% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ab_property.R \name{ab_property} \alias{ab_property} \alias{ab_name} \alias{ab_atc} \alias{ATC} \alias{ab_cid} \alias{ab_synonyms} \alias{ab_tradenames} \alias{ab_group} \alias{ab_atc_group1} \alias{ab_atc_group2} \alias{ab_loinc} \alias{ab_ddd} \alias{ab_info} \alias{ab_url} \title{Property of an antibiotic} \usage{ ab_name(x, language = get_locale(), tolower = FALSE, ...) ab_atc(x, ...) ab_cid(x, ...) ab_synonyms(x, ...) ab_tradenames(x, ...) ab_group(x, language = get_locale(), ...) ab_atc_group1(x, language = get_locale(), ...) ab_atc_group2(x, language = get_locale(), ...) ab_loinc(x, ...) ab_ddd(x, administration = "oral", units = FALSE, ...) ab_info(x, language = get_locale(), ...) ab_url(x, open = FALSE, ...) ab_property(x, property = "name", language = get_locale(), ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{any (vector of) text that can be coerced to a valid microorganism code with \code{\link[=as.ab]{as.ab()}}} \item{language}{language of the returned text, defaults to system language (see \code{\link[=get_locale]{get_locale()}}) and can also be set with \code{getOption("AMR_locale")}. Use \code{language = NULL} or \code{language = ""} to prevent translation.} \item{tolower}{logical to indicate whether the first character of every output should be transformed to a lower case character. This will lead to e.g. "polymyxin B" and not "polymyxin b".} \item{...}{other parameters passed on to \code{\link[=as.ab]{as.ab()}}} \item{administration}{way of administration, either \code{"oral"} or \code{"iv"}} \item{units}{a logical to indicate whether the units instead of the DDDs itself must be returned, see Examples} \item{property}{one of the column names of one of the \link{antibiotics} data set} } \value{ \itemize{ \item An \code{\link{integer}} in case of \code{\link[=ab_cid]{ab_cid()}} \item A named \code{\link{list}} in case of \code{\link[=ab_info]{ab_info()}} and multiple \code{\link[=ab_synonyms]{ab_synonyms()}}/\code{\link[=ab_tradenames]{ab_tradenames()}} \item A \code{\link{double}} in case of \code{\link[=ab_ddd]{ab_ddd()}} \item A \code{\link{character}} in all other cases } } \description{ Use these functions to return a specific property of an antibiotic from the \link{antibiotics} data set. All input values will be evaluated internally with \code{\link[=as.ab]{as.ab()}}. } \details{ All output will be \link{translate}d where possible. The function \code{\link[=ab_url]{ab_url()}} will return the direct URL to the official WHO website. A warning will be returned if the reauired ATC code is not available. } \section{Maturing lifecycle}{ \if{html}{\figure{lifecycle_maturing.svg}{options: style=margin-bottom:5px} \cr} The \link[AMR:lifecycle]{lifecycle} of this function is \strong{maturing}. The unlying code of a maturing function has been roughed out, but finer details might still change. This function needs wider usage and more extensive testing in order to optimise the unlying code. } \section{Source}{ World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology: \url{https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/} WHONET 2019 software: \url{http://www.whonet.org/software.html} European Commission Public Health PHARMACEUTICALS - COMMUNITY REGISTER: \url{http://ec.europa.eu/health/documents/community-register/html/atc.htm} } \section{Read more on our website!}{ On our website \url{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR} you can find \href{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR/articles/AMR.html}{a comprehensive tutorial} about how to conduct AMR analysis, the \href{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR/reference}{complete documentation of all functions} (which reads a lot easier than here in R) and \href{https://msberends.gitlab.io/AMR/articles/WHONET.html}{an example analysis using WHONET data}. } \examples{ # all properties: ab_name("AMX") # "Amoxicillin" ab_atc("AMX") # J01CA04 (ATC code from the WHO) ab_cid("AMX") # 33613 (Compound ID from PubChem) ab_synonyms("AMX") # a list with brand names of amoxicillin ab_tradenames("AMX") # same ab_group("AMX") # "Beta-lactams/penicillins" ab_atc_group1("AMX") # "Beta-lactam antibacterials, penicillins" ab_atc_group2("AMX") # "Penicillins with extended spectrum" ab_url("AMX") # link to the official WHO page # smart lowercase tranformation ab_name(x = c("AMC", "PLB")) # "Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid" "Polymyxin B" ab_name(x = c("AMC", "PLB"), tolower = TRUE) # "amoxicillin/clavulanic acid" "polymyxin B" # defined daily doses (DDD) ab_ddd("AMX", "oral") # 1 ab_ddd("AMX", "oral", units = TRUE) # "g" ab_ddd("AMX", "iv") # 1 ab_ddd("AMX", "iv", units = TRUE) # "g" ab_info("AMX") # all properties as a list # all ab_* functions use as.ab() internally, so you can go from 'any' to 'any': ab_atc("AMP") # ATC code of AMP (ampicillin) ab_group("J01CA01") # Drug group of ampicillins ATC code ab_loinc("ampicillin") # LOINC codes of ampicillin ab_name("21066-6") # "Ampicillin" (using LOINC) ab_name(6249) # "Ampicillin" (using CID) ab_name("J01CA01") # "Ampicillin" (using ATC) # spelling from different languages and dyslexia are no problem ab_atc("ceftriaxon") ab_atc("cephtriaxone") ab_atc("cephthriaxone") ab_atc("seephthriaaksone") } \seealso{ \link{antibiotics} }