from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import shlex import subprocess from zipfile import ZipFile import json from django.conf import settings from uuid import uuid4 def available_states(): states = [] # Read the timezones.csv file from the Synthea resources. This should give us all the 'state' on the first column df = pd.read_csv(settings.SYNTHEA_STATES_DIR / 'timezones.csv', index_col=False) for state in df[df.columns[0]].to_list(): states.append({'id' : state , 'name' : state}) #states = df[df.columns[0]].to_list() # Sort on name states = sorted(states, key=lambda k: k['name'].lower()) #states.sort() return states def available_modules(): # Assumption here: Only .json files in the main folder are modules. The rest are submodules... modules = [] for module in settings.SYNTHEA_MODULE_DIR.iterdir(): if module.is_file() and module.suffix == '.json': data = json.loads(module.read_text()) modules.append({'id' :'.json',''), 'name' : data['name']}) modules = sorted(modules, key=lambda k: k['name'].lower()) return modules def run_synthea(state = None, population = None, gender = None, age = None, module = None): # Add a unique dir to the output, so multiple Synthea processes can run parallel temp_id = uuid4().hex output_folder = settings.SYNTHEA_OUTPUT_DIR / temp_id synthea_cmd = [settings.SYNTHEA_BASE_DIR / 'run_synthea','--exporter.baseDirectory',output_folder] zip_file = 'Synthea_' if population: synthea_cmd.append('-p') synthea_cmd.append(str(population)) zip_file += f'population_{population}_' if gender: synthea_cmd.append('-g') synthea_cmd.append(gender.upper()) zip_file += f'gender_{gender}_' if age: synthea_cmd.append('-a') synthea_cmd.append(age) zip_file += f'age_{age}_' if module: synthea_cmd.append('-m') synthea_cmd.append(module) zip_file += f'module_{module}_' if state: synthea_cmd.append(state) zip_file += f'state_{state}' process_ok = False log = '' with subprocess.Popen(synthea_cmd,cwd=settings.SYNTHEA_BASE_DIR, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as process: for line in process.stdout: line = line.decode('utf8') log += line if not process_ok: process_ok = line.find('BUILD SUCCESSFUL') >= 0 if process_ok: with ZipFile(f'{output_folder}/{zip_file}_{temp_id}.zip', 'w') as export: for file in (output_folder / settings.SYNTHEA_EXPORT_TYPE).iterdir(): export.write(file, return (log,Path(f'{output_folder}/{zip_file}_{temp_id}.zip')) else: raise Exception(log)