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synced 2025-02-18 23:20:04 +01:00
1493 lines
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Executable File
1493 lines
48 KiB
Executable File
# ==================================================================== #
# Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Data Analysis for R #
# #
# https://github.com/msberends/AMR #
# #
# (c) 2018-2022 Berends MS, Luz CF et al. #
# Developed at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in #
# collaboration with non-profit organisations Certe Medical #
# Diagnostics & Advice, and University Medical Center Groningen. #
# #
# This R package is free software; you can freely use and distribute #
# it for both personal and commercial purposes under the terms of the #
# GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GNU GPL-2), as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation. #
# We created this package for both routine data analysis and academic #
# research and it was publicly released in the hope that it will be #
# useful, but it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. #
# #
# Visit our website for the full manual and a complete tutorial about #
# how to conduct AMR data analysis: https://msberends.github.io/AMR/ #
# ==================================================================== #
# faster implementation of left_join than using merge() by poorman - we use match():
pm_left_join <- function(x, y, by = NULL, suffix = c(".x", ".y")) {
if (is.null(by)) {
by <- intersect(names(x), names(y))[1L]
if (is.na(by)) {
stop_("no common column found for pm_left_join()")
} else if (!is.null(names(by))) {
by <- unname(c(names(by), by))
if (length(by) == 1) {
by <- rep(by, 2)
int_x <- colnames(x) %in% colnames(y) & colnames(x) != by[1]
int_y <- colnames(y) %in% colnames(x) & colnames(y) != by[2]
colnames(x)[int_x] <- paste0(colnames(x)[int_x], suffix[1L])
colnames(y)[int_y] <- paste0(colnames(y)[int_y], suffix[2L])
merged <- cbind(
x[, by[1], drop = TRUE],
y[, by[2], drop = TRUE]
colnames(y)[!colnames(y) %in% colnames(x) & !colnames(y) == by[2]],
drop = FALSE
rownames(merged) <- NULL
# support where() like tidyverse:
# adapted from https://github.com/nathaneastwood/poorman/blob/52eb6947e0b4430cd588976ed8820013eddf955f/R/where.R#L17-L32
where <- function(fn) {
if (!is.function(fn)) {
stop(pm_deparse_var(fn), " is not a valid predicate function.")
preds <- unlist(lapply(
function(x, fn) {
do.call("fn", list(x))
if (!is.logical(preds)) stop("`where()` must be used with functions that return `TRUE` or `FALSE`.")
data_cols <- pm_select_env$get_colnames()
cols <- data_cols[preds]
which(data_cols %in% cols)
# copied and slightly rewritten from poorman under same license (2021-10-15)
quick_case_when <- function(...) {
fs <- list(...)
lapply(fs, function(x) {
if (!inherits(x, "formula")) {
stop("`case_when()` requires formula inputs.")
n <- length(fs)
if (n == 0L) {
stop("No cases provided.")
validate_case_when_length <- function(query, value, fs) {
lhs_lengths <- lengths(query)
rhs_lengths <- lengths(value)
all_lengths <- unique(c(lhs_lengths, rhs_lengths))
if (length(all_lengths) <= 1L) {
non_atomic_lengths <- all_lengths[all_lengths != 1L]
len <- non_atomic_lengths[[1L]]
if (length(non_atomic_lengths) == 1L) {
inconsistent_lengths <- non_atomic_lengths[-1L]
lhs_problems <- lhs_lengths %in% inconsistent_lengths
rhs_problems <- rhs_lengths %in% inconsistent_lengths
problems <- lhs_problems | rhs_problems
if (any(problems)) {
stop("The following formulas must be length ", len, " or 1, not ",
paste(inconsistent_lengths, collapse = ", "), ".\n ",
paste(fs[problems], collapse = "\n "),
call. = FALSE
replace_with <- function(x, i, val, arg_name) {
if (is.null(val)) {
i[is.na(i)] <- FALSE
if (length(val) == 1L) {
x[i] <- val
} else {
x[i] <- val[i]
query <- vector("list", n)
value <- vector("list", n)
default_env <- parent.frame()
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
query[[i]] <- eval(fs[[i]][[2]], envir = default_env)
value[[i]] <- eval(fs[[i]][[3]], envir = default_env)
if (!is.logical(query[[i]])) {
stop(fs[[i]][[2]], " does not return a `logical` vector.")
m <- validate_case_when_length(query, value, fs)
out <- value[[1]][rep(NA_integer_, m)]
replaced <- rep(FALSE, m)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
out <- replace_with(
out, query[[i]] & !replaced, value[[i]],
replaced <- replaced | (query[[i]] & !is.na(query[[i]]))
# No export, no Rd
addin_insert_in <- function() {
import_fn("insertText", "rstudioapi")(" %in% ")
# No export, no Rd
addin_insert_like <- function() {
# we want Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + L to iterate over %like%, %unlike%, %like_case%, and %unlike_case%
getActiveDocumentContext <- import_fn("getActiveDocumentContext", "rstudioapi")
insertText <- import_fn("insertText", "rstudioapi")
modifyRange <- import_fn("modifyRange", "rstudioapi")
document_range <- import_fn("document_range", "rstudioapi")
document_position <- import_fn("document_position", "rstudioapi")
context <- getActiveDocumentContext()
current_row <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end[1]
current_col <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end[2]
current_row_txt <- context$contents[current_row]
if (is.null(current_row) || current_row_txt %unlike% "%(un)?like") {
insertText(" %like% ")
pos_preceded_by <- function(txt) {
if (tryCatch(substr(current_row_txt, current_col - nchar(trimws(txt, which = "right")), current_col) == trimws(txt, which = "right"),
error = function(e) FALSE
)) {
tryCatch(substr(current_row_txt, current_col - nchar(txt), current_col) %like% paste0("^", txt),
error = function(e) FALSE
replace_pos <- function(old, with) {
document_position(current_row, current_col - nchar(old)),
document_position(current_row, current_col)
text = with,
id = context$id
if (pos_preceded_by(" %like% ")) {
replace_pos(" %like% ", with = " %unlike% ")
} else if (pos_preceded_by(" %unlike% ")) {
replace_pos(" %unlike% ", with = " %like_case% ")
} else if (pos_preceded_by(" %like_case% ")) {
replace_pos(" %like_case% ", with = " %unlike_case% ")
} else if (pos_preceded_by(" %unlike_case% ")) {
replace_pos(" %unlike_case% ", with = " %like% ")
} else {
insertText(" %like% ")
search_type_in_df <- function(x, type, info = TRUE) {
meet_criteria(x, allow_class = "data.frame")
meet_criteria(type, allow_class = "character", has_length = 1)
# try to find columns based on type
found <- NULL
# remove attributes from other packages
x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames_formatted <- tolower(generalise_antibiotic_name(colnames(x)))
# -- mo
if (type == "mo") {
if (any(vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(1), x, is.mo))) {
# take first <mo> column
found <- colnames(x)[vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(1), x, is.mo)]
} else if ("mo" %in% colnames_formatted &&
suppressWarnings(all(x$mo %in% c(NA, AMR::microorganisms$mo)))) {
found <- "mo"
} else if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(mo|microorganism|organism|bacteria|ba[ck]terie)s?$")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(mo|microorganism|organism|bacteria|ba[ck]terie)s?$"])
} else if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(microorganism|organism|bacteria|ba[ck]terie)")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(microorganism|organism|bacteria|ba[ck]terie)"])
} else if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "species")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "species"])
# -- key antibiotics
if (type %in% c("keyantibiotics", "keyantimicrobials")) {
if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "^key.*(ab|antibiotics|antimicrobials)")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "^key.*(ab|antibiotics|antimicrobials)"])
# -- date
if (type == "date") {
if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(specimen date|specimen_date|spec_date)")) {
# WHONET support
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(specimen date|specimen_date|spec_date)"])
if (!inherits(pm_pull(x, found), c("Date", "POSIXct"))) {
"Found column '", font_bold(found), "' to be used as input for `col_", type,
"`, but this column contains no valid dates. Transform its values to valid dates first."
call. = FALSE
} else if (any(vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(1), x, function(x) inherits(x, c("Date", "POSIXct"))))) {
# take first <Date> column
found <- colnames(x)[vapply(FUN.VALUE = logical(1), x, function(x) inherits(x, c("Date", "POSIXct")))]
# -- patient id
if (type == "patient_id") {
crit1 <- colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(patient|patid)"
if (any(crit1)) {
found <- colnames(x)[crit1]
} else {
crit2 <- colnames_formatted %like_case% "(identification |patient|pat.*id)"
if (any(crit2)) {
found <- colnames(x)[crit2]
# -- specimen
if (type == "specimen") {
if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "(specimen type|spec_type)")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "(specimen type|spec_type)"])
} else if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(specimen)")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "^(specimen)"])
# -- UTI (urinary tract infection)
if (type == "uti") {
if (any(colnames_formatted == "uti")) {
found <- colnames(x)[colnames_formatted == "uti"]
} else if (any(colnames_formatted %like_case% "(urine|urinary)")) {
found <- sort(colnames(x)[colnames_formatted %like_case% "(urine|urinary)"])
if (!is.null(found)) {
# this column should contain logicals
if (!is.logical(x[, found, drop = TRUE])) {
message_("Column '", font_bold(found), "' found as input for `col_", type,
"`, but this column does not contain 'logical' values (TRUE/FALSE) and was ignored.",
add_fn = font_red
found <- NULL
found <- found[1]
if (!is.null(found) && info == TRUE) {
if (message_not_thrown_before("search_in_type", type)) {
msg <- paste0("Using column '", font_bold(found), "' as input for `col_", type, "`.")
if (type %in% c("keyantibiotics", "keyantimicrobials", "specimen")) {
msg <- paste(msg, "Use", font_bold(paste0("col_", type), "= FALSE"), "to prevent this.")
is_valid_regex <- function(x) {
regex_at_all <- tryCatch(vapply(
FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
X = strsplit(x, "", fixed = TRUE),
FUN = function(y) {
any(y %in% c(
"$", "(", ")", "*", "+", "-",
".", "?", "[", "]", "^", "{",
"|", "}", "\\"
na.rm = TRUE
error = function(e) rep(TRUE, length(x))
regex_valid <- vapply(
FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
X = x,
FUN = function(y) {
!inherits(try(grepl(y, "", perl = TRUE), silent = TRUE), "try-error")
regex_at_all & regex_valid
stop_ifnot_installed <- function(package) {
# no "utils::installed.packages()" since it requires non-staged install since R 3.6.0
# https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/2019/02/14/staged-install/index.html
vapply(FUN.VALUE = character(1), package, function(pkg) {
tryCatch(get(".packageName", envir = asNamespace(pkg)),
error = function(e) {
if (pkg == "rstudioapi") {
stop("This function only works in RStudio when using R >= 3.2.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (pkg != "base") {
stop("This requires the '", pkg, "' package.",
"\nTry to install it with: install.packages(\"", pkg, "\")",
call. = FALSE
pkg_is_available <- function(pkg, also_load = TRUE, min_version = NULL) {
if (also_load == TRUE) {
out <- suppressWarnings(require(pkg, character.only = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE))
} else {
out <- requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)
if (!is.null(min_version)) {
out <- out && utils::packageVersion(pkg) >= min_version
import_fn <- function(name, pkg, error_on_fail = TRUE) {
if (isTRUE(error_on_fail)) {
# don't use get() to avoid fetching non-API functions
getExportedValue(name = name, ns = asNamespace(pkg)),
error = function(e) {
if (isTRUE(error_on_fail)) {
stop_("function ", name, "() is not an exported object from package '", pkg,
"'. Please create an issue at https://github.com/msberends/AMR/issues. Many thanks!",
call = FALSE
} else {
# this alternative wrapper to the message(), warning() and stop() functions:
# - wraps text to never break lines within words
# - ignores formatted text while wrapping
# - adds indentation dependent on the type of message (such as NOTE)
# - can add additional formatting functions like blue or bold text
word_wrap <- function(...,
add_fn = list(),
as_note = FALSE,
width = 0.95 * getOption("width"),
extra_indent = 0) {
msg <- paste0(c(...), collapse = "")
if (isTRUE(as_note)) {
msg <- paste0(pkg_env$info_icon, " ", gsub("^note:? ?", "", msg, ignore.case = TRUE))
if (msg %like% "\n") {
# run word_wraps() over every line here, bind them and return again
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
trimws(unlist(strsplit(msg, "\n", fixed = TRUE)), which = "right"),
add_fn = add_fn,
as_note = FALSE,
width = width,
extra_indent = extra_indent
collapse = "\n"
# correct for operators (will add the space later on)
ops <- "([,./><\\]\\[])"
msg <- gsub(paste0(ops, " ", ops), "\\1\\2", msg, perl = TRUE)
# we need to correct for already applied style, that adds text like "\033[31m\"
msg_stripped <- font_stripstyle(msg)
# where are the spaces now?
msg_stripped_wrapped <- paste0(strwrap(msg_stripped,
simplify = TRUE,
width = width
collapse = "\n"
msg_stripped_wrapped <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(msg_stripped_wrapped, "(\n|\\*\\|\\*)")),
collapse = "\n"
msg_stripped_spaces <- which(unlist(strsplit(msg_stripped, "", fixed = TRUE)) == " ")
msg_stripped_wrapped_spaces <- which(unlist(strsplit(msg_stripped_wrapped, "", fixed = TRUE)) != "\n")
# so these are the indices of spaces that need to be replaced
replace_spaces <- which(!msg_stripped_spaces %in% msg_stripped_wrapped_spaces)
# put it together
msg <- unlist(strsplit(msg, " ", fixed = TRUE))
msg[replace_spaces] <- paste0(msg[replace_spaces], "\n")
# add space around operators again
msg <- gsub(paste0(ops, ops), "\\1 \\2", msg, perl = TRUE)
msg <- paste0(msg, collapse = " ")
msg <- gsub("\n ", "\n", msg, fixed = TRUE)
if (msg_stripped %like% "\u2139 ") {
indentation <- 2 + extra_indent
} else if (msg_stripped %like% "^=> ") {
indentation <- 3 + extra_indent
} else {
indentation <- 0 + extra_indent
msg <- gsub("\n", paste0("\n", strrep(" ", indentation)), msg, fixed = TRUE)
# remove trailing empty characters
msg <- gsub("(\n| )+$", "", msg)
if (length(add_fn) > 0) {
if (!is.list(add_fn)) {
add_fn <- list(add_fn)
for (i in seq_len(length(add_fn))) {
msg <- add_fn[[i]](msg)
# format backticks
msg <- gsub("(`.+?`)", font_grey_bg("\\1"), msg)
# clean introduced whitespace between fullstops
msg <- gsub("[.] +[.]", "..", msg)
# remove extra space that was introduced (case: "Smith et al., 2022")
msg <- gsub(". ,", ".,", msg, fixed = TRUE)
message_ <- function(...,
appendLF = TRUE,
add_fn = list(font_blue),
as_note = TRUE) {
add_fn = add_fn,
as_note = as_note
appendLF = appendLF
warning_ <- function(...,
add_fn = list(),
immediate = FALSE,
call = FALSE) {
add_fn = add_fn,
as_note = FALSE
immediate. = immediate,
call. = call
# this alternative to the stop() function:
# - adds the function name where the error was thrown
# - wraps text to never break lines within words
stop_ <- function(..., call = TRUE) {
msg <- paste0(c(...), collapse = "")
if (!isFALSE(call)) {
if (isTRUE(call)) {
call <- as.character(sys.call(-1)[1])
} else {
# so you can go back more than 1 call, as used in rsi_calc(), that now throws a reference to e.g. n_rsi()
call <- as.character(sys.call(call)[1])
msg <- paste0("in ", call, "(): ", msg)
msg <- word_wrap(msg, add_fn = list(), as_note = FALSE)
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
stop_if <- function(expr, ..., call = TRUE) {
if (isTRUE(expr)) {
if (isTRUE(call)) {
call <- -1
if (!isFALSE(call)) {
# since we're calling stop_(), which is another call
call <- call - 1
stop_(..., call = call)
stop_ifnot <- function(expr, ..., call = TRUE) {
if (isFALSE(expr)) {
if (isTRUE(call)) {
call <- -1
if (!isFALSE(call)) {
# since we're calling stop_(), which is another call
call <- call - 1
stop_(..., call = call)
"%or%" <- function(x, y) {
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
if (is.null(x)) {
} else {
ifelse(is.na(x), y, x)
return_after_integrity_check <- function(value, type, check_vector) {
if (!all(value[!is.na(value)] %in% check_vector)) {
warning_(paste0("invalid ", type, ", NA generated"))
value[!value %in% check_vector] <- NA
# transforms data set to a tibble with only ASCII values, to comply with CRAN policies
dataset_UTF8_to_ASCII <- function(df) {
trans <- function(vect) {
iconv(vect, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT")
df <- as.data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(df))) {
col <- df[, i]
if (is.list(col)) {
col <- lapply(col, function(j) trans(j))
df[, i] <- list(col)
} else {
if (is.factor(col)) {
levels(col) <- trans(levels(col))
} else if (is.character(col)) {
col <- trans(col)
} else {
df[, i] <- col
import_fn("as_tibble", "tibble")(df)
documentation_date <- function(d) {
paste0(trimws(format(d, "%e")), " ", month.name[as.integer(format(d, "%m"))], ", ", format(d, "%Y"))
format_included_data_number <- function(data) {
if (is.data.frame(data)) {
n <- nrow(data)
} else {
n <- length(unique(data))
if (n > 10000) {
rounder <- -3 # round on thousands
} else if (n > 1000) {
rounder <- -2 # round on hundreds
} else {
rounder <- -1 # round on tens
paste0("~", format(round(n, rounder), decimal.mark = ".", big.mark = ","))
# for eucast_rules() and mdro(), creates markdown output with URLs and names
create_eucast_ab_documentation <- function() {
x <- trimws(unique(toupper(unlist(strsplit(EUCAST_RULES_DF$then_change_these_antibiotics, ",", fixed = TRUE)))))
ab <- character()
for (val in x) {
if (paste0("AB_", val) %in% ls(envir = asNamespace("AMR"))) {
# antibiotic group names, as defined in data-raw/_pre_commit_hook.R, such as `CARBAPENEMS`
val <- eval(parse(text = paste0("AB_", val)), envir = asNamespace("AMR"))
} else if (val %in% AB_lookup$ab) {
# separate drugs, such as `AMX`
val <- as.ab(val)
} else {
val <- as.rsi(NA)
ab <- c(ab, val)
ab <- unique(ab)
atcs <- ab_atc(ab, only_first = TRUE)
# only keep ABx with an ATC code:
ab <- ab[!is.na(atcs)]
ab_names <- ab_name(ab, language = NULL, tolower = TRUE)
ab <- ab[order(ab_names)]
ab_names <- ab_names[order(ab_names)]
atc_txt <- paste0("[", atcs[!is.na(atcs)], "](", ab_url(ab), ")")
out <- paste0(ab_names, " (`", ab, "`, ", atc_txt, ")", collapse = ", ")
substr(out, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(out, 1, 1))
vector_or <- function(v, quotes = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, sort = TRUE, initial_captital = FALSE, last_sep = " or ") {
# makes unique and sorts, and this also removed NAs
v <- unique(v)
if (isTRUE(sort)) {
v <- sort(v)
if (isTRUE(reverse)) {
v <- rev(v)
if (isTRUE(quotes)) {
quotes <- '"'
} else if (isFALSE(quotes)) {
quotes <- ""
} else {
quotes <- quotes[1L]
if (isTRUE(initial_captital)) {
v[1] <- gsub("^([a-z])", "\\U\\1", v[1], perl = TRUE)
if (length(v) <= 1) {
return(paste0(quotes, v, quotes))
if (identical(v, c("I", "R", "S"))) {
# class <rsi> should be sorted like this
v <- c("R", "S", "I")
# all commas except for last item, so will become '"val1", "val2", "val3" or "val4"'
paste0(quotes, v[seq_len(length(v) - 1)], quotes, collapse = ", "),
last_sep, paste0(quotes, v[length(v)], quotes)
vector_and <- function(v, quotes = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, sort = TRUE, initial_captital = FALSE) {
v = v, quotes = quotes, reverse = reverse, sort = sort,
initial_captital = initial_captital, last_sep = " and "
format_class <- function(class, plural = FALSE) {
class.bak <- class
class[class == "numeric"] <- "number"
class[class == "integer"] <- "whole number"
if (all(c("numeric", "integer") %in% class.bak, na.rm = TRUE)) {
class[class %in% c("number", "whole number")] <- "(whole) number"
class[class == "character"] <- "text string"
class[class == "Date"] <- "date"
class[class %in% c("POSIXt", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt")] <- "date/time"
class[class != class.bak] <- paste0(
ifelse(plural, "", "a "),
class[class != class.bak],
ifelse(plural, "s", "")
# exceptions
class[class == "logical"] <- ifelse(plural, "a vector of `TRUE`/`FALSE`", "`TRUE` or `FALSE`")
class[class == "data.frame"] <- "a data set"
if ("list" %in% class) {
class <- "a list"
if ("matrix" %in% class) {
class <- "a matrix"
if ("custom_eucast_rules" %in% class) {
class <- "input created with `custom_eucast_rules()`"
if (any(c("mo", "ab", "rsi") %in% class)) {
class <- paste0("of class <", class[1L], ">")
class[class == class.bak] <- paste0("of class <", class[class == class.bak], ">")
# output
vector_or(class, quotes = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
# a check for every single argument in all functions
meet_criteria <- function(object,
allow_class = NULL,
has_length = NULL,
looks_like = NULL,
is_in = NULL,
is_positive = NULL,
is_positive_or_zero = NULL,
is_finite = NULL,
contains_column_class = NULL,
allow_NULL = FALSE,
allow_NA = FALSE,
ignore.case = FALSE,
.call_depth = 0) { # depth in calling
obj_name <- deparse(substitute(object))
call_depth <- -2 - abs(.call_depth)
# if object is missing, or another error:
error = function(e) pkg_env$meet_criteria_error_txt <- e$message
if (!is.null(pkg_env$meet_criteria_error_txt)) {
error_txt <- pkg_env$meet_criteria_error_txt
pkg_env$meet_criteria_error_txt <- NULL
stop(error_txt, call. = FALSE) # don't use stop_() here, our pkg may not be loaded yet
pkg_env$meet_criteria_error_txt <- NULL
if (is.null(object)) {
stop_if(allow_NULL == FALSE, "argument `", obj_name, "` must not be NULL", call = call_depth)
if (is.null(dim(object)) && length(object) == 1 && suppressWarnings(is.na(object))) { # suppressWarnings for functions
stop_if(allow_NA == FALSE, "argument `", obj_name, "` must not be NA", call = call_depth)
if (!is.null(allow_class)) {
stop_ifnot(inherits(object, allow_class), "argument `", obj_name,
"` must be ", format_class(allow_class, plural = isTRUE(has_length > 1)),
", i.e. not be ", format_class(class(object), plural = isTRUE(has_length > 1)),
call = call_depth
# check data.frames for data
if (inherits(object, "data.frame")) {
stop_if(any(dim(object) == 0),
"the data provided in argument `", obj_name,
"` must contain rows and columns (current dimensions: ",
paste(dim(object), collapse = "x"), ")",
call = call_depth
if (!is.null(has_length)) {
stop_ifnot(length(object) %in% has_length, "argument `", obj_name,
"` must ", # ifelse(allow_NULL, "be NULL or must ", ""),
"be of length ", vector_or(has_length, quotes = FALSE),
", not ", length(object),
call = call_depth
if (!is.null(looks_like)) {
stop_ifnot(object %like% looks_like, "argument `", obj_name,
"` must ", # ifelse(allow_NULL, "be NULL or must ", ""),
"resemble the regular expression \"", looks_like, "\"",
call = call_depth
if (!is.null(is_in)) {
if (ignore.case == TRUE) {
object <- tolower(object)
is_in <- tolower(is_in)
stop_ifnot(all(object %in% is_in, na.rm = TRUE), "argument `", obj_name, "` ",
ifelse(!is.null(has_length) && length(has_length) == 1 && has_length == 1,
"must be either ",
"must only contain values "
vector_or(is_in, quotes = !isTRUE(any(c("double", "numeric", "integer") %in% allow_class))),
ifelse(allow_NA == TRUE, ", or NA", ""),
call = call_depth
if (isTRUE(is_positive)) {
stop_if(is.numeric(object) && !all(object > 0, na.rm = TRUE), "argument `", obj_name,
"` must ",
ifelse(!is.null(has_length) && length(has_length) == 1 && has_length == 1,
"be a number higher than zero",
"all be numbers higher than zero"
call = call_depth
if (isTRUE(is_positive_or_zero)) {
stop_if(is.numeric(object) && !all(object >= 0, na.rm = TRUE), "argument `", obj_name,
"` must ",
ifelse(!is.null(has_length) && length(has_length) == 1 && has_length == 1,
"be zero or a positive number",
"all be zero or numbers higher than zero"
call = call_depth
if (isTRUE(is_finite)) {
stop_if(is.numeric(object) && !all(is.finite(object[!is.na(object)]), na.rm = TRUE), "argument `", obj_name,
"` must ",
ifelse(!is.null(has_length) && length(has_length) == 1 && has_length == 1,
"be a finite number",
"all be finite numbers"
" (i.e. not be infinite)",
call = call_depth
if (!is.null(contains_column_class)) {
FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
function(col, columns_class = contains_column_class) {
inherits(col, columns_class)
), na.rm = TRUE),
"the data provided in argument `", obj_name,
"` must contain at least one column of class <", contains_column_class, ">. ",
"See ?as.", contains_column_class, ".",
call = call_depth
get_current_data <- function(arg_name, call) {
valid_df <- function(x) {
!is.null(x) && is.data.frame(x)
# try dplyr::cur_data_all() first to support dplyr groups
# only useful for e.g. dplyr::filter(), dplyr::mutate() and dplyr::summarise()
# not useful (throws error) with e.g. dplyr::select() - but that will be caught later in this function
cur_data_all <- import_fn("cur_data_all", "dplyr", error_on_fail = FALSE)
if (!is.null(cur_data_all)) {
out <- tryCatch(cur_data_all(), error = function(e) NULL)
if (valid_df(out)) {
# try a manual (base R) method, by going over all underlying environments with sys.frames()
for (env in sys.frames()) {
if (!is.null(env$`.Generic`)) {
# don't check `".Generic" %in% names(env)`, because in R < 3.2, `names(env)` is always NULL
if (valid_df(env$`.data`)) {
# an element `.data` will be in the environment when using `dplyr::select()`
# (but not when using `dplyr::filter()`, `dplyr::mutate()` or `dplyr::summarise()`)
} else if (valid_df(env$xx)) {
# an element `xx` will be in the environment for rows + cols, e.g. `example_isolates[c(1:3), carbapenems()]`
} else if (valid_df(env$x)) {
# an element `x` will be in the environment for only cols, e.g. `example_isolates[, carbapenems()]`
# no data.frame found, so an error must be returned:
if (is.na(arg_name)) {
if (isTRUE(is.numeric(call))) {
fn <- as.character(sys.call(call + 1)[1])
examples <- paste0(
", e.g.:\n",
" your_data %>% select(", fn, "())\n",
" your_data %>% select(column_a, column_b, ", fn, "())\n",
" your_data[, ", fn, "()]\n",
' your_data[, c("column_a", "column_b", ', fn, "())]"
} else {
examples <- ""
stop_("this function must be used inside a `dplyr` verb or `data.frame` call",
call = call
} else {
# mimic a base R error that the argument is missing
stop_("argument `", arg_name, "` is missing with no default", call = call)
get_current_column <- function() {
# try dplyr::cur_columns() first
cur_column <- import_fn("cur_column", "dplyr", error_on_fail = FALSE)
if (!is.null(cur_column)) {
out <- tryCatch(cur_column(), error = function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(out)) {
# cur_column() doesn't always work (only allowed for certain conditions set by dplyr), but it's probably still possible:
frms <- lapply(sys.frames(), function(env) {
if (!is.null(env$i)) {
if (!is.null(env$tibble_vars)) {
# for mutate_if()
} else {
# for mutate(across())
df <- tryCatch(get_current_data(NA, 0), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.data.frame(df)) {
} else {
} else {
vars <- unlist(frms)
if (length(vars) > 0) {
} else {
# not found, so:
is_null_or_grouped_tbl <- function(x) {
# class "grouped_df" might change at one point, so only set in one place; here.
is.null(x) || inherits(x, "grouped_df")
unique_call_id <- function(entire_session = FALSE, match_fn = NULL) {
if (entire_session == TRUE) {
return(c(envir = "session", call = "session"))
# combination of environment ID (such as "0x7fed4ee8c848")
# and relevant system call (where 'match_fn' is being called in)
calls <- sys.calls()
if (!identical(Sys.getenv("R_RUN_TINYTEST"), "true") &&
!any(as.character(calls[[1]]) %like_case% "run_test_dir|run_test_file|test_all|tinytest|test_package|testthat")) {
for (i in seq_len(length(calls))) {
call_clean <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_().-]", "", as.character(calls[[i]]), perl = TRUE)
if (any(call_clean %like% paste0(match_fn, "\\("), na.rm = TRUE)) {
envir = gsub("<environment: (.*)>", "\\1", utils::capture.output(sys.frames()[[1]]), perl = TRUE),
call = paste0(deparse(calls[[i]]), collapse = "")
} else if (identical(Sys.getenv("R_RUN_TINYTEST"), "true")) {
message("NOTE: env R_RUN_TINYTEST is set to 'true', unique_call_id() not working well")
envir = paste0(sample(c(0:9, letters[1:6]), size = 32, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""),
call = paste0(sample(c(0:9, letters[1:6]), size = 32, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
#' @noRd
#' @param fn name of the function as a character
#' @param ... character elements to be pasted together as a 'salt'
#' @param entire_session show message once per session
message_not_thrown_before <- function(fn, ..., entire_session = FALSE) {
# this is to prevent that messages/notes will be printed for every dplyr group or more than once per session
# e.g. this would show a msg 4 times: example_isolates %>% group_by(ward) %>% filter(mo_is_gram_negative())
salt <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9|_-]", "?", paste(c(...), sep = "|", collapse = "|"), perl = TRUE)
not_thrown_before <- is.null(pkg_env[[paste0("thrown_msg.", fn, ".", salt)]]) ||
pkg_env[[paste0("thrown_msg.", fn, ".", salt)]],
entire_session = entire_session,
match_fn = fn
if (isTRUE(not_thrown_before)) {
# message was not thrown before - remember this so on the next run it will return FALSE:
x = paste0("thrown_msg.", fn, ".", salt),
value = unique_call_id(entire_session = entire_session, match_fn = fn),
envir = pkg_env
has_colour <- function() {
# this is a base R version of crayon::has_color, but disables colours on emacs
if (Sys.getenv("EMACS") != "" || Sys.getenv("INSIDE_EMACS") != "") {
# disable on emacs, which only supports 8 colours
enabled <- getOption("crayon.enabled")
if (!is.null(enabled)) {
rstudio_with_ansi_support <- function(x) {
if (Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO", "") == "") {
if ((cols <- Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_CONSOLE_COLOR", "")) != "" && !is.na(as.double(cols))) {
tryCatch(getExportedValue("isAvailable", ns = asNamespace("rstudioapi"))(), error = function(e) {
}) &&
tryCatch(getExportedValue("hasFun", ns = asNamespace("rstudioapi"))("getConsoleHasColor"), error = function(e) {
if (rstudio_with_ansi_support() && sink.number() == 0) {
if (!isatty(stdout())) {
if (tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"]) == "windows") {
if (Sys.getenv("ConEmuANSI") == "ON") {
if (Sys.getenv("CMDER_ROOT") != "") {
if ("COLORTERM" %in% names(Sys.getenv())) {
if (Sys.getenv("TERM") == "dumb") {
pattern = "^screen|^xterm|^vt100|color|ansi|cygwin|linux",
x = Sys.getenv("TERM"),
ignore.case = TRUE,
perl = TRUE
# set colours if console has_colour()
try_colour <- function(..., before, after, collapse = " ") {
if (length(c(...)) == 0) {
txt <- paste0(c(...), collapse = collapse)
if (isTRUE(has_colour())) {
if (is.null(collapse)) {
paste0(before, txt, after, collapse = NULL)
} else {
paste0(before, txt, after, collapse = "")
} else {
font_black <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
before <- "\033[38;5;232m"
after <- "\033[39m"
theme_info <- import_fn("getThemeInfo", "rstudioapi", error_on_fail = FALSE)
if (!is.null(theme_info) && isTRUE(theme_info()$dark)) {
# white
before <- "\033[37m"
after <- "\033[39m"
try_colour(..., before = before, after = after, collapse = collapse)
font_white <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
before <- "\033[37m"
after <- "\033[39m"
theme_info <- import_fn("getThemeInfo", "rstudioapi", error_on_fail = FALSE)
if (!is.null(theme_info) && isTRUE(theme_info()$dark)) {
# black
before <- "\033[38;5;232m"
after <- "\033[39m"
try_colour(..., before = before, after = after, collapse = collapse)
font_blue <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[34m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_green <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[32m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_magenta <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[35m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_red <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[31m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_silver <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[90m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_yellow <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[33m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_subtle <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[38;5;246m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_grey <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[38;5;249m", after = "\033[39m", collapse = collapse)
font_grey_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
if (tryCatch(import_fn("getThemeInfo", "rstudioapi", error_on_fail = FALSE)()$dark, error = function(e) FALSE)) {
# similar to HTML #444444
try_colour(..., before = "\033[48;5;238m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
} else {
# similar to HTML #f0f0f0
try_colour(..., before = "\033[48;5;255m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_red_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
# this is #ed553b (picked to be colourblind-safe with other RSI colours)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;203m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_orange_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
# this is #f6d55c (picked to be colourblind-safe with other RSI colours)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;222m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_yellow_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;228m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_green_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
# this is #3caea3 (picked to be colourblind-safe with other RSI colours)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;79m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_purple_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;89m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_rose_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;217m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_na <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
font_red(..., collapse = collapse)
font_bold <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[1m", after = "\033[22m", collapse = collapse)
font_italic <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[3m", after = "\033[23m", collapse = collapse)
font_underline <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(..., before = "\033[4m", after = "\033[24m", collapse = collapse)
font_stripstyle <- function(x) {
# from crayon:::ansi_regex
gsub("(?:(?:\\x{001b}\\[)|\\x{009b})(?:(?:[0-9]{1,3})?(?:(?:;[0-9]{0,3})*)?[A-M|f-m])|\\x{001b}[A-M]", "", x, perl = TRUE)
progress_ticker <- function(n = 1, n_min = 0, print = TRUE, ...) {
if (print == FALSE || n < n_min) {
pb <- list()
pb$tick <- function() {
pb$kill <- function() {
set_clean_class(pb, new_class = "txtProgressBar")
} else if (n >= n_min) {
# rely on the progress package if it is available - it has a more verbose output
progress_bar <- import_fn("progress_bar", "progress", error_on_fail = FALSE)
if (!is.null(progress_bar)) {
# so we use progress::progress_bar
# a close() method was also added, see below this function
pb <- progress_bar$new(
format = "[:bar] :percent (:current/:total)",
total = n
} else {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = n, style = 3)
pb$tick <- function() {
pb$up(pb$getVal() + 1)
#' @method close progress_bar
#' @export
#' @noRd
close.progress_bar <- function(con, ...) {
set_clean_class <- function(x, new_class) {
# return the object with only the new class and no additional attributes where possible
if (is.null(x)) {
x <- NA_character_
if (is.factor(x)) {
# keep only levels and remove all other attributes
lvls <- levels(x)
attributes(x) <- NULL
levels(x) <- lvls
} else if (!is.list(x) && !is.function(x)) {
attributes(x) <- NULL
class(x) <- new_class
formatted_filesize <- function(...) {
size_kb <- file.size(...) / 1024
if (size_kb < 1) {
paste(round(size_kb, 1), "kB")
} else if (size_kb < 100) {
paste(round(size_kb, 0), "kB")
} else {
paste(round(size_kb / 1024, 1), "MB")
create_pillar_column <- function(x, ...) {
new_pillar_shaft_simple <- import_fn("new_pillar_shaft_simple", "pillar")
new_pillar_shaft_simple(x, ...)
as_original_data_class <- function(df, old_class = NULL) {
if ("tbl_df" %in% old_class && pkg_is_available("tibble", also_load = FALSE)) {
fn <- import_fn("as_tibble", "tibble")
} else if ("tbl_ts" %in% old_class && pkg_is_available("tsibble", also_load = FALSE)) {
fn <- import_fn("as_tsibble", "tsibble")
} else if ("data.table" %in% old_class && pkg_is_available("data.table", also_load = FALSE)) {
fn <- import_fn("as.data.table", "data.table")
} else if ("tabyl" %in% old_class && pkg_is_available("janitor", also_load = FALSE)) {
fn <- import_fn("as_tabyl", "janitor")
} else {
fn <- base::as.data.frame
# works exactly like round(), but rounds `round2(44.55, 1)` to 44.6 instead of 44.5
# and adds decimal zeroes until `digits` is reached when force_zero = TRUE
round2 <- function(x, digits = 1, force_zero = TRUE) {
x <- as.double(x)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/12688836/4575331
val <- (trunc((abs(x) * 10^digits) + 0.5) / 10^digits) * sign(x)
if (digits > 0 && force_zero == TRUE) {
values_trans <- val[val != as.integer(val) & !is.na(val)]
val[val != as.integer(val) & !is.na(val)] <- paste0(
digits - nchar(
scientific = FALSE
# percentage from our other package: 'cleaner'
percentage <- function(x, digits = NULL, ...) {
# getdecimalplaces() function
getdecimalplaces <- function(x, minimum = 0, maximum = 3) {
if (maximum < minimum) {
maximum <- minimum
if (minimum > maximum) {
minimum <- maximum
max_places <- max(unlist(lapply(
"0+$", "",
as.character(x * 100)
), ".", fixed = TRUE),
function(y) ifelse(length(y) == 2, nchar(y[2]), 0)
)), na.rm = TRUE)
na.rm = TRUE
na.rm = TRUE
# format_percentage() function
format_percentage <- function(x, digits = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(digits)) {
digits <- getdecimalplaces(x)
if (is.null(digits) || is.na(digits) || !is.numeric(digits)) {
digits <- 2
# round right: percentage(0.4455) and format(as.percentage(0.4455), 1) should return "44.6%", not "44.5%"
x_formatted <- format(round2(as.double(x), digits = digits + 2) * 100,
scientific = FALSE,
digits = max(1, digits),
nsmall = digits,
x_formatted <- paste0(x_formatted, "%")
x_formatted[!grepl(pattern = "^[0-9.,e-]+$", x = x)] <- NA_character_
# the actual working part
x <- as.double(x)
if (is.null(digits)) {
# max one digit if undefined
digits <- getdecimalplaces(x, minimum = 0, maximum = 1)
.Data = as.double(x),
class = c("percentage", "numeric")
digits = digits, ...
time_start_tracking <- function() {
pkg_env$time_start <- round(as.double(Sys.time()) * 1000)
time_track <- function(name = NULL) {
paste("(until now:", trimws(round(as.double(Sys.time()) * 1000) - pkg_env$time_start), "ms)")
# nolint start
# Register S3 methods ----
# copied from vctrs::s3_register by their permission:
# https://github.com/r-lib/vctrs/blob/05968ce8e669f73213e3e894b5f4424af4f46316/R/register-s3.R
s3_register <- function(generic, class, method = NULL) {
stopifnot(is.character(generic), length(generic) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(class), length(class) == 1)
pieces <- strsplit(generic, "::")[[1]]
stopifnot(length(pieces) == 2)
package <- pieces[[1]]
generic <- pieces[[2]]
caller <- parent.frame()
get_method_env <- function() {
top <- topenv(caller)
if (isNamespace(top)) {
} else {
get_method <- function(method, env) {
if (is.null(method)) {
get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env())
} else {
method_fn <- get_method(method)
setHook(packageEvent(package, "onLoad"), function(...) {
ns <- asNamespace(package)
method_fn <- get_method(method)
registerS3method(generic, class, method_fn, envir = ns)
if (!isNamespaceLoaded(package)) {
envir <- asNamespace(package)
if (exists(generic, envir)) {
registerS3method(generic, class, method_fn, envir = envir)
# Support old R versions ----
# these functions were not available in previous versions of R
# see here for the full list: https://github.com/r-lib/backports
if (getRversion() < "3.1.0") {
# R-3.0 does not contain these functions, set them here to prevent installation failure
# (required for extension of the <mic> class)
cospi <- function(...) 1
sinpi <- function(...) 1
tanpi <- function(...) 1
if (getRversion() < "3.2.0") {
anyNA <- function(x, recursive = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(recursive) && (is.list(x) || is.pairlist(x))) {
return(any(rapply(x, anyNA, how = "unlist", recursive = FALSE)))
dir.exists <- function(paths) {
x <- base::file.info(paths)$isdir
!is.na(x) & x
file.size <- function(...) {
file.mtime <- function(...) {
isNamespaceLoaded <- function(pkg) {
pkg %in% loadedNamespaces()
lengths <- function(x, use.names = TRUE) {
vapply(x, length, FUN.VALUE = NA_integer_, USE.NAMES = use.names)
if (getRversion() < "3.3.0") {
strrep <- function(x, times) {
x <- as.character(x)
if (length(x) == 0L) {
unlist(.mapply(function(x, times) {
if (is.na(x) || is.na(times)) {
if (times <= 0L) {
paste0(replicate(times, x), collapse = "")
}, list(x = x, times = times), MoreArgs = list()), use.names = FALSE)
trimws <- function(x, which = c("both", "left", "right"), whitespace = "[ \t\r\n]") {
which <- match.arg(which)
mysub <- function(re, x) sub(re, "", x, perl = TRUE)
left = mysub(paste0("^", whitespace, "+"), x),
right = mysub(paste0(whitespace, "+$"), x),
both = mysub(paste0(whitespace, "+$"), mysub(paste0("^", whitespace, "+"), x))
if (getRversion() < "3.4.2") {
isFALSE <- function(x) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) && !x
if (getRversion() < "3.6.0") {
str2lang <- function(s) {
stopifnot(length(s) == 1L)
ex <- parse(text = s, keep.source = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(ex) == 1L)
if (getRversion() < "4.0.0") {
deparse1 <- function(expr, collapse = " ", width.cutoff = 500L, ...) {
paste(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, ...), collapse = collapse)
# nolint end