% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/classes.R \name{as.mic} \alias{as.mic} \alias{is.mic} \title{Class 'mic'} \usage{ as.mic(x, na.rm = FALSE) is.mic(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{vector} \item{na.rm}{a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed} } \value{ Ordered factor with new class \code{mic} and new attribute \code{package} } \description{ This transforms a vector to a new class \code{mic}, which is an ordered factor with valid MIC values as levels. Invalid MIC values will be translated as \code{NA} with a warning. } \examples{ mic_data <- as.mic(c(">=32", "1.0", "1", "1.00", 8, "<=0.128", "8", "16", "16")) is.mic(mic_data) # this can also coerce combined MIC/RSI values: as.mic("<=0.002; S") # will return <=0.002 plot(mic_data) barplot(mic_data) } \seealso{ \code{\link{as.rsi}} } \keyword{mic}