mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:03:02 +01:00
195 lines
4.9 KiB
195 lines
4.9 KiB
if ( -not(Test-Path Env:\CRAN) ) {
$CRAN = "https://cran.rstudio.com"
Else {
$CRAN = $env:CRAN
# Found at http://zduck.com/2012/powershell-batch-files-exit-codes/
Function Exec
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)]
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=0)]
[string]$ErrorMessage = "Execution of command failed.`n$Command"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
& $Command 2>&1 | %{ "$_" }
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage`nExit code: $LastExitCode"
Function Progress
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=0)]
[string]$Message = ""
$ProgressMessage = '== ' + (Get-Date) + ': ' + $Message
Write-Host $ProgressMessage -ForegroundColor Magenta
Function TravisTool
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=1)]
Exec { bash.exe ../travis_tool.sh $Params }
Function InstallR {
if ( -not(Test-Path Env:\R_VERSION) ) {
$version = "patched"
Else {
$version = $env:R_VERSION
if ( -not(Test-Path Env:\R_ARCH) ) {
$arch = "x64"
Else {
$arch = $env:R_ARCH
If ($arch -eq "i386") {
$mingw_path = "mingw_32"
Else {
$mingw_path = "mingw_64"
Progress ("Version: " + $version)
If ($version -eq "devel") {
$url_path = ""
$version = "devel"
ElseIf (($version -eq "stable") -or ($version -eq "release")) {
$url_path = ""
$version = $(ConvertFrom-JSON $(Invoke-WebRequest http://rversions.r-pkg.org/r-release-win).Content).version
If ($version -eq "3.2.4") {
$version = "3.2.4revised"
ElseIf ($version -eq "patched") {
$url_path = ""
$version = $(ConvertFrom-JSON $(Invoke-WebRequest http://rversions.r-pkg.org/r-release-win).Content).version + "patched"
ElseIf ($version -eq "oldrel") {
$version = $(ConvertFrom-JSON $(Invoke-WebRequest http://rversions.r-pkg.org/r-oldrel).Content).version
$url_path = ("old/" + $version + "/")
Else {
$url_path = ("old/" + $version + "/")
Progress ("URL path: " + $url_path)
$rurl = $CRAN + "/bin/windows/base/" + $url_path + "R-" + $version + "-win.exe"
Progress ("Downloading R from: " + $rurl)
& "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" -s -o ../R-win.exe -L $rurl
Progress "Running R installer"
Start-Process -FilePath ..\R-win.exe -ArgumentList "/VERYSILENT /DIR=C:\R" -NoNewWindow -Wait
$RDrive = "C:"
echo "R is now available on drive $RDrive"
Progress "Setting PATH"
$env:PATH = $RDrive + '\R\bin\' + $arch + ';' + 'C:\Rtools\' + $mingw_path + '\bin;' + 'C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;' + $env:PATH
Progress "Testing R installation"
Rscript -e "sessionInfo()"
Function InstallRtools {
if ( -not(Test-Path Env:\RTOOLS_VERSION) ) {
Progress "Determining Rtools version"
$rtoolsver = $(Invoke-WebRequest ($CRAN + "/bin/windows/Rtools/VERSION.txt")).Content.Split(' ')[2].Split('.')[0..1] -Join ''
Else {
$rtoolsver = $env:RTOOLS_VERSION
$rtoolsurl = $CRAN + "/bin/windows/Rtools/Rtools$rtoolsver.exe"
Progress ("Downloading Rtools from: " + $rtoolsurl)
& "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" -s -o ../Rtools-current.exe -L $rtoolsurl
Progress "Running Rtools installer"
Start-Process -FilePath ..\Rtools-current.exe -ArgumentList /VERYSILENT -NoNewWindow -Wait
$RtoolsDrive = "C:"
echo "Rtools is now available on drive $RtoolsDrive"
Progress "Setting PATH"
if ( -not(Test-Path Env:\GCC_PATH) ) {
$gcc_path = "gcc-4.6.3"
Else {
$gcc_path = $env:GCC_PATH
$env:PATH = $RtoolsDrive + '\Rtools\bin;' + $RtoolsDrive + '\Rtools\MinGW\bin;' + $RtoolsDrive + '\Rtools\' + $gcc_path + '\bin;' + $env:PATH
$env:BINPREF=$RtoolsDrive + '/Rtools/mingw_$(WIN)/bin/'
Function Bootstrap {
Progress "Bootstrap: Start"
Progress "Adding GnuWin32 tools to PATH"
$env:PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;" + $env:PATH
Progress "Setting time zone"
tzutil /g
tzutil /s "GMT Standard Time"
tzutil /g
if ((Test-Path "src") -or ($env:USE_RTOOLS -eq "true") -or ($env:USE_RTOOLS -eq "yes")) {
Else {
Progress "Skipping download of Rtools because src/ directory is missing."
Progress "Downloading and installing travis_tool.sh"
cp "tests\appveyor\travis_tool.sh" "..\travis_tool.sh"
echo '@bash.exe ../travis_tool.sh %*' | Out-File -Encoding ASCII .\travis_tool.sh.cmd
cat .\travis_tool.sh.cmd
bash -c "( echo; echo '^travis_tool\.sh\.cmd$' ) >> .Rbuildignore"
cat .\.Rbuildignore
Progress "Setting R_LIBS_USER"
$env:R_LIBS_USER = 'c:\RLibrary'
if ( -not(Test-Path $env:R_LIBS_USER) ) {
mkdir $env:R_LIBS_USER
Progress "Setting TAR to 'internal'"
$env:TAR = 'internal'
Progress "Bootstrap: Done"