAP_LATEX" ]]; then # We add a backports PPA for more recent TeX packages. sudo add-apt-repository -y "ppa:texlive-backports/ppa" Retry sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ texlive-base texlive-latex-base texlive-generic-recommended \ texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra \ texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra \ texinfo lmodern fi if [[ -n "$BOOTSTRAP_PANDOC" ]]; then InstallPandoc 'linux/debian/x86_64' fi } BootstrapMac() { # Install from latest CRAN binary build for OS X wget ${CRAN}/bin/macosx/R-latest.pkg -O /tmp/R-latest.pkg echo "Installing OS X binary package for R" sudo installer -pkg "/tmp/R-latest.pkg" -target / rm "/tmp/R-latest.pkg" # Process options BootstrapMacOptions } BootstrapMacOptions() { if [[ -n "$BOOTSTRAP_LATEX" ]]; then # TODO: Install MacTeX.pkg once there's enough disk space MACTEX=BasicTeX.pkg wget http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/systems/mac/mactex/$MACTEX -O "/tmp/$MACTEX" echo "Installing OS X binary package for MacTeX" sudo installer -pkg "/tmp/$MACTEX" -target / rm "/tmp/$MACTEX" # We need a few more packages than the basic package provides; this # post saved me so much pain: # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2010-May/007399.html sudo tlmgr update --self sudo tlmgr install inconsolata upquote courier courier-scaled helvetic fi if [[ -n "$BOOTSTRAP_PANDOC" ]]; then InstallPandoc 'mac' fi } EnsureDevtools() { if ! Rscript -e 'if (!("devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) q(status=1)' ; then # Install devtools and testthat. RBinaryInstall devtools testthat fi } EnsureRemotes() { if ! Rscript -e 'if (!("remotes" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) q(status=1)' ; then # Install remotes. RBinaryInstall remotes fi if ! Rscript -e 'if (!("remotes" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) q(status=1)' ; then # Fallback: Install remotes from URL. Rscript -e 'path <- file.path(tempdir(), "remotes_1.0.0.tar.gz"); download.file("https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/Archive/remotes/remotes_1.0.0.tar.gz", path); install.packages(path, repos = NULL, type = "source")' fi } AptGetInstall() { if [[ "Linux" != "${OS}" ]]; then echo "Wrong OS: ${OS}" exit 1 fi if [[ "" == "$*" ]]; then echo "No arguments to aptget_install" exit 1 fi echo "Installing apt package(s) $@" Retry sudo apt-get -y install "$@" } DpkgCurlInstall() { if [[ "Linux" != "${OS}" ]]; then echo "Wrong OS: ${OS}" exit 1 fi if [[ "" == "$*" ]]; then echo "No arguments to dpkgcurl_install" exit 1 fi echo "Installing remote package(s) $@" for rf in "$@"; do curl -OL ${rf} f=$(basename ${rf}) sudo dpkg -i ${f} rm -v ${f} done } RInstall() { if [[ "" == "$*" ]]; then echo "No arguments to r_install" exit 1 fi echo "Installing R package(s): $@" Rscript -e 'install.packages(commandArgs(TRUE), repos="'"${CRAN}"'", INSTALL_opts="", type="'"${PKGTYPE}"'")' "$@" } BiocInstall() { if [[ "" == "$*" ]]; then echo "No arguments to bioc_install" exit 1 fi echo "Installing R Bioconductor package(s): $@" Rscript -e "${R_USE_BIOC_CMDS}"" ${BIOC_INSTALL}(commandArgs(TRUE))" "$@" } RBinaryInstall() { if [[ -z "$#" ]]; then echo "No arguments to r_binary_install" exit 1 fi if [[ "Linux" != "${OS}" ]] || [[ -n "${FORCE_SOURCE_INSTALL}" ]]; then echo "Fallback: Installing from source" RInstall "$@" return fi echo "Installing *binary* R packages: $*" r_packages=$(echo $* | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') r_debs=$(for r_package in ${r_packages}; do echo -n "r-cran-${r_package} "; done) AptGetInstall ${r_debs} } InstallGithub() { EnsureRemotes echo "Installing GitHub packages: $@" # Install the package. Rscript -e 'options(repos = c(CRAN = "'"${CRAN}"'"), download.file.method = "'"${DOWNLOAD_FILE_METHOD}"'"); remotes::install_github(commandArgs(TRUE), type="'"${PKGTYPE}"'")' "$@" } InstallDeps() { EnsureRemotes echo "Installing dependencies" Rscript -e 'options(repos = c(CRAN = "'"${CRAN}"'"), download.file.method = "'"${DOWNLOAD_FILE_METHOD}"'"); remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE, type="'"${PKGTYPE}"'")' } InstallBiocDeps() { EnsureDevtools Rscript -e "${R_USE_BIOC_CMDS}"' library(devtools); install_deps(dependencies = TRUE, type="'"${PKGTYPE}"'")' } DumpSysinfo() { echo "Dumping system information." R -e '.libPaths(); sessionInfo(); installed.packages()' } DumpLogsByExtension() { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "dump_logs_by_extension requires exactly one argument, got: $@" exit 1 fi extension=$1 shift package=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.Rcheck" -type d) if [[ ${#package[@]} -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Could not find package Rcheck directory, skipping log dump." exit 0 fi for name in $(find "${package}" -type f -name "*${extension}"); do echo ">>> Filename: ${name} <<<" cat ${name} done } DumpLogs() { echo "Dumping test execution logs." DumpLogsByExtension "out" DumpLogsByExtension "log" DumpLogsByExtension "fail" } RunTests() { echo "Building with: R CMD build ${R_BUILD_ARGS}" if [[ "${KEEP_VIGNETTES}" == "" ]]; then if [[ "${OS:0:5}" == "MINGW" || "${OS:0:4}" == "MSYS" ]]; then if [[ -d vignettes ]]; then rm -rf vignettes Rscript -e "d <- read.dcf('DESCRIPTION'); d[, colnames(d) == 'VignetteBuilder'] <- NA; write.dcf(d, 'DESCRIPTION')" fi fi fi R CMD build ${R_BUILD_ARGS} . # We want to grab the version we just built. FILE=$(ls -1t *.tar.gz | head -n 1) # Create binary package (currently Windows only) if [[ "${OS:0:5}" == "MINGW" || "${OS:0:4}" == "MSYS" ]]; then R_CHECK_INSTALL_ARGS="--install-args=--build" fi echo "Testing with: R CMD check \"${FILE}\" ${R_CHECK_ARGS} ${R_CHECK_INSTALL_ARGS}" _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_=${_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_:-FALSE} if [[ "$_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_" == "FALSE" ]]; then echo "(CRAN incoming checks are off)" fi _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_=${_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_} R_QPDF=true R CMD check "${FILE}" ${R_CHECK_ARGS} ${R_CHECK_INSTALL_ARGS} # Check reverse dependencies if [[ -n "$R_CHECK_REVDEP" ]]; then echo "Checking reverse dependencies" EnsureDevtools Rscript -e 'library(devtools); checkOutput <- unlist(revdep_check(as.package(".")$package));if (!is.null(checkOutput)) {print(data.frame(pkg = names(checkOutput), error = checkOutput));for(i in seq_along(checkOutput)){;cat("\n", names(checkOutput)[i], " Check Output:\n ", paste(readLines(regmatches(checkOutput[i], regexec("/.*\\.out", checkOutput[i]))[[1]]), collapse = "\n ", sep = ""), "\n", sep = "")};q(status = 1, save = "no")}' fi if [[ -n "${WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS}" ]]; then if DumpLogsByExtension "00check.log" | grep -q WARNING; then echo "Found warnings, treated as errors." echo "Clear or unset the WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS environment variable to ignore warnings." exit 1 fi fi } Retry() { if "$@"; then return 0 fi for wait_time in 5 20 30 60; do echo "Command failed, retrying in ${wait_time} ..." sleep ${wait_time} if "$@"; then return 0 fi done echo "Failed all retries!" exit 1 } COMMAND=$1 echo "Running command: ${COMMAND}" shift case $COMMAND in ## ## Bootstrap a new core system "bootstrap") Bootstrap ;; ## ## Ensure devtools is loaded (implicitly called) "install_devtools"|"devtools_install") EnsureDevtools ;; ## ## Ensure remotes is loaded (implicitly called) "install_remotes"|"remotes_install") EnsureRemotes ;; ## ## Install a binary deb package via apt-get "install_aptget"|"aptget_install") AptGetInstall "$@" ;; ## ## Install a binary deb package via a curl call and local dpkg -i "install_dpkgcurl"|"dpkgcurl_install") DpkgCurlInstall "$@" ;; ## ## Install an R dependency from CRAN "install_r"|"r_install") RInstall "$@" ;; ## ## Install an R dependency from Bioconductor "install_bioc"|"bioc_install") BiocInstall "$@" ;; ## ## Install an R dependency as a binary (via c2d4u PPA) "install_r_binary"|"r_binary_install") RBinaryInstall "$@" ;; ## ## Install a package from github sources (needs remotes) "install_github"|"github_package") InstallGithub "$@" ;; ## ## Install package dependencies from CRAN (needs remotes) "install_deps") InstallDeps ;; ## ## Install package dependencies from Bioconductor and CRAN (needs devtools) "install_bioc_deps") InstallBiocDeps ;; ## ## Run the actual tests, ie R CMD check "run_tests") RunTests ;; ## ## Dump information about installed packages "dump_sysinfo") DumpSysinfo ;; ## ## Dump build or check logs "dump_logs") DumpLogs ;; ## ## Dump selected build or check logs "dump_logs_by_extension") DumpLogsByExtension "$@" ;; esac