# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Jun 16 13:03:03 2021 @author: - """ import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt os.chdir('D:\AcA Mike Dijkhof\Scripts') # set path to folder of formules.py import formules rootdir = 'D:\AcA Mike Dijkhof\cwa files\Pt204_csv\Pt204_csv35694_0000020406.resampled' # provide path to .csv files of the cut weekdays d = {} for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): print(subdir) for file in files: print(file) os.chdir(subdir) d[file] = pd.read_csv(file, infer_datetime_format=True) Keys = d.keys() #%% Check = formules.SlopeWeeker(Keys, d) Worklist = Check Length = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(((1,int(len(Check)/7))))) # Create PtName, this depends on subdir string so has to be changed for each patient PtName = subdir.replace('35694_00000', '') PtName = PtName.replace('D:\AcA Mike Dijkhof\cwa files\Pt204_csv\Pt204_','') PtName = PtName.replace('resampled-','') PtName = PtName.replace('.resampled','') PtName = PtName.replace('.csv','') for i in Length: CheckWeek = Worklist[:7] Worklist = Worklist.drop(CheckWeek.index, axis=0) CheckWeek.loc['Mean','a'] = CheckWeek['a'].median() CheckWeek.loc['Mean','b'] = CheckWeek['b'].median() CheckWeek.loc['Mean','c'] = CheckWeek['c'].median() CheckWeek.to_csv('Formula_Week6.csv') Xscale = np.arange(0,CheckWeek['ENMOmax'].max(), 5) plt.figure() plt.ylim(0,1440) plt.xlim(0,CheckWeek['ENMOmax'].max()) plt.title('All weekdays and average plotted ' + PtName) plt.xlabel('Movement intensity [bins of 5 mg]') plt.ylabel('Amount of time spend at intensity [min]') plt.grid() for i, r in CheckWeek.iterrows(): Y = formules.func(Xscale, CheckWeek.loc[i,'a'],CheckWeek.loc[i,'b'], CheckWeek.loc[i,'c'] ) if i != 'Mean': plt.plot(Xscale, Y, 'grey') else: plt.plot(Xscale, Y, 'k--') plt.savefig(fname=('Weekplot ' + PtName+ '.png')) plt.show()