import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as LA import sys from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() # SENSE: Simulation of SENSitive Encoding algorithm proposed by K. Pruessmann, et. al. in: # "SENSE: Sensitivity Enconding for Fast MRI" Mag. Res. in Medicine 42. (1999) # written by Jeremias Garay ( def Sensitivity_Map(shape): [Nx,Ny,Nz] = shape [X,Y,Z] = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,Ny,Ny),np.linspace(0,Nx,Nx),np.linspace(0,Nz,Nz)) Xsense1 = (X/(Nx*2)-1)**2 Xsense2 = ((Nx-X)/(Nx*2)-1)**2 S_MAPS = [np.fft.fftshift(Xsense1),np.fft.fftshift(Xsense2)] return S_MAPS def SENSE_recon(S1,M1,S2,M2): [Nx,Ny,Nz,Nt] = M1.shape M = np.zeros([Nx,int(2*Ny),Nz,Nt],dtype=complex) sm1 = np.fft.fftshift(S1)[:,:,0] sm2 = np.fft.fftshift(S2)[:,:,0] for j in range(Ny): for k in range(Nx): l1 = M1[k,j,:,:]; a1 = sm1[k,j]; a2 = sm1[k,j+Ny] l2 = M2[k,j,:,:]; b1 = sm2[k,j]; b2 = sm2[k,j+Ny] B = (l1*b1 - l2*a1)/(a2*b1 - b2*a1) A = (l1*b2 - l2*a2)/(a1*b2 - a2*b1) M[k,j,:,:] = A M[k,j+Ny,:,:] = B return M def SENSE_recon2(S1,M1,S2,M2): # With matrices as in the original paper! [Nx,Ny,Nz,Nt] = M1.shape M = np.zeros([Nx,int(2*Ny),Nz,Nt],dtype=complex) sm1 = np.fft.fftshift(S1)[:,:,0] sm2 = np.fft.fftshift(S2)[:,:,0] sigma2 = 0.049**2 sigma2 = 1 Psi = np.diagflat(np.array([sigma2,sigma2])) # Error matrix Psi Psi_inv = np.linalg.inv(Psi) for j in range(Ny): for k in range(Nx): l1 = M1[k,j,:,:]; a1 = sm1[k,j]; a2 = sm1[k,j+Ny] l2 = M2[k,j,:,:]; b1 = sm2[k,j]; b2 = sm2[k,j+Ny] S = np.array([[a1,a2],[b1,b2]]) U = np.linalg.inv((np.transpose(S)*Psi_inv*S))*np.transpose(S)*Psi_inv a = np.array([l1,l2]) a_resized = np.resize(a,(2,Nz*Nt)) v_resized =,a_resized) v = np.resize(v_resized,(2,Nz,Nt)) M[k,j,:,:] = v[0,:,:] M[k,j+Ny,:,:] = v[1,:,:] return M def SENSE_METHOD(Seq,R): ''' Args: ITOT: a numpy matrix with the full sampled (3D or 4D) dynamical data R: the acceleration factor ''' [row,col,dep,numt2] = Seq.shape Seq_red = {} SenseMAP = {} [SenseMAP[0],SenseMAP[1]] = Sensitivity_Map([row,col,dep]) col2 = int(np.ceil(col/2)) for rs in range(R): Seq_red[rs] = np.zeros([row,col2,dep,numt2],dtype=complex) for t in range(numt2): Kdata_0 = np.fft.fftn(Seq[:,:,:,t]) Kdata_0 = Kdata_0*SenseMAP[rs] Kdata_0 = Kdata_0[:,0::R,:] Seq_red[rs][:,:,:,t] = np.fft.ifftn(Kdata_0) Seq_recon = SENSE_recon2(SenseMAP[0],Seq_red[0],SenseMAP[1],Seq_red[1]) return Seq_recon def undersampling(Mx,My,Mz,options): R = options['SENSE']['R'] for r in R: if rank==0: print('Using Acceleration Factor R = ' + str(r)) print('applying into x component') Mx_s = SENSE_METHOD(Mx,r) if rank==0: print('applying into y component') My_s = SENSE_METHOD(My,r) if rank==0: print('applying into z component') Mz_s = SENSE_METHOD(Mz,r) return [Mx_s,My_s,Mz_s]