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<h1>Plotting for classes <code>rsi</code> and <code>disk</code></h1>
<small class="dont-index">Source: <a href=''><code>R/amr.R</code></a>, <a href=''><code>R/mic.R</code></a>, <a href=''><code>R/rsi.R</code></a></small>
<div class="hidden name"><code>plot.Rd</code></div>
<div class="ref-description">
<p>Functions to print classes of the <code>AMR</code> package.</p>
<pre class="usage"><span class='co'># S3 method for mic</span>
<span class='fu'>plot</span>(
<span class='kw'>x</span>,
main = <span class='fu'><a href=''>paste</a></span>(<span class='st'>"MIC values of"</span>, <span class='fu'><a href=''>deparse</a></span>(<span class='fu'><a href=''>substitute</a></span>(<span class='kw'>x</span>))),
ylab = <span class='st'>"Frequency"</span>,
xlab = <span class='st'>"MIC value"</span>,
axes = <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>,
<span class='kw'>...</span>
<span class='co'># S3 method for mic</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>barplot</a></span>(
<span class='kw'>height</span>,
main = <span class='fu'><a href=''>paste</a></span>(<span class='st'>"MIC values of"</span>, <span class='fu'><a href=''>deparse</a></span>(<span class='fu'><a href=''>substitute</a></span>(<span class='kw'>height</span>))),
ylab = <span class='st'>"Frequency"</span>,
xlab = <span class='st'>"MIC value"</span>,
axes = <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>,
<span class='kw'>...</span>
<span class='co'># S3 method for rsi</span>
<span class='fu'>plot</span>(
<span class='kw'>x</span>,
lwd = <span class='fl'>2</span>,
ylim = <span class='kw'>NULL</span>,
ylab = <span class='st'>"Percentage"</span>,
xlab = <span class='st'>"Antimicrobial Interpretation"</span>,
main = <span class='fu'><a href=''>paste</a></span>(<span class='st'>"Resistance Overview of"</span>, <span class='fu'><a href=''>deparse</a></span>(<span class='fu'><a href=''>substitute</a></span>(<span class='kw'>x</span>))),
axes = <span class='fl'>FALSE</span>,
<span class='kw'>...</span>
<span class='co'># S3 method for rsi</span>
<span class='fu'><a href=''>barplot</a></span>(
<span class='kw'>height</span>,
col = <span class='fu'><a href=''>c</a></span>(<span class='st'>"chartreuse4"</span>, <span class='st'>"chartreuse3"</span>, <span class='st'>"brown3"</span>),
xlab = <span class='fu'><a href=''>ifelse</a></span>(<span class='kw'>beside</span>, <span class='st'>"Antimicrobial Interpretation"</span>, <span class='st'>""</span>),
main = <span class='fu'><a href=''>paste</a></span>(<span class='st'>"Resistance Overview of"</span>, <span class='fu'><a href=''>deparse</a></span>(<span class='fu'><a href=''>substitute</a></span>(<span class='kw'>height</span>))),
ylab = <span class='st'>"Frequency"</span>,
beside = <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>,
axes = <span class='kw'>beside</span>,
<span class='kw'>...</span>
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="arguments"><a class="anchor" href="#arguments"></a>Arguments</h2>
<table class="ref-arguments">
<colgroup><col class="name" /><col class="desc" /></colgroup>
<td><p>the coordinates of points in the plot. Alternatively, a
single plotting structure, function or <em>any <span style="R">R</span> object with a
<code>plot</code> method</em> can be provided.</p></td>
<td><p>overall and sub title for the plot.</p></td>
<td><p>a label for the y axis.</p></td>
<td><p>a label for the x axis.</p></td>
<td><p>logical. If <code>TRUE</code>, a vertical (or horizontal, if
<code>horiz</code> is true) axis is drawn.</p></td>
<td><p>Parameters passed on to functions</p></td>
<td><p>either a vector or matrix of values describing the
bars which make up the plot. If <code>height</code> is a vector, the
plot consists of a sequence of rectangular bars with heights
given by the values in the vector. If <code>height</code> is a matrix
and <code>beside</code> is <code>FALSE</code> then each bar of the plot
corresponds to a column of <code>height</code>, with the values in the
column giving the heights of stacked sub-bars making up the
bar. If <code>height</code> is a matrix and <code>beside</code> is
<code>TRUE</code>, then the values in each column are juxtaposed
rather than stacked.</p></td>
<td><p>limits for the y axis.</p></td>
<td><p>a vector of colors for the bars or bar components.
By default, grey is used if <code>height</code> is a vector, and a
gamma-corrected grey palette if <code>height</code> is a matrix.</p></td>
<td><p>a logical value. If <code>FALSE</code>, the columns of
<code>height</code> are portrayed as stacked bars, and if <code>TRUE</code>
the columns are portrayed as juxtaposed bars.</p></td>
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="stable-lifecycle"><a class="anchor" href="#stable-lifecycle"></a>Stable lifecycle</h2>
<p><img src='figures/lifecycle_stable.svg' style=margin-bottom:5px /> <br />
The <a href='lifecycle.html'>lifecycle</a> of this function is <strong>stable</strong>. In a stable function, major changes are unlikely. This means that the unlying code will generally evolve by adding new arguments; removing arguments or changing the meaning of existing arguments will be avoided.</p>
<p>If the unlying code needs breaking changes, they will occur gradually. For example, a parameter will be deprecated and first continue to work, but will emit an message informing you of the change. Next, typically after at least one newly released version on CRAN, the message will be transformed to an error.</p>
<h2 class="hasAnchor" id="read-more-on-our-website-"><a class="anchor" href="#read-more-on-our-website-"></a>Read more on our website!</h2>
<p>On our website <a href=''></a> you can find <a href=''>a comprehensive tutorial</a> about how to conduct AMR analysis, the <a href=''>complete documentation of all functions</a> (which reads a lot easier than here in R) and <a href=''>an example analysis using WHONET data</a>. As we would like to better understand the backgrounds and needs of our users, please <a href=''>participate in our survey</a>!</p>
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<p>Developed by <a href=''>Matthijs S. Berends</a>, <a href=''>Christian F. Luz</a>, <a href=''>Alexander W. Friedrich</a>, <a href=''>Bhanu N. M. Sinha</a>, <a href=''>Casper J. Albers</a>, <a href=''>Corinna Glasner</a>.</p>
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