import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from itertools import cycle import argparse import pickle import yaml #import matplotlib.font_manager from matplotlib import rc rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) rc('text', usetex=True) def is_ipython(): ''' Check if script is run in IPython. Returns: bool: True if IPython, else False ''' try: get_ipython() ipy = True except NameError: ipy = False return ipy def load_data(file): ''' Load numpy data from file. Returns dict: data dictionary ''' dat = np.load(file) return dat def plot_parameters(dat, input_file, deparameterize=False, ref=None): ''' Plot the parameters in separate subplots with uncertainties. Args: dat (dict): data dictionary deparameterize (bool): flag indicating if parameters should be deparameterized via 2**theta ref: reference value to be plotted with parameters ''' if is_ipython(): plt.ion() idx_a = input_file.find('/') idx_b = input_file[idx_a+1::].find('/') name_file = input_file[idx_a+1:idx_b+idx_a+1] inputfile_path = 'results/' + name_file + '/input.yaml' with open(inputfile_path) as file: inputfile = yaml.full_load(file) true_values = { 3: 4800, 4: 7200, 5: 11520, 6: 11520, 2: 75 } dim = dat['theta'].shape[-1] current_val = [] ids_type = [] labels = [] ids = [] for bnd_c in inputfile['estimation']['boundary_conditions']: if 'windkessel' in bnd_c['type']: for bnd_set in inputfile['boundary_conditions']: if bnd_c['id'] == bnd_set['id']: ids.append(bnd_c['id']) ids_type.append('windkessel') current_val.append(bnd_set['parameters']['R_d']) labels.append('$R_' + str(bnd_c['id']-3)) elif 'dirichlet' in bnd_c['type']: current_val.append(inputfile['boundary_conditions'][0]['parameters']['U']) ids.append(bnd_c['id']) ids_type.append('dirichlet') labels.append('$U') if 'windkessel' in ids_type: fig1, axes1 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,7)) if 'dirichlet' in ids_type: fig3, axes3 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,7)) t = dat['times'] theta = dat['theta'] P = dat['P_theta'] #col = cycle(['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3','C4']) col = cycle(['orangered', 'dodgerblue', 'limegreen', 'C3','C4']) legends = cycle(labels) col_ = next(col) legends_=next(legends) if dim == 1: theta = theta.reshape((-1, 1)) P = P.reshape((-1, 1, 1)) idx = 0 for i in range(len(ids)): cur_key = ids[i] rec_value = np.round(2**theta[-1, idx]*current_val[i],2) curve = 2**theta[:, idx]*current_val[i] std_down = 2**(-np.sqrt(P[:, idx, idx]))*curve std_up = 2**np.sqrt(P[:, idx, idx])*curve dash_curve = true_values[ids[i]] + t*0 if ids_type[i] == 'dirichlet': axes3.plot(t, curve , '-', color=col_,label= legends_ + '= ' + str(rec_value) + '/' + str(true_values[cur_key]) + '$', linewidth = 5) axes3.fill_between(t, std_down, std_up, alpha=0.3, color=col_) legends_=next(legends) axes3.plot(t, dash_curve , color=col_,ls='--' , linewidth = 3) axes3.set_ylabel(r'$U$',fontsize=36) axes3.legend(fontsize=36,loc='upper right') axes3.set_xlim([0,0.45]) axes3.set_ylim([8,180]) axes3.set_xlabel(r'$t (s)$',fontsize=36) axes3.set_box_aspect(1/2) plt.xticks(fontsize=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=28) #plt.savefig('U_' + name_file + '.png') plt.close(fig3) else: axes1.plot(t, curve , '-', color=col_,label= legends_ + '= ' + str(rec_value) + '/' + str(true_values[cur_key]) + '$', linewidth = 4) axes1.fill_between(t, std_down, std_up, alpha=0.3, color=col_) axes1.plot(t, dash_curve , color=col_,ls='--',linewidth = 3) legends_=next(legends) col_ = next(col) idx +=1 axes1.set_ylabel(r'$R_d$',fontsize=30) axes1.legend(fontsize=36,loc='upper right') axes1.set_xlim([0,0.51]) axes1.set_ylim([-1000,65000]) axes1.set_box_aspect(1/2) plt.xticks(fontsize=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=28) axes1.set_xlabel(r'$t (s)$',fontsize=36) path_paper = '/home/yeye/A_aliasing_kalman/latex/0_preprint/Figures/' path_paper = '/home/yeye/Desktop/' #fig1.savefig('Rd_'+ name_file +'.png') fig1.savefig(path_paper + 'Rd_'+ name_file +'.png') def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=''' Plot the time evolution of the ROUKF estimated parameters. To execute in IPython:: %run [-d] [-r N [N \ ...]] file ''', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help='path to ROUKF stats file') parser.add_argument('-d', '--deparameterize', action='store_true', help='deparameterize the parameters by 2**theta') parser.add_argument('-r', '--ref', metavar='N', nargs='+', default=None, type=float, help='Reference values for parameters') return parser if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_parser().parse_args() dat = load_data(args.file) plot_parameters(dat, args.file,deparameterize=args.deparameterize, ref=args.ref)