mesh: /home/yeye/Desktop/PhD/AORTA/MESH/aorta_fine2/aorta_fine2_marked.h5 io: write_path: '/home/yeye/Desktop/PhD/AORTA/DATA/ct/aorta_fine/dt0.001' # path to checkpoints timemarching: T: 0.9 dt: 0.001 fem: velocity_space: p1 # p1, p2 pressure_space: p1 estimation: measurements: - mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/PhD/AORTA/MESH/aorta_fine2/aorta_fine2_marked.h5' # measurement mesh fe_degree: 1 # 0 or 1 file_root: '/home/yeye/Desktop/PhD/AORTA/DATA/ct/aorta_fine/dt0.001/measurements/u{i}.h5' # velocity measurements to be written by the program, {{i}} will be replaced by the corresponding index of the checkpoint xdmf_file: /home/yeye/Desktop/PhD/AORTA/DATA/ct/aorta_fine/dt0.001/measurements/meas.xdmf # path for optional XDMF output noise_stddev: 0 # absolute standard deviation of Gaussian noise indices: 0 # indices of checkpoints to be processed. 0 == all #velocity_direction: [0, 0, 1]