% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/resistance.R \name{resistance_predict} \alias{resistance_predict} \alias{rsi_predict} \title{Predict antimicrobial resistance} \usage{ resistance_predict(tbl, col_ab, col_date, year_min = NULL, year_max = NULL, year_every = 1, minimum = 30, model = "binomial", I_as_R = TRUE, preserve_measurements = TRUE, info = TRUE) rsi_predict(tbl, col_ab, col_date, year_min = NULL, year_max = NULL, year_every = 1, minimum = 30, model = "binomial", I_as_R = TRUE, preserve_measurements = TRUE, info = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{tbl}{a \code{data.frame} containing isolates.} \item{col_ab}{column name of \code{tbl} with antimicrobial interpretations (\code{R}, \code{I} and \code{S})} \item{col_date}{column name of the date, will be used to calculate years if this column doesn't consist of years already} \item{year_min}{lowest year to use in the prediction model, dafaults the lowest year in \code{col_date}} \item{year_max}{highest year to use in the prediction model, defaults to 15 years after today} \item{year_every}{unit of sequence between lowest year found in the data and \code{year_max}} \item{minimum}{minimal amount of available isolates per year to include. Years containing less observations will be estimated by the model.} \item{model}{the statistical model of choice. Valid values are \code{"binomial"} (or \code{"binom"} or \code{"logit"}) or \code{"loglin"} or \code{"linear"} (or \code{"lin"}).} \item{I_as_R}{treat \code{I} as \code{R}} \item{preserve_measurements}{logical to indicate whether predictions of years that are actually available in the data should be overwritten with the original data. The standard errors of those years will be \code{NA}.} \item{info}{print textual analysis with the name and \code{\link{summary}} of the model.} } \value{ \code{data.frame} with columns: \itemize{ \item{\code{year}} \item{\code{value}, the same as \code{estimated} when \code{preserve_measurements = FALSE}, and a combination of \code{observed} and \code{estimated} otherwise} \item{\code{se_min}, the lower bound of the standard error with a minimum of \code{0}} \item{\code{se_max} the upper bound of the standard error with a maximum of \code{1}} \item{\code{observations}, the total number of observations, i.e. S + I + R} \item{\code{observed}, the original observed values} \item{\code{estimated}, the estimated values, calculated by the model} } } \description{ Create a prediction model to predict antimicrobial resistance for the next years on statistical solid ground. Standard errors (SE) will be returned as columns \code{se_min} and \code{se_max}. See Examples for a real live example. } \examples{ \dontrun{ # use it with base R: resistance_predict(tbl = tbl[which(first_isolate == TRUE & genus == "Haemophilus"),], col_ab = "amcl", col_date = "date") # or use dplyr so you can actually read it: library(dplyr) tbl \%>\% filter(first_isolate == TRUE, genus == "Haemophilus") \%>\% resistance_predict(amcl, date) } # real live example: library(dplyr) septic_patients \%>\% # get bacteria properties like genus and species left_join_microorganisms("bactid") \%>\% # calculate first isolates mutate(first_isolate = first_isolate(., "date", "patient_id", "bactid", col_specimen = NA, col_icu = NA)) \%>\% # filter on first E. coli isolates filter(genus == "Escherichia", species == "coli", first_isolate == TRUE) \%>\% # predict resistance of cefotaxime for next years resistance_predict(col_ab = "cfot", col_date = "date", year_max = 2025, preserve_measurements = TRUE, minimum = 0) # create nice plots with ggplot if (!require(ggplot2)) { data <- septic_patients \%>\% filter(bactid == "ESCCOL") \%>\% resistance_predict(col_ab = "amox", col_date = "date", info = FALSE, minimum = 15) ggplot(data, aes(x = year)) + geom_col(aes(y = value), fill = "grey75") + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = se_min, ymax = se_max), colour = "grey50") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1), labels = paste0(seq(0, 100, 10), "\%")) + labs(title = expression(paste("Forecast of amoxicillin resistance in ", italic("E. coli"))), y = "\%IR", x = "Year") + theme_minimal(base_size = 13) } } \seealso{ \code{\link{resistance}} \cr \code{\link{lm}} \code{\link{glm}} }