from dolfin import * mesh_in = '/home/yeye/Desktop/leomesh.xml' mesh_out = '/home/yeye/Desktop/aorta.h5' mesh = Mesh(mesh_in) hdf = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), mesh_out, 'w') boundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh,2) marked = 1 testmesh = 0 hdf.write(mesh, '/mesh') if marked==1: class Inlet(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and between(x[0],(0.1975,0.1989)) and between(x[2],(0.07,0.1)) class Outlet(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and between(x[0],(0.1975,0.1989)) and between(x[2],(0,0.04)) class Walls(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary outlet = Outlet() inlet = Inlet() walls = Walls() boundaries.set_all(0) walls.mark(boundaries,1) outlet.mark(boundaries,3) inlet.mark(boundaries,2) hdf.write(boundaries, '/boundaries') hdf.close() if testmesh: print('Testing Mesh...') meshname = mesh_out pathtoB = '/home/yeye/Desktop/boundaries.xdmf' mesh = Mesh() hdf = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), meshname , 'r'), '/mesh', False) boundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh , mesh.topology().dim() - 1), '/boundaries') # To save the boundaries information XDMFFile(pathtoB).write(boundaries) print('Boundary info printed in ' + pathtoB)