For language-dependent output of AMR functions, like mo_fullname and mo_type.



Strings will be translated to foreign languages if they are defined in a local translation file. This file comes with this package and can be found when running:

system.file("translations.tsv", package = "AMR")

This file will be read by all functions where a translated output can be desired, like all mo_property functions (mo_fullname, mo_type, etc.). Please suggest your own translations by creating a new issue on our repository.

The system language will be used at default, if supported, using get_locale. The system language can be overwritten with getOption("AMR_locale").

Read more on our website!

On our website you can find a tutorial about how to conduct AMR analysis, the complete documentation of all functions (which reads a lot easier than here in R) and an example analysis using WHONET data.


# The 'language' parameter of below functions
# will be set automatically to your system language
# with get_locale()

# English
mo_fullname("CoNS", language = "en")
#> "Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS)"

# German
mo_fullname("CoNS", language = "de")
#> "Koagulase-negative Staphylococcus (KNS)"

# Dutch
mo_fullname("CoNS", language = "nl")
#> "Coagulase-negatieve Staphylococcus (CNS)"

# Spanish
mo_fullname("CoNS", language = "es")
#> "Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo (SCN)"

# Italian
mo_fullname("CoNS", language = "it")
#> "Staphylococcus negativo coagulasi (CoNS)"

# Portuguese
mo_fullname("CoNS", language = "pt")
#> "Staphylococcus coagulase negativo (CoNS)"
# }