% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/mdro.R \name{MDRO} \alias{MDRO} \alias{BRMO} \alias{MRGN} \alias{EUCAST_exceptional_phenotypes} \title{Determine multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO)} \usage{ MDRO(tbl, country = NULL, col_mo = NULL, info = TRUE, amcl = "amcl", amik = "amik", amox = "amox", ampi = "ampi", azit = "azit", aztr = "aztr", cefa = "cefa", cfra = "cfra", cfep = "cfep", cfot = "cfot", cfox = "cfox", cfta = "cfta", cftr = "cftr", cfur = "cfur", chlo = "chlo", cipr = "cipr", clar = "clar", clin = "clin", clox = "clox", coli = "coli", czol = "czol", dapt = "dapt", doxy = "doxy", erta = "erta", eryt = "eryt", fosf = "fosf", fusi = "fusi", gent = "gent", imip = "imip", kana = "kana", levo = "levo", linc = "linc", line = "line", mero = "mero", metr = "metr", mino = "mino", moxi = "moxi", nali = "nali", neom = "neom", neti = "neti", nitr = "nitr", novo = "novo", norf = "norf", oflo = "oflo", peni = "peni", pita = "pita", poly = "poly", qida = "qida", rifa = "rifa", roxi = "roxi", siso = "siso", teic = "teic", tetr = "tetr", tica = "tica", tige = "tige", tobr = "tobr", trim = "trim", trsu = "trsu", vanc = "vanc", col_bactid = NULL) BRMO(tbl, country = "nl", ...) MRGN(tbl, country = "de", ...) EUCAST_exceptional_phenotypes(tbl, country = "EUCAST", ...) } \arguments{ \item{tbl}{table with antibiotic columns, like e.g. \code{amox} and \code{amcl}} \item{country}{country code to determine guidelines. EUCAST rules will be used when left empty, see Details. Should be or a code from the \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements}{list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes}. Case-insensitive. Currently supported are \code{de} (Germany) and \code{nl} (the Netherlands).} \item{col_mo}{column name of the microbial ID in \code{tbl} - values in this column should be present in \code{microorganisms$mo}, see \code{\link{microorganisms}}} \item{info}{print progress} \item{amcl}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{amik}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{amox}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{ampi}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{azit}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{aztr}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cefa}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cfra}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cfep}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cfot}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cfox}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cfta}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cftr}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cfur}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{chlo}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{cipr}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{clar}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{clin}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{clox}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{coli}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{czol}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{dapt}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{doxy}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{erta}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{eryt}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{fosf}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{fusi}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{gent}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{imip}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{kana}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{levo}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{linc}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{line}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{mero}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{metr}{column name of an antibiotic. Use \code{NA} to skip a column, like \code{tica = NA}. Non-existing columns will anyway be skipped. See the Antibiotics section for an explanation of the abbreviations.} \item{mino}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{moxi}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{nali}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{neom}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{neti}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{nitr}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{novo}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{norf}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{oflo}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{peni}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{pita}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{poly}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{qida}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{rifa}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{roxi}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{siso}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{teic}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{tetr}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{tica}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{tige}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{tobr}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{trim}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{trsu}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{vanc}{column name of an antibiotic, see Details} \item{col_bactid}{Deprecated. Use \code{col_mo} instead.} \item{...}{parameters that are passed on to methods} } \value{ Ordered factor with levels \code{Unknown < Negative < Unconfirmed < Positive}. } \description{ Determine which isolates are multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) according to country-specific guidelines. } \details{ When \code{country} will be left blank, guidelines will be taken from EUCAST Expert Rules Version 3.1 "Intrinsic Resistance and Exceptional Phenotypes Tables" (\url{http://www.eucast.org/fileadmin/src/media/PDFs/EUCAST_files/Expert_Rules/Expert_rules_intrinsic_exceptional_V3.1.pdf}). } \section{Antibiotics}{ Abbrevations of the column containing antibiotics in the form: \strong{abbreviation}: generic name (\emph{ATC code}) \strong{amcl}: amoxicillin+clavulanic acid (\emph{J01CR02}), \strong{amik}: amikacin (\emph{J01GB06}), \strong{amox}: amoxicillin (\emph{J01CA04}), \strong{ampi}: ampicillin (\emph{J01CA01}), \strong{azit}: azithromycin (\emph{J01FA10}), \strong{azlo}: azlocillin (\emph{J01CA09}), \strong{aztr}: aztreonam (\emph{J01DF01}), \strong{cefa}: cefaloridine (\emph{J01DB02}), \strong{cfep}: cefepime (\emph{J01DE01}), \strong{cfot}: cefotaxime (\emph{J01DD01}), \strong{cfox}: cefoxitin (\emph{J01DC01}), \strong{cfra}: cefradine (\emph{J01DB09}), \strong{cfta}: ceftazidime (\emph{J01DD02}), \strong{cftr}: ceftriaxone (\emph{J01DD04}), \strong{cfur}: cefuroxime (\emph{J01DC02}), \strong{chlo}: chloramphenicol (\emph{J01BA01}), \strong{cipr}: ciprofloxacin (\emph{J01MA02}), \strong{clar}: clarithromycin (\emph{J01FA09}), \strong{clin}: clindamycin (\emph{J01FF01}), \strong{clox}: flucloxacillin (\emph{J01CF05}), \strong{coli}: colistin (\emph{J01XB01}), \strong{czol}: cefazolin (\emph{J01DB04}), \strong{dapt}: daptomycin (\emph{J01XX09}), \strong{doxy}: doxycycline (\emph{J01AA02}), \strong{erta}: ertapenem (\emph{J01DH03}), \strong{eryt}: erythromycin (\emph{J01FA01}), \strong{fosf}: fosfomycin (\emph{J01XX01}), \strong{fusi}: fusidic acid (\emph{J01XC01}), \strong{gent}: gentamicin (\emph{J01GB03}), \strong{imip}: imipenem (\emph{J01DH51}), \strong{kana}: kanamycin (\emph{J01GB04}), \strong{levo}: levofloxacin (\emph{J01MA12}), \strong{linc}: lincomycin (\emph{J01FF02}), \strong{line}: linezolid (\emph{J01XX08}), \strong{mero}: meropenem (\emph{J01DH02}), \strong{mezl}: mezlocillin (\emph{J01CA10}), \strong{mino}: minocycline (\emph{J01AA08}), \strong{moxi}: moxifloxacin (\emph{J01MA14}), \strong{nali}: nalidixic acid (\emph{J01MB02}), \strong{neom}: neomycin (\emph{J01GB05}), \strong{neti}: netilmicin (\emph{J01GB07}), \strong{nitr}: nitrofurantoin (\emph{J01XE01}), \strong{norf}: norfloxacin (\emph{J01MA06}), \strong{novo}: novobiocin (an ATCvet code: \emph{QJ01XX95}), \strong{oflo}: ofloxacin (\emph{J01MA01}), \strong{peni}: penicillin (\emph{J01RA01}), \strong{pipe}: piperacillin (\emph{J01CA12}), \strong{pita}: piperacillin+tazobactam (\emph{J01CR05}), \strong{poly}: polymyxin B (\emph{J01XB02}), \strong{pris}: pristinamycin (\emph{J01FG01}), \strong{qida}: quinupristin/dalfopristin (\emph{J01FG02}), \strong{rifa}: rifampicin (\emph{J04AB02}), \strong{roxi}: roxithromycin (\emph{J01FA06}), \strong{siso}: sisomicin (\emph{J01GB08}), \strong{teic}: teicoplanin (\emph{J01XA02}), \strong{tetr}: tetracycline (\emph{J01AA07}), \strong{tica}: ticarcillin (\emph{J01CA13}), \strong{tige}: tigecycline (\emph{J01AA12}), \strong{tobr}: tobramycin (\emph{J01GB01}), \strong{trim}: trimethoprim (\emph{J01EA01}), \strong{trsu}: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (\emph{J01EE01}), \strong{vanc}: vancomycin (\emph{J01XA01}). } \examples{ library(dplyr) septic_patients \%>\% mutate(EUCAST = MDRO(.), BRMO = BRMO(.)) }