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from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import numpy
from collections import defaultdict
def distance(x, y):
"""returns eucledean distance between two points from `find_corner_circles`."""
return numpy.sqrt(
(v - w) ** 2
for v, w in zip(x.pt, y.pt)
def find_neighbors(keypoints, size_factor=1.5):
"""Returns keypoints sorted by x-index and determines for each index
in this sorted list of kepoints, what keypoints are close by, defines
as closer than `size_factor` times the size of both keypoints."""
keypoints = sorted(keypoints, key=lambda x: x.pt[0])
neighbors = [set() for _ in range(len(keypoints))]
for i, x in enumerate(keypoints):
for j, y in enumerate(keypoints[i+1:], start=i+1):
if y.pt[0] - x.pt[0] > 2 * size_factor * y.size:
if distance(x, y) < 1.5 * (x.size + y.size):
return keypoints, neighbors
def cluster_circles_per_corner(keypoints, distance_factor=1.5):
"""Clusters circles that are close by (1.5 times the sum of both sizes)
into a group of keypoints. Returns the keypoints soerted w.r.t. x-coordinate
and returns a set of tuple, each tuple containing indices of keypoints
in the sorted array. One cluster is represented by one tuple."""
keypoints, neighbors = find_neighbors(keypoints, size_factor=distance_factor)
shapes = []
left = set(range(len(keypoints)))
def find_shape(shape, left):
nonlocal neighbors
def f(left):
nonlocal shape
if left == 0:
return True
lastIndex = shape[-1];
for index in neighbors[lastIndex]:
if index in shape:
if f(left - 1):
return True
shape = shape[:-1]
return False
if f(left):
return shape
return None
while len(left) > 0:
shape = find_shape([left.pop()], 7 - 1)
if shape:
left -= set(shape)
return keypoints, shapes
def separate_lines(keypoints, shape, cosine_threshold=0.00137046524): # accept approx 3 degrees from straight
"""Find points that lie on a line using cosine similarity for triples of points, e.g. the cosine similarity
between vectors from A to B and C to B for points A, B and C. If 1-abs(cosine similarity) is smaller than
`cosine_threshold`, the points lie on a line with at most cos(cosine_threshold) angle deviation. Those
points are grouped together. This method should yet be improved in two ways:
- assure that iff (i,j,k) meets the threshold, so do all permutations (not true now due to numerical
errors and assymetry of the cosine function for angle 0 and angle pi corners.
- only group points iff for (i, j, k) and (p, q, r) at least two of the indices match. This way circles
can form a (straingt) corner and hence lie on two lines, without grouping the points of these two
perpendicular lines together.
Both could be solved brutally, since shape will in general only hold few shapes.
Returns a set of tuple, each tuple refering to indices of keypoints and being a subset of `shape`."""
groups = defaultdict(set)
# n x 2 matrix with points
P = numpy.array([keypoints[i].pt for i in shape])
# n x n x 2 tensor with vectors between two points
V = (P[:,None] - P[None])
# n x n tensor squared lengths of each vector
L = (V * V).sum(2)
# n x n x n tensor between each vector with a matching point in P
D = (V[None] * V[:, :, None]).sum(3)
# n x n x n tensor with cosine similarity between vectors with a matching point
S = (1e-15 + D) / (1e-15 + numpy.sqrt(L[None] * L[:, :, None]))
# We want to test whether the cosine similarity isclose to 1 or -1 (angle 0° or 180°)
S = numpy.abs(S)
for i, j, k in zip(*numpy.where(1 - S < cosine_threshold)):
if i!=j and j!=k and k!=i:
groups[i] = groups[i] | {i, j, k}
return set(map(tuple, groups.values()))
def find_line_coefficients_per_corner(keypoints, corner_circles, cosine_threshold=0.00137046524):
"""Linearly fits lines on keypoints that are part of one line as returned by `separate_lines`. Returns
a list of 2-sized lists with tuples of coefficients (a,b) representing a line a*x + b."""
lines = []
for shape in corner_circles:
for piece in separate_lines(keypoints, shape, cosine_threshold):
a, b = numpy.polyfit(*zip(*[keypoints[shape[p]].pt for p in piece]), 1)
if len(lines[-1]) != 2:
print("Warning, did not find two lines for a shape: {}".format(lines))
# assert len(lines[-1]) == 2, "Did not find two lines for a shape: {}".format(lines)
return lines
def intersection_per_corner(line_coefficients):
"""For each two lines as returned by `fit_linear` find the intersection. Returns the corners
in the order of line_oefficients, but also returns the order in which they form a simple
polygon in counter-clockwise orientation."""
corners = [
(x, a * x + b)
for (a, b), (c, d) in line_coefficients
for x in [(d - b) / (a - c)] # alias
return corners, ConvexHull(corners).vertices