mesh: './mesh/volunteer.h5' density: 1.06 dynamic_viscosity: 0.038 io: write_path: './results' write_xdmf: True write_timeseries: false write_checkpoint: True log: false postprocessing: enabled: false debug_xdmf: false pressure_drop: method: boundaries # slices, boundaries, spheres boundaries: [2,3] slices: - spheres: - timeseries: # FOR ALL THAT IS LOVED & HOLY, do not put the .h5 file extension here! measurements: - 'all' - './data/' dt: 0.0343 pressure_checkpoints: methods: - COR COR: time_schemes: - implicit fix_const: 2 # 0: false, 1: substract zero_point, 2: nullspace, 3: both convection_schemes: - standard zero_point: boundary_type: 'dirichlet' theta: 1.0 solver: type: 'newton' max_iteration: 30 tol: 1e-7 mode: 'auto' reynolds_continuation: enabled: true Nfrac: {20: 'normal' , 50: [1,2,3,4,5,6] } fe_space: P2P1 stabilization_parameter: 0.01 compute_norms: false linear_solver: method: mumps