import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from itertools import cycle import argparse import pickle import yaml def is_ipython(): ''' Check if script is run in IPython. Returns: bool: True if IPython, else False ''' try: get_ipython() ipy = True except NameError: ipy = False return ipy def load_data(file): ''' Load numpy data from file. Returns dict: data dictionary ''' dat = np.load(file) return dat def plot_parameters(dat, input_file, deparameterize=False, ref=None): ''' Plot the parameters in separate subplots with uncertainties. Args: dat (dict): data dictionary deparameterize (bool): flag indicating if parameters should be deparameterized via 2**theta ref: reference value to be plotted with parameters ''' if is_ipython(): plt.ion() idx_a = input_file.find('/') idx_b = input_file[idx_a+1::].find('/') name_file = input_file[idx_a+1:idx_b+idx_a+1] inputfile_path = 'results/' + name_file + '/input.yaml' with open(inputfile_path) as file: inputfile = yaml.full_load(file) true_values = { 3: 4800, 4: 7200, 5: 11520, 6: 11520, 2: 75 } true_values_C = { 3: 0.0004, 4: 0.0004, 5: 0.0003, 6: 0.0003, } meas_flag = False RC_mod = True line_split = 1.5 current_val = [] current_val_C = [] ids_type = [] labels = [] ids = [] for bnd_c in inputfile['estimation']['boundary_conditions']: if 'windkessel' in bnd_c['type']: for bnd_set in inputfile['boundary_conditions']: if bnd_c['id'] == bnd_set['id']: ids.append(bnd_c['id']) ids_type.append('windkessel') current_val.append(bnd_set['parameters']['R_d']) labels.append('$R_' + str(bnd_c['id'])) if RC_mod: current_val_C.append(bnd_set['parameters']['C']) labels.append('$C_' + str(bnd_c['id'])) elif 'dirichlet' in bnd_c['type']: current_val.append(inputfile['boundary_conditions'][0]['parameters']['U']) ids.append(bnd_c['id']) ids_type.append('dirichlet') labels.append('$U') dim = dat['theta'].shape[-1] fig1, axes = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(8,6)) axes.set_ylabel(r'$\theta$',fontsize=18) t = dat['times'] theta = dat['theta'] P = dat['P_theta'] col = cycle(['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3','C4']) ls = cycle(['-', '-', '--', '--', ':', ':', '-.', '-.']) legends = cycle(labels) if meas_flag: t_und = t[0::30] t_und = np.append( t_und , [t[-1]]) meas_mark = t_und*0 col_ = next(col) ls_ = next(ls) legends_=next(legends) if dim == 1: theta = theta.reshape((-1, 1)) P = P.reshape((-1, 1, 1)) idx = 0 idc = 0 for i in range(len(ids)): cur_key = ids[i] true_level = np.log(true_values[ids[i]]/current_val[i])/np.log(2) rec_value = np.round(2**theta[-1, idx]*current_val[i],2) #curve = theta[:,i] + line_split*i #dash_curve = line_split*i + t*0 + true_level curve = theta[:,idx] + line_split*idx - true_level dash_curve = line_split*idx + t*0 axes.plot(t, curve , '-', color=col_,label= legends_ + '= ' + str(rec_value) + '/' + str(true_values[cur_key]) + '$') axes.fill_between(t, curve - np.sqrt(P[:, idx, idx]), curve + np.sqrt(P[:, idx, idx]), alpha=0.3, color=col_) legends_=next(legends) axes.plot(t, dash_curve , color=col_,ls='--') if RC_mod: if i