%% CMBE TEMPLATE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION %% USE CLASS cmbe17.cls ** DO NOT MODIFY CLASS FILE ** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The extended abstract should consist of a short abstract (SUMMARY) % and 2-4 keywords, followed by a short article. The length of the % extended abstract must not be longer than four pages incl. references. % % Guidelines to complete each section are provided below. % References are managed using thebibliography with cite_key and % the \bibitem{cite_key} command. Make sure they are arranged by % order of appearance in the text. ** No page numbering. % % % Consult the conference website for submission information. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass{cmbe21} % additional packages \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx,wrapfig} % comment if not needed \usepackage[hyphens]{url} \usepackage{hyperref} % TITLE: replace text with your abstract title WITHOUT full stop \title{On monolithic and Chorin-Temam schemes for incompressible flows in moving domains} % AUTHOR/AFFILIATION: handled by authblk. % Use only one of the two following methods for author listing. Delete or comment out the other. % Add/remove authors/affiliations as necessary, complete following the template without adding additional superscript/footnotes % 1- Authors have the same affiliation: % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %\author{First A. Author} %\author{Second B. Author} %\author{Third C. Author} %\affil{Affiliation, Postal Address, \texttt{\{First,Second,Third\}@affil}} % 2- Multiple authors with multiple affiliations. Complete as follows: author[i] <-> affiliation[i] % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %\author[1]{Jerem\'ias Garay} %\author[2]{Second B. Author} %\author[3]{Third C. Author} %\author[2]{Fourth D. Author} % \author[1]{Jerem\'ias Garay} \author[1]{Reidmen Ar\'ostica} % \author[1]{David Nolte} \author[1]{Crist\'obal Bertoglio} \affil[1]{{Bernoulli Institute}, {University of Groningen}, {Groningen}, The Netherlands} %\affil[cmm]{{Center for Mathematical Modeling}, {Universidad de Chile}, {Santiago}, Chile} %\affil[tub]{{Department of Fluid Dynamics}, {Technische Universit\"at Berlin}, {Berlin}, Germany} %\affil[2]{{Bernoulli Institute}, {University of Groningen}, %{Groningen}, The Netherlands} %\affil[2]{{Biomedical Imaging Center}, {Pontificia Universidad Cat\'olica de Chile}, %{Santiago}, Chile} %\affil[3]{{School of Biomedical Engineering}, {Universidad de Valparaiso}, %{Valparaiso}, Chile} % %\affil[4]{{Department of Mathematical Engineering}, {Universidad de Concepci\'on}, %{Concepci\'on}, Chile} % % %\affil[5]{{Department of Mechanical Engineering}, {Universidad T\'ecnica Federico Santa Mar\'ia}, %{Santiago}, Chile} % %\affil[6]{{Joint last authors}, {in alphabetical order}} %\affil[1]{Affiliation 1, Postal Address, \texttt{First@affil1}} %\affil[2]{Affiliation 2, Postal Address, \texttt{\{Second,Fourth\}@affil2}} %\affil[3]{Affiliation 3, Postal Address, \texttt{Third@affil3}} % SUMMARY: replace text with a short summary \summary{Several time discretized domain for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (iNSE) in moving domains have been proposed in literature. Here, we introduce a unified formulation that combines different approaches found in literature, allowing a common well posedness and time stability analysis. It can be therefore shown that only a particular choice of numerical schemes ensure such properties under some restrictions. The analysis will be shown for Chorin-Temam schemes using the insight found in the monolithic case. Results are supported from numerical simulations and its usage in fluid-solid interaction problems in cardiac geometries will be presented.} % KEYWORDS: replace text with 2-4 keywords, not capitalised, separated by comma, and without a full stop at the end. \keywords{numerical schemes, stability analysis, incompressible flows, fluid-structure interaction} \begin{document} Several works have been reported dealing with numerical solutions of the iNSE in moving domains within the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation (ALE), primarily in the context of fluid-solid coupling, e.g. \cite{astorino-chouly-fernandez-09, bertoglio2013sisc}. Different choices of time discretization schemes have been reported e.g. \cite{Basting2017, Hessenthaler2017}, nevertheless to the best of the authors knowledge, only a few monolithic schemes have been throughly analyzed, e.g. \cite{Lozovskiy2018, smaldone2014, le-tallec-mouro-01, Burtschell2017} while no analysis has been reported for Chorin-Temam (CT) schemes, being an alternative option when requirements such a low time computations are needed, specially for future industrial applications. The goal of this talk is to present the finding of well-posedness and unconditional energy balance of the iNSE-ALE for several reported CT discretization schemes within a single formulation, published in \cite{arostica2021monolithic}. The main result to show will be that under appropiate conditions on the rate of domain deformation, a first order time discretization scheme for the CT scheme is unconditionally stable. Our finding will be supplemented with an application case of fluid-solid interactions problem in an idealize cardiac geometry, exploiting the splitting nature of the CT scheme with a well-known coupling approach \cite{bertoglio2013sisc}. \bibliography{biblio_merged.bib} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} \end{document}