% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/data.R \docType{data} \name{bactlist.umcg} \alias{bactlist.umcg} \title{Translation table for UMCG with ~1100 microorganisms} \format{A data.frame with 1090 observations and 2 variables: \describe{ \item{\code{mocode}}{Code of microorganism according to UMCG MMB} \item{\code{bactid}}{Code of microorganism in \code{\link{bactlist}}} }} \source{ MOLIS (LIS of Certe) - \url{https://www.certe.nl} \cr \cr GLIMS (LIS of UMCG) - \url{https://www.umcg.nl} } \usage{ bactlist.umcg } \description{ A dataset containing all bacteria codes of UMCG MMB. These codes can be joined to data with an ID from \code{\link{bactlist}$bactid} (using \code{\link{left_join_bactlist}}). GLIMS codes can also be translated to valid \code{bactid}'s with \code{\link{guess_bactid}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{guess_bactid}} \code{\link{bactlist}} } \keyword{datasets}