# ==================================================================== # # TITLE # # Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Analysis # # # # AUTHORS # # Berends MS (m.s.berends@umcg.nl), Luz CF (c.f.luz@umcg.nl) # # # # LICENCE # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0, # # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # ==================================================================== # #' Printing Data Tables and Tibbles #' #' Print a data table or tibble. It prints: \cr- The \strong{first and last rows} like \code{data.table}s are printed by the \code{data.table} package,\cr- A \strong{header} and \strong{left aligned text} like \code{tibble}s are printed by the \code{tibble} package with info about grouped variables,\cr- \strong{Unchanged values} and \strong{support for row names} like \code{data.frame}s are printed by the \code{base} package. #' @inheritParams base::print.data.frame #' @param nmax amount of rows to print in total. When the total amount of rows exceeds this limit, the first and last \code{nmax / 2} rows will be printed. Use \code{nmax = NA} to print all rows. #' @param header print header with information about data size and tibble grouping #' @param print.keys print keys for \code{data.table} #' @param na value to print instead of NA #' @param width amount of white spaces to keep between columns, must be at least 1 #' @rdname print #' @name print #' @importFrom dplyr %>% n_groups group_vars group_size filter pull select #' @importFrom data.table data.table #' @exportMethod print.tbl_df #' @export #' @examples #' # still showing all values unchanged: #' library(dplyr) #' starwars #' print(starwars, width = 3) #' #' # compare the significance notation of this #' starwars %>% select(birth_year) #' # with this #' tibble:::print.tbl_df(starwars %>% select(birth_year)) #' #' # supports info about groups (look at header) #' starwars %>% group_by(homeworld, gender) print.tbl_df <- function(x, nmax = 10, header = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, right = FALSE, width = 1, na = "", ...) { prettyprint_df(x = x, nmax = nmax, header = header, row.names = row.names, print.keys = FALSE, right = right, width = width, na = na, ...) } #' @rdname print #' @exportMethod print.tbl #' @export print.tbl <- function(x, ...) { prettyprint_df(x, ...) } #' @rdname print #' @exportMethod print.data.table #' @export print.data.table <- function(x, nmax = 10, header = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, print.keys = FALSE, right = FALSE, width = 1, na = "", ...) { prettyprint_df(x = x, nmax = nmax, header = header, row.names = row.names, print.keys = print.keys, right = right, width = width, na = na, ...) } printDT <- data.table:::print.data.table prettyprint_df <- function(x, nmax = 10, header = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, print.keys = FALSE, right = FALSE, width = 1, na = "", ...) { ansi_reset <- "\u001B[0m" ansi_black <- "\u001B[30m" ansi_red <- "\u001B[31m" ansi_green <- "\u001B[32m" ansi_yellow <- "\u001B[33m" ansi_blue <- "\u001B[34m" ansi_purple <- "\u001B[35m" ansi_cyan <- "\u001B[36m" ansi_white <- "\u001B[37m" ansi_gray <- "\u001B[38;5;246m" if (width < 1) { stop('`width` must be at least 1.', call. = FALSE) } if (is.na(nmax)) { nmax <- NROW(x) } n <- nmax if (n %% 2 == 1) { # odd number; add 1 n <- n + 1 } width <- width - 1 if ('tbl_df' %in% class(x)) { type <- 'tibble' } else if ('data.table' %in% class(x)) { type <- 'data.table' } else { type <- 'data.frame' } if (header == TRUE) { if (NCOL(x) == 1) { vars <- 'variable' } else { vars <- 'variables' } size <- object.size(x) %>% as.double() %>% size_humanreadable() cat(paste0("A ", type,": ", format(NROW(x)), " obs. of ", format(NCOL(x)), " ", vars, ansi_gray, " (", size, ")\n", ansi_reset)) if ('grouped_df' %in% class(x) & n_groups(x) > 0) { cat(paste0("Grouped by ", x %>% group_vars() %>% paste0(ansi_red, ., ansi_reset) %>% paste0(collapse = " and "), ansi_gray, " (", x %>% n_groups(), " groups with sizes between ", x %>% group_size() %>% min(), " and ", x %>% group_size() %>% max(), ")\n", ansi_reset)) } if (!is.null(attributes(x)$qry)) { cat(paste0(ansi_gray, "This data contains a query. Use qry() to view it.\n", ansi_reset)) } cat("\n") } # data.table where keys should be printed if (print.keys == TRUE) { printDT(x, class = header, row.names = row.names, print.keys = TRUE, right = right, ... ) return(invisible()) } # tibbles give warning when setting column names x <- x %>% base::as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # extra space of 3 chars, right to row name or number if (NROW(x) > 0) { maxrowchars <- rownames(x) %>% nchar() %>% max() + 3 rownames(x) <- paste0(rownames(x), strrep2(" ", maxrowchars - nchar(rownames(x)))) } else { maxrowchars <- 0 } x.bak <- x if (n + 1 < nrow(x)) { # remove in between part, 1 extra for ~~~~ between first and last part rows_list <- c(1:(n / 2 + 1), (nrow(x) - (n / 2) + 1):nrow(x)) x <- x %>% filter(row_number() %in% rows_list) rownames(x) <- rownames(x.bak)[rows_list] # set inbetweener between parts rownames(x)[n / 2 + 1] <- strrep2("~", maxrowchars) } if (header == TRUE) { # add 1 row for classes # class will be marked up per column if (NROW(x.bak) > 0) { rownames.x <- rownames(x) x <- x %>% filter(row_number() == 1) %>% rbind(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rownames(x) <- c('*', rownames.x) } # select 1st class per column and abbreviate classes <- x.bak %>% sapply(class) %>% lapply( function(c) { # do print all POSIX classes like "POSct/t" if ('POSIXct' %in% c) { paste0('POS', c %>% gsub('POSIX', '', .) %>% paste0(collapse = '/')) } else { c[[1]] } }) %>% unlist() %>% gsub("character", "chr", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("complex", "cplx", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("Date", "Date", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("double", "dbl", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("expression", "expr", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("factor", "fct", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("IDate", "IDat", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("integer", "int", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("integer64", "i64", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("list", "list", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("logical", "lgl", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("numeric", "dbl", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("ordered", "ord", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("percent", "pct", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% gsub("single", "sgl", ., fixed = TRUE) %>% paste0("<", ., ">") } # markup cols for (i in 1:ncol(x)) { if (all(!class(x[, i]) %in% class(x.bak[, i]))) { class(x[, i]) <- class(x.bak[, i]) } try(x[, i] <- format(x %>% pull(i)), silent = TRUE) # replace NAs if (nchar(na) < 2) { # make as long as the text "NA" na <- paste0(na, strrep2(" ", 2 - nchar(na))) } try(x[, i] <- gsub("^NA$", na, trimws(x[, i], 'both')), silent = TRUE) # place class into 1st row if (header == TRUE) { x[1, i] <- classes[i] } # dashes between two parts when exceeding nmax maxvalchars <- max(colnames(x)[i] %>% nchar(), x[, i] %>% nchar() %>% max()) if (n + 1 < nrow(x.bak)) { x[n / 2 + if_else(header == TRUE, 2, 1), i] <- strrep2("~", maxvalchars) } # align according to `right` parameter, but only factors and text, but not MICs if (any(x.bak %>% pull(i) %>% class() %in% c('factor', 'character')) & !("mic" %in% (x.bak %>% pull(i) %>% class()))) { vals <- x %>% pull(i) %>% trimws('both') colname <- colnames(x)[i] %>% trimws('both') if (right == FALSE) { vals <- paste0(vals, strrep2(" ", maxvalchars - nchar(vals))) colname <- paste0(colname, strrep2(" ", maxvalchars - nchar(colname))) } else { vals <- paste0(strrep2(" ", maxvalchars - nchar(vals)), vals) colname <- paste0(strrep2(" ", maxvalchars - nchar(colname)), colname) } x[, i] <- vals colnames(x)[i] <- colname } # add left padding according to `width` parameter # but not in 1st col when row names are off if (row.names == TRUE | i > 1) { x[, i] <- paste0(strrep2(" ", width), x[, i]) colnames(x)[i] <- paste0(strrep2(" ", width), colnames(x)[i]) } # strip columns that do not fit (3 chars as margin) width_console <- options()$width width_until_col <- x %>% select(1:i) %>% apply(1, paste, collapse = strrep2(" ", width + 1)) %>% nchar() %>% max() width_until_col_before <- x %>% select(1:(max(i, 2) - 1)) %>% apply(1, paste, collapse = strrep2(" ", width + 1)) %>% nchar() %>% max() extraspace <- maxrowchars + nchar(rownames(x)[length(rownames(x))]) width_until_colnames <- colnames(x)[1:i] %>% paste0(collapse = strrep2(" ", width + 1)) %>% nchar() + extraspace width_until_colnames_before <- colnames(x)[1:(max(i, 2) - 1)] %>% paste0(collapse = strrep2(" ", width + 1)) %>% nchar() + extraspace if (i > 1 & (width_until_col > width_console | width_until_colnames > width_console)) { if (width_until_col_before > width_console | width_until_colnames_before > width_console) { x <- x[, 1:(i - 2)] } else { x <- x[, 1:(i - 1)] } break } } # empty table, row name of header should be "*" if (NROW(x.bak) == 0) { rownames(x) <- '* ' } # and here it is... suppressWarnings( base::print.data.frame(x, row.names = row.names, ...) ) # print rest of col names when they were stripped if (ncol(x) < ncol(x.bak)) { x.notshown <- x.bak %>% select((ncol(x) + 1):ncol(x.bak)) if (ncol(x.notshown) == 1) { cat('...and 1 more column: ') } else { cat('...and', ncol(x.notshown), 'more columns: ') } cat(x.notshown %>% colnames() %>% paste0(' ', ansi_gray, classes[(ncol(x) + 1):ncol(x.bak)], ansi_reset) %>% paste0(collapse = ", "), '\n') } }