context("resistance.R") test_that("resistance works", { # check shortcuts expect_equal(resistance(septic_patients$amox, include_I = TRUE), IR(septic_patients$amox)) expect_equal(resistance(septic_patients$amox, include_I = FALSE), R(septic_patients$amox)) expect_equal(susceptibility(septic_patients$amox, include_I = TRUE), SI(septic_patients$amox)) expect_equal(susceptibility(septic_patients$amox, include_I = FALSE), S(septic_patients$amox)) # amox resistance in `septic_patients` should be around 66.33% expect_equal(resistance(septic_patients$amox, include_I = TRUE), 0.6633, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal(susceptibility(septic_patients$amox, include_I = FALSE), 1 - 0.6633, tolerance = 0.0001) # pita+genta susceptibility around 98.09% expect_equal(susceptibility(septic_patients$pita, septic_patients$gent), 0.9535, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal(suppressWarnings(rsi(septic_patients$pita, septic_patients$gent, interpretation = "S")), 0.9535, tolerance = 0.0001) # count of cases expect_equal(septic_patients %>% group_by(hospital_id) %>% summarise(cipro_p = susceptibility(cipr, as_percent = TRUE), cipro_n = n_rsi(cipr), genta_p = susceptibility(gent, as_percent = TRUE), genta_n = n_rsi(gent), combination_p = susceptibility(cipr, gent, as_percent = TRUE), combination_n = n_rsi(cipr, gent)) %>% pull(combination_n), c(202, 482, 201, 499)) expect_warning(resistance(as.character(septic_patients$amcl))) expect_warning(susceptibility(as.character(septic_patients$amcl))) expect_warning(susceptibility(as.character(septic_patients$amcl, septic_patients$gent))) # check for errors expect_error(IR(septic_patients %>% select(amox, amcl))) expect_error(IR("test", minimum = "test")) expect_error(IR("test", as_percent = "test")) expect_error(S("test", minimum = "test")) expect_error(S("test", as_percent = "test")) expect_error(S(septic_patients %>% select(amox, amcl))) expect_error(S("R", septic_patients %>% select(amox, amcl))) # check too low amount of isolates expect_identical(IR(septic_patients$amox, minimum = nrow(septic_patients) + 1), NA) expect_identical(S(septic_patients$amox, minimum = nrow(septic_patients) + 1), NA) # warning for speed loss expect_warning(S(septic_patients$amcl, as.character(septic_patients$gent))) }) test_that("old rsi works", { # amox resistance in `septic_patients` should be around 66.33% expect_equal(suppressWarnings(rsi(septic_patients$amox)), 0.6633, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal(suppressWarnings(rsi(septic_patients$amox, interpretation = "S")), 1 - 0.6633, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal(rsi_df(septic_patients, ab = "amox", info = TRUE), 0.6633, tolerance = 0.0001) # pita+genta susceptibility around 98.09% expect_equal(suppressWarnings(rsi(septic_patients$pita, septic_patients$gent, interpretation = "S", info = TRUE)), 0.9535, tolerance = 0.0001) expect_equal(rsi_df(septic_patients, ab = c("pita", "gent"), interpretation = "S", info = TRUE), 0.9535, tolerance = 0.0001) # more than 2 not allowed expect_error(rsi_df(septic_patients, ab = c("mero", "pita", "gent"), interpretation = "IS", info = TRUE)) # count of cases expect_equal(septic_patients %>% group_by(hospital_id) %>% summarise(cipro_S = suppressWarnings(rsi(cipr, interpretation = "S", as_percent = TRUE, warning = FALSE)), cipro_n = n_rsi(cipr), genta_S = suppressWarnings(rsi(gent, interpretation = "S", as_percent = TRUE, warning = FALSE)), genta_n = n_rsi(gent), combination_S = suppressWarnings(rsi(cipr, gent, interpretation = "S", as_percent = TRUE, warning = FALSE)), combination_n = n_rsi(cipr, gent)) %>% pull(combination_n), c(202, 482, 201, 499)) }) test_that("prediction of rsi works", { amox_R <- septic_patients %>% filter(bactid == "ESCCOL") %>% rsi_predict(col_ab = "amox", col_date = "date", minimum = 10, info = TRUE) %>% pull("value") # amox resistance will increase according to data set `septic_patients` expect_true(amox_R[3] < amox_R[20]) expect_output(rsi_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), model = "binomial", col_ab = "amox", col_date = "date", info = TRUE)) expect_output(rsi_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), model = "loglin", col_ab = "amox", col_date = "date", info = TRUE)) expect_output(rsi_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), model = "lin", col_ab = "amox", col_date = "date", info = TRUE)) expect_error(rsi_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), model = "INVALID MODEL", col_ab = "amox", col_date = "date", info = TRUE)) expect_error(rsi_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), col_ab = "NOT EXISTING COLUMN", col_date = "date", info = TRUE)) expect_error(rsi_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), col_ab = "amox", col_date = "NOT EXISTING COLUMN", info = TRUE)) # almost all E. coli are mero S in the Netherlands :) expect_error(resistance_predict(tbl = filter(septic_patients, bactid == "ESCCOL"), col_ab = "mero", col_date = "date", info = TRUE)) })