/************************************************************************* * * This file is part of ACT dataflow neuro library * * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Ole Richter * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Madison Cotteret * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Hugh Greatorex * Copyright (c) 2022 University of Groningen - Michele Mastella * Copyright (c) 2021 Rajit Manohar * * This source describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN-OHL-W v2 or later * * You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products * using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-W v2 (https:/cern.ch/cern-ohl). * This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-W v2 * for applicable conditions. * * Source location: https://git.web.rug.nl/bics/actlib_dataflow_neuro * * As per CERN-OHL-W v2 section 4.1, should You produce hardware based on * these sources, You must maintain the Source Location visible in its * documentation. * **************************************************************************/ import "../../dataflow_neuro/cell_lib_async.act"; import "../../dataflow_neuro/cell_lib_std.act"; import std::channel; open std::channel; namespace tmpl { namespace dataflow_neuro { /* * Build an OR-gate tree (NOR/NAND/optional INV) */ export deftype power (bool?! vdd, vss) { } export template defproc ortree (bool? in[N]; bool! out; power supply) { bool tout; { N > 0 : "What?" }; [N = 1 -> BUF_X1 b(.vss=supply.vss, .vdd = supply.vdd, .a = in[0], .y = out); [] N > 1 -> pint i, end, j; i = 0; end = N-1; pint lenTree2Count, lenTree3Count; lenTree2Count = 0; lenTree3Count = 0; /* Pre"calculate" the number of C cells required, look below if confused */ *[ i != end -> j = 0; *[ i < end -> j = j + 1; [ i+1 >= end -> i = end; lenTree2Count = lenTree2Count +1; [] i+2 >= end -> i = end; lenTree3Count = lenTree3Count +1; [] else -> i = i + 2; lenTree2Count = lenTree2Count +1; ] ] /*-- update range that has to be combined --*/ i = end+1; end = end+j; j = 0; ] /* array that holds ALL the nodes in the completion tree */ bool tmp[end+1]; (k:N:tmp[k] = in[k];) /* array to hold the actual C-elments, either A2C or A3C */ [lenTree2Count > 0 -> OR2_X1 or2s[lenTree2Count]; ] [lenTree3Count > 0 -> OR3_X1 or3s[lenTree3Count]; ] (h:lenTree2Count:or2s[h].vdd = supply.vdd;) (h:lenTree3Count:or3s[h].vdd = supply.vdd;) (h:lenTree2Count:or2s[h].vss = supply.vss;) (h:lenTree3Count:or3s[h].vss = supply.vss;) /* Reset the variables we just stole lol */ i = 0; end = N-1; j = 0; pint tree2Index = 0; pint tree3Index = 0; /* Invariant: i <= end */ *[ i != end -> /* * Invariant: tmp[i..end] has the current signals that need to be * combined together, and "isinv" specifies if they are the inverted * sense or not */ j = 0; *[ i < end -> /*-- there are still signals that need to be combined --*/ j = j + 1; [ i+1 >= end -> /*-- last piece: use either a 2 input C-element --*/ or2s[tree2Index].a = tmp[i]; or2s[tree2Index].b = tmp[i+1]; or2s[tree2Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree2Index = tree2Index +1; i = end; [] i+2 >= end -> /*-- last piece: use either a 3 input C-element --*/ or3s[tree3Index].a = tmp[i]; or3s[tree3Index].b = tmp[i+1]; or3s[tree3Index].c = tmp[i+2]; or3s[tree3Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree3Index = tree3Index +1; i = end; [] else -> /*-- more to come; so use a two input C-element --*/ or2s[tree2Index].a = tmp[i]; or2s[tree2Index].b = tmp[i+1]; or2s[tree2Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree2Index = tree2Index +1; i = i + 2; ] ] /*-- update range that has to be combined --*/ i = end+1; end = end+j; j = 0; ] out = tmp[end]; ] } export template defproc andtree (bool? in[N]; bool! out; power supply) { bool tout; { N > 0 : "What?" }; [N = 1 -> BUF_X1 b(.vss=supply.vss, .vdd = supply.vdd, .a = in[0], .y = out); [] N > 1 -> pint i, end, j; i = 0; end = N-1; pint lenTree2Count, lenTree3Count; lenTree2Count = 0; lenTree3Count = 0; /* Pre"calculate" the number of C cells required, look below if confused */ *[ i != end -> j = 0; *[ i < end -> j = j + 1; [ i+1 >= end -> i = end; lenTree2Count = lenTree2Count +1; [] i+2 >= end -> i = end; lenTree3Count = lenTree3Count +1; [] else -> i = i + 2; lenTree2Count = lenTree2Count +1; ] ] /*-- update range that has to be combined --*/ i = end+1; end = end+j; j = 0; ] /* array that holds ALL the nodes in the completion tree */ bool tmp[end+1]; (k:N:tmp[k] = in[k];) /* array to hold the actual C-elments, either A2C or A3C */ [lenTree2Count > 0 -> AND2_X1 and2s[lenTree2Count]; ] [lenTree3Count > 0 -> AND3_X1 and3s[lenTree3Count]; ] (h:lenTree2Count:and2s[h].vdd = supply.vdd;) (h:lenTree3Count:and3s[h].vdd = supply.vdd;) (h:lenTree2Count:and2s[h].vss = supply.vss;) (h:lenTree3Count:and3s[h].vss = supply.vss;) /* Reset the variables we just stole lol */ i = 0; end = N-1; j = 0; pint tree2Index = 0; pint tree3Index = 0; /* Invariant: i <= end */ *[ i != end -> /* * Invariant: tmp[i..end] has the current signals that need to be * combined together, and "isinv" specifies if they are the inverted * sense or not */ j = 0; *[ i < end -> /*-- there are still signals that need to be combined --*/ j = j + 1; [ i+1 >= end -> /*-- last piece: use either a 2 input C-element --*/ and2s[tree2Index].a = tmp[i]; and2s[tree2Index].b = tmp[i+1]; and2s[tree2Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree2Index = tree2Index +1; i = end; [] i+2 >= end -> /*-- last piece: use either a 3 input C-element --*/ and3s[tree3Index].a = tmp[i]; and3s[tree3Index].b = tmp[i+1]; and3s[tree3Index].c = tmp[i+2]; and3s[tree3Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree3Index = tree3Index +1; i = end; [] else -> /*-- more to come; so use a two input C-element --*/ and2s[tree2Index].a = tmp[i]; and2s[tree2Index].b = tmp[i+1]; and2s[tree2Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree2Index = tree2Index +1; i = i + 2; ] ] /*-- update range that has to be combined --*/ i = end+1; end = end+j; j = 0; ] out = tmp[end]; ] } /* * Build a completion tree using a combination of 2-input and 3-input * C-elements */ export template defproc ctree (bool? in[N]; bool! out; power supply) { bool tout; { N > 0 : "What?" }; bool meaningless_var; [N = 1 -> BUF_X1 b(.vss=supply.vss, .vdd = supply.vdd, .a = in[0], .y = out); [] N > 1 -> pint i, end, j; i = 0; end = N-1; pint lenTree2Count, lenTree3Count; lenTree2Count = 0; lenTree3Count = 0; /* Pre"calculate" the number of C cells required, look below if confused */ *[ i != end -> j = 0; *[ i < end -> j = j + 1; [ i+1 >= end -> i = end; lenTree2Count = lenTree2Count +1; [] i+2 >= end -> i = end; lenTree3Count = lenTree3Count +1; [] else -> i = i + 2; lenTree2Count = lenTree2Count +1; ] ] /*-- update range that has to be combined --*/ i = end+1; end = end+j; ] /* array that holds ALL the nodes in the completion tree */ bool tmp[end+1]; // Connecting the first nodes to the input (l:N: tmp[l] = in[l]; ) /* array to hold the actual C-elments, either A2C or A3C */ [lenTree2Count > 0 -> A_2C_B_X1 C2Els[lenTree2Count]; ] [lenTree3Count > 0 -> A_3C_B_X1 C3Els[lenTree3Count]; ] (h:lenTree2Count:C2Els[h].vdd = supply.vdd;) (h:lenTree3Count:C3Els[h].vdd = supply.vdd;) (h:lenTree2Count:C2Els[h].vss = supply.vss;) (h:lenTree3Count:C3Els[h].vss = supply.vss;) /* Reset the variables we just stole lol */ i = 0; end = N-1; j = 0; pint tree2Index = 0; pint tree3Index = 0; /* Invariant: i <= end */ *[ i != end -> /* * Invariant: tmp[i..end] has the current signals that need to be * combined together, and "isinv" specifies if they are the inverted * sense or not */ j = 0; *[ i < end -> /*-- there are still signals that need to be combined --*/ j = j + 1; [ i+1 >= end -> /*-- last piece: use either a 2 input C-element --*/ C2Els[tree2Index].c1 = tmp[i]; C2Els[tree2Index].c2 = tmp[i+1]; C2Els[tree2Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree2Index = tree2Index +1; i = end; [] i+2 >= end -> /*-- last piece: use either a 3 input C-element --*/ C3Els[tree3Index].c1 = tmp[i]; C3Els[tree3Index].c2 = tmp[i+1]; C3Els[tree3Index].c3 = tmp[i+2]; C3Els[tree3Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree3Index = tree3Index +1; i = end; [] else -> /*-- more to come; so use a two input C-element --*/ C2Els[tree2Index].c1 = tmp[i]; C2Els[tree2Index].c2 = tmp[i+1]; C2Els[tree2Index].y = tmp[end+j]; tree2Index = tree2Index +1; i = i + 2; ] ] /*-- update range that has to be combined --*/ i = end+1; end = end+j; j = 0; ] out = tmp[end]; ] } export template defproc vtree (std::data::Mx1of2? in; bool! out; power supply) { // OR layer for making OR between true and false of in (they are then sent to Ctree) OR2_X1 OR2_tf[N]; ctree ct; (l:N: OR2_tf[l].a = in.d[l].t; OR2_tf[l].b = in.d[l].f; OR2_tf[l].y = ct.in[l]; OR2_tf[l].vdd = supply.vdd; OR2_tf[l].vss = supply.vss; ) ct.supply = supply; out = ct.out; } export template defproc sigbuf (bool? in; bool! out[N]; power supply) { { N >= 0 : "sigbuf: parameter error" }; // { N <= 43 : "sigbuf: parameter error, N too big" }; /* -- just use in sized driver here -- */ [ N <= 4 -> BUF_X1 buf1 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 5 & N <= 7 -> BUF_X2 buf2 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 8 & N <= 10 -> BUF_X3 buf3 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 11 & N <= 14 -> BUF_X4 buf4 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 15 & N <= 18 -> BUF_X6 buf6 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 19 & N <= 29 -> BUF_X8 buf8 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 30 & N<= 48-> BUF_X12 buf12 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 49 & N <= 64 -> BUF_X16 buf16 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 65 & N <= 96 -> BUF_X24 buf24 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); [] N >= 97 -> BUF_X32 buf32 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); // [] N >= 129 & N <=192 -> // BUF_X48 buf48 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); // [] N >= 193 & N <= 256-> // BUF_X64 buf64 (.a = in, .y = out[0], .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss); ] (i:1..N-1:out[i]=out[0];) } }}