# A uniquely secret key SECRET_KEY=@wb=#(f4uc0l%e!5*eo+aoflnxb(@!l9!=c5w=4b+x$=!8&vy%' # Disable debug in production DEBUG=False # Allowed hosts that Django does server. Take care when NGINX is proxying infront of Django ALLOWED_HOSTS=,localhost # All internal IPS for Django. Use comma separated list INTERNAL_IPS= # Enter the database url connection: https://github.com/jacobian/dj-database-url DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////opt/poli_planning/polyclinic_scheduling/db.sqlite3 # The location on disk where the static files will be placed during deployment. Setting is required STATIC_ROOT = # Email settings # Mail host EMAIL_HOST= # Email user name EMAIL_HOST_USER= # Email password EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD= # Email server port number to use EMAIL_PORT=25 # Does the email server supports TLS? EMAIL_USE_TLS= # The sender address. This needs to be one of the allowed domains due to SPF checks # The code will use a reply-to header to make sure that replies goes to the researcher and not this address EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=Do not reply