/************************************************************************* * * This file is part of ACT dataflow neuro library. * It's the testing facility for cell_lib_std.act * * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Ole Richter * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Hugh Greatorex * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Michele Mastella * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Madison Cotteret * * This source describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN-OHL-W v2 or later * * You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products * using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-W v2 (https:/cern.ch/cern-ohl). * This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-W v2 * for applicable conditions. * * Source location: https://git.web.rug.nl/bics/actlib_dataflow_neuro * * As per CERN-OHL-W v2 section 4.1, should You produce hardware based on * these sources, You must maintain the Source Location visible in its * documentation. * ************************************************************************** */ import "../../dataflow_neuro/coders.act"; import "../../dataflow_neuro/primitives.act"; import "../../dataflow_neuro/chips.act"; import globals; import std::data; open std::data; open tmpl::dataflow_neuro; pint N_IN = 32; pint N_NRN_X = 15; pint N_NRN_Y = 6; pint NC_NRN_X = 4; pint NC_NRN_Y = 3; pint N_SYN_X = 15; pint N_SYN_Y = 348; pint NC_SYN_X = 6; pint NC_SYN_Y = 9; pint N_SYN_DLY_CFG = 4; pint N_BD_DLY_CFG = 4; pint N_BD_DLY_CFG2 = 2; pint N_NRN_MON_X = N_NRN_X*2; // [mon,kill]*N pint N_NRN_MON_Y = N_NRN_Y; // [mon]*N pint N_SYN_MON_X = N_SYN_X*4; // [mon, dev_mon, set, reset]*N pint N_SYN_MON_Y = N_SYN_Y; // [mon]*N pint N_MON_AMZO_PER_SYN = 5; pint N_MON_AMZO_PER_NRN = 7; pint N_FLAGS_PER_SYN = 4; // Syn: Must be at least 3 (since those ones have special safety) pint N_FLAGS_PER_NRN = 9; // and leq than the number of bits in a reg, since have presumed only needs one. pint N_BUFFERS = 3; pint N_LINE_PD_DLY = 3; pint REG_NCA = 6; pint REG_M = 1< in, out; Mx1of2 c1_reg_data[REG_M]; a1of1 c1_synapses[N_SYN_X * N_SYN_Y]; a1of1 c1_neurons[N_NRN_X * N_NRN_Y]; bool! c1_dec_req_x[N_SYN_X], c1_dec_req_y[N_SYN_Y]; bool? c1_dec_ackB[N_SYN_X]; a1of1 c1_syn_pu[N_SYN_X]; a1of1 c1_enc_inx[N_NRN_X], c1_enc_iny[N_NRN_Y]; a1of1 c1_nrn_pd_x[N_NRN_X], c1_nrn_pd_y[N_NRN_Y]; bool! c1_nrn_mon_x[N_NRN_MON_X], c1_nrn_mon_y[N_NRN_MON_Y]; bool! c1_syn_mon_x[N_SYN_MON_X], c1_syn_mon_y[N_SYN_MON_Y]; bool? c1_syn_mon_AMZI[N_SYN_X * N_MON_AMZO_PER_SYN], c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[N_NRN_X * N_MON_AMZO_PER_NRN]; bool! c1_syn_mon_AMZO[N_MON_AMZO_PER_SYN], c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[N_MON_AMZO_PER_NRN]; bool! c1_syn_flags_EFO[N_FLAGS_PER_SYN], c1_nrn_flags_EFO[N_FLAGS_PER_NRN]; Mx1of2 c2_reg_data[REG_M]; a1of1 c2_synapses[N_SYN_X * N_SYN_Y]; a1of1 c2_neurons[N_NRN_X * N_NRN_Y]; bool! c2_dec_req_x[N_SYN_X], c2_dec_req_y[N_SYN_Y]; bool? c2_dec_ackB[N_SYN_X]; a1of1 c2_syn_pu[N_SYN_X]; a1of1 c2_enc_inx[N_NRN_X], c2_enc_iny[N_NRN_Y]; a1of1 c2_nrn_pd_x[N_NRN_X], c2_nrn_pd_y[N_NRN_Y]; bool! c2_nrn_mon_x[N_NRN_MON_X], c2_nrn_mon_y[N_NRN_MON_Y]; bool! c2_syn_mon_x[N_SYN_MON_X], c2_syn_mon_y[N_SYN_MON_Y]; bool? c2_syn_mon_AMZI[N_SYN_X * N_MON_AMZO_PER_SYN], c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[N_NRN_X * N_MON_AMZO_PER_NRN]; bool! c2_syn_mon_AMZO[N_MON_AMZO_PER_SYN], c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[N_MON_AMZO_PER_NRN]; bool! c2_syn_flags_EFO[N_FLAGS_PER_SYN], c2_nrn_flags_EFO[N_FLAGS_PER_NRN]; bool? bd_dly_cfg[N_BD_DLY_CFG], bd_dly_cfg2[N_BD_DLY_CFG2]; bool? loopback_en){ bool _reset_B; prs { Reset => _reset_B- } power supply; supply.vdd = Vdd; supply.vss = GND; texel_dualcore c(.in = in, .out = out, .c1_reg_data = c1_reg_data, .c1_dec_req_x = c1_dec_req_x, .c1_dec_req_y = c1_dec_req_y, .c1_dec_ackB = c1_dec_ackB, .c1_syn_pu = c1_syn_pu, .c1_enc_inx = c1_enc_inx, .c1_enc_iny = c1_enc_iny, .c1_nrn_pd_x = c1_nrn_pd_x, .c1_nrn_pd_y = c1_nrn_pd_y, .c1_nrn_mon_x = c1_nrn_mon_x, .c1_nrn_mon_y = c1_nrn_mon_y, .c1_syn_mon_x = c1_syn_mon_x, .c1_syn_mon_y = c1_syn_mon_y, .c1_syn_mon_AMZI = c1_syn_mon_AMZI, .c1_nrn_mon_AMZI = c1_nrn_mon_AMZI, .c1_syn_mon_AMZO = c1_syn_mon_AMZO, .c1_nrn_mon_AMZO = c1_nrn_mon_AMZO, .c1_syn_flags_EFO = c1_syn_flags_EFO, .c1_nrn_flags_EFO = c1_nrn_flags_EFO, .c2_reg_data = c2_reg_data, .c2_dec_req_x = c2_dec_req_x, .c2_dec_req_y = c2_dec_req_y, .c2_dec_ackB = c2_dec_ackB, .c2_syn_pu = c2_syn_pu, .c2_enc_inx = c2_enc_inx, .c2_enc_iny = c2_enc_iny, .c2_nrn_pd_x = c2_nrn_pd_x, .c2_nrn_pd_y = c2_nrn_pd_y, .c2_nrn_mon_x = c2_nrn_mon_x, .c2_nrn_mon_y = c2_nrn_mon_y, .c2_syn_mon_x = c2_syn_mon_x, .c2_syn_mon_y = c2_syn_mon_y, .c2_syn_mon_AMZI = c2_syn_mon_AMZI, .c2_nrn_mon_AMZI = c2_nrn_mon_AMZI, .c2_syn_mon_AMZO = c2_syn_mon_AMZO, .c2_nrn_mon_AMZO = c2_nrn_mon_AMZO, .c2_syn_flags_EFO = c2_syn_flags_EFO, .c2_nrn_flags_EFO = c2_nrn_flags_EFO, .bd_dly_cfg = bd_dly_cfg, .bd_dly_cfg2 = bd_dly_cfg2, .loopback_en = loopback_en, .reset_B = _reset_B, .reset_reg_B = _reset_B, .supply = supply); decoder_2d_synapse_hs c1_syn_grid( .synapses = c1_synapses, .in_req_x = c1_dec_req_x, .in_req_y = c1_dec_req_y, .to_pu = c1_syn_pu, .out_ackB_decoder = c1_dec_ackB, .supply = supply); nrn_hs_2d_array c1_nrn_grid(.in = c1_neurons, .outx = c1_enc_inx, .outy = c1_enc_iny, .to_pd_x = c1_nrn_pd_x, .to_pd_y = c1_nrn_pd_y, .supply = supply, .reset_B = _reset_B); decoder_2d_synapse_hs c2_syn_grid( .synapses = c2_synapses, .in_req_x = c2_dec_req_x, .in_req_y = c2_dec_req_y, .to_pu = c2_syn_pu, .out_ackB_decoder = c2_dec_ackB, .supply = supply); nrn_hs_2d_array c2_nrn_grid(.in = c2_neurons, .outx = c2_enc_inx, .outy = c2_enc_iny, .to_pd_x = c2_nrn_pd_x, .to_pd_y = c2_nrn_pd_y, .supply = supply, .reset_B = _reset_B); } // fifo_decoder_neurons_encoder_fifo e; chip_texel_dualcore c;