/************************************************************************* * * This file is part of ACT dataflow neuro library * * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Ole Richter * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Michele Mastella * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Hugh Greatorex * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Madison Cotteret * * * This source describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN-OHL-W v2 or later * * You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products * using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-W v2 (https:/cern.ch/cern-ohl). * This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-W v2 * for applicable conditions. * * Source location: https://git.web.rug.nl/bics/actlib_dataflow_neuro * * As per CERN-OHL-W v2 section 4.1, should You produce hardware based on * these sources, You must maintain the Source Location visible in its * documentation. * ************************************************************************** */ import "../../dataflow_neuro/cell_lib_async.act"; import "../../dataflow_neuro/cell_lib_std.act"; import "../../dataflow_neuro/treegates.act"; import "../../dataflow_neuro/primitives.act"; import std::channel; open std::channel; // import std::func; open std; import std::data; open std::data; namespace tmpl { namespace dataflow_neuro { /** * Bundled data (non dual rail, with req) * 2 * quasi delay insensitive channel (dual rail). * Basically a buffer with a bitwise conversion in front of it. */ export template defproc bd2qdi(bd in; avMx1of2 out; bool? dly_cfg[N_dly_cfg]; power supply; bool? reset_B) { // Delay on req_in bool _req; delayprog dly(.in = in.r, .out = _req, .s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply); // sig buff the reset signal bool _reset_BX, _reset_BXX[N]; BUF_X4 reset_buf(.a=reset_B, .y=_reset_BX,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss); sigbuf reset_bufarray(.in=_reset_BX, .out=_reset_BXX, .supply=supply); // sig buff the req bool _reqX, _reqXX[N]; BUF_X4 req_buf(.a=_req, .y=_reqX,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss); sigbuf req_bufarray(.in=_reqX, .out=_reqXX, .supply=supply); // bd2qdi conversion // Each line goes to a t pin, its not to a f. bool _inB[N]; INV_X1 input_invs[N]; (i:N: input_invs[i].a = in.d[i]; input_invs[i].y = _inB[i]; input_invs[i].vss = supply.vss; input_invs[i].vdd = supply.vdd; ) // BUFFER // Basically the buffer_s but with the validity tree ripped out // and just connected to in_req instead. // And probably need a delay on the in_ack to ensure en has time to disable // before the inputs go to another state. // Actually apparently no: there is a fixed, huge delay, already incurred // by communicating with pads-> uC -> windows 95 and back again. // Since the input is never invalid, also need a mechanism // for the output to become invalid, when an out_ack is received. //control bool _en; A_3C_RB_X4 inack_ctl(.c1=_en,.c2=_reqX,.c3=out.v,.y=in.a,.pr_B=_reset_BX,.sr_B=_reset_BX,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss); A_1C1P_X1 en_ctl(.c1=in.a,.p1=out.v,.y=_en,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss); //function bool _out_a_BX_t[N],_out_a_BX_f[N],_out_a_B,_en_X_t[N],_en_X_f[N]; A_2C2N_RB_X4 f_buf_func[N]; A_2C2N_RB_X4 t_buf_func[N]; sigbuf en_buf_t(.in=_en, .out=_en_X_t, .supply=supply); sigbuf en_buf_f(.in=_en, .out=_en_X_f, .supply=supply); INV_X1 out_a_inv(.a=out.a,.y=_out_a_B, .vss = supply.vss, .vdd = supply.vdd); sigbuf out_a_B_buf_f(.in=_out_a_B,.out=_out_a_BX_t, .supply=supply); sigbuf out_a_B_buf_t(.in=_out_a_B,.out=_out_a_BX_f, .supply=supply); // check if you can also do single var to array connect a=b[N] // and remove them from the loop (i:N: f_buf_func[i].y=out.d.d[i].f; t_buf_func[i].y=out.d.d[i].t; f_buf_func[i].c1=_en_X_f[i]; t_buf_func[i].c1=_en_X_t[i]; f_buf_func[i].c2=_out_a_BX_f[i]; t_buf_func[i].c2=_out_a_BX_t[i]; f_buf_func[i].n1=_inB[i]; t_buf_func[i].n1=in.d[i]; f_buf_func[i].n2=_reqXX[i]; t_buf_func[i].n2=_reqXX[i]; f_buf_func[i].vdd=supply.vdd; t_buf_func[i].vdd=supply.vdd; f_buf_func[i].vss=supply.vss; t_buf_func[i].vss=supply.vss; t_buf_func[i].pr_B = _reset_BXX[i]; t_buf_func[i].sr_B = _reset_BXX[i]; f_buf_func[i].pr_B = _reset_BXX[i]; f_buf_func[i].sr_B = _reset_BXX[i]; ) } /** * quasi delay insensitive channel (dual rail). * 2 * Bundled data (non dual rail, with req) */ export template defproc qdi2bd(avMx1of2 in; bd out; bool? dly_cfg[N_dly_cfg]; power supply; bool? reset_B) { // Buffer buffer buf(.in = in, .supply = supply, .reset_B = reset_B); buf.out.a = out.a; // Vtree vtree out_vtree(.supply = supply); (i:N: out_vtree.in.d[i].t = buf.out.d.d[i].t; out_vtree.in.d[i].f = buf.out.d.d[i].f; ) buf.out.v = out_vtree.out; // Delay delayprog dly(.in = out_vtree.out, .out = out.r, .s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply); out_vtree.out = dly.in; // Wire output data bits to buffer True lines (i:N: buf.out.d.d[i].t = out.d[i]; ) } } }