/************************************************************************* * * * Copyright 2022 Ole Richter - University of Groningen * Copyright 2022 Michele Mastella - University of Groningen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ************************************************************************** */ namespace sim{ namespace test_bench_lib { function finit (int verbose) : int; function fsource_next(int id; int sim_step) : int; function fsource_get(int id; int bit_width) : int; function fcheck_next(int id; int sim_step) : int; function fcheck_in_order(int id; int data) : int; function fcheck_out_of_order(int id; int data) : int; function fdump_to_file(int id; int sim_step; int data) : int; function fcontrol_next(int dontcare) : int; function fcontrol_get(int dontcare) : int; function fcontrol_wait(int dontcare) : int; export template defproc channel_source(chan!(int) out; chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int<1>) done) { int current_step, t,data; chp { *[ sim_step?current_step; t := 1; *[ t = 1 -> t := fsource_next(ID,current_step); [ t = 1 -> data := fsource_get(ID,BIT_WIDTH); out!data ; log("send ", data, " on source ", ID) [] else -> done!1 ] ] ] } } export template defproc channel_checker_in_order(chan?(int) in; chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int<1>) done) { int current_step, t, check, data; chp { *[ sim_step?current_step; t := 1; *[ t = 1 -> t := fcheck_next(ID,current_step); [ t = 1 -> in?data; check := fcheck_in_order(ID,data); [check = 1 -> log("[success] got ",data, " on check ", ID) [] else -> log("[failure] got wrong ",data, " on check ", ID, " see log") ] [] else -> done!1 ] ] ] } } export template defproc channel_checker_out_of_order(chan?(int) in; chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int<1>) done) { int current_step, t, check, data; chp { *[ sim_step?current_step; t := 1; *[ t = 1 -> t := fcheck_next(ID,current_step); [ t = 1 -> in?data; check := fcheck_out_of_order(ID,data); [check = 1 -> log("[success] got ",data, " on check ", ID) [] else -> log("[failure] got wrong ",data, " on check ", ID, " see log") ] [] else -> done!1 ] ] ] } } export template defproc channel_dump(chan?(int) in; chan?(int) sim_step) { int current_step, t,in_tmp; chp { *[ [| #sim_step -> sim_step?current_step [] #in -> in?in_tmp; log("Dumping a spike"); t:=fdump_to_file(ID,current_step,in_tmp);log("Dumped a spike") //here should be non-deterministic but it doesn't work |]; log("Waiting for next. sim_step: " ,#sim_step,", in: ",#in) ] } } defproc channel_dump_dummy(chan?(int) sim_step) { chp { *[ sim_step? ] } } defproc channel_source_dummy(chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int<1>) done) { chp { *[ sim_step?;done!1 ] } } defproc channel_checker_dummy(chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int<1>) done) { chp { *[ sim_step?;done!1 ] } } export template defproc control(chan(int) sim_step_source[NUMBER_SOURCE+1]; chan(int) sim_step_checker[NUMBER_CHECKER+1]; chan(int) sim_step_dump[NUMBER_DUMP+1]; chan?(int<1>) done_source[NUMBER_SOURCE+1]; chan?(int<1>) done_checker[NUMBER_CHECKER+1]) { int current_step, wait; int<1> t, success, failure_free; //This is a workaround to permit to have 0 instances of a type. channel_checker_dummy dummy1(.sim_step=sim_step_checker[NUMBER_CHECKER],.done=done_checker[NUMBER_CHECKER]); channel_source_dummy dummy2(.sim_step=sim_step_source[NUMBER_SOURCE],.done=done_source[NUMBER_SOURCE]); channel_dump_dummy dummy3(.sim_step=sim_step_dump[NUMBER_DUMP]); chp { log("I entered control"); t:=finit(1); failure_free:=1; *[ t = 1 -> current_step := fcontrol_get(0); log("I entered the t loop at current step:",current_step); [ current_step = 0 -> skip // reset here [] else -> (,j:0..NUMBER_SOURCE: sim_step_source[j]!current_step), (,j:0..NUMBER_CHECKER: sim_step_checker[j]!current_step), (,j:0..NUMBER_DUMP: sim_step_dump[j]!current_step); (;j:0..NUMBER_SOURCE: done_source[j]?success; failure_free := failure_free & success); (;j:0..NUMBER_CHECKER: done_checker[j]?success; failure_free := failure_free & success) ]; wait := fcontrol_wait(0); [ wait > 0 -> skip // exec cycle [] else -> skip ]; [ HALT_ON_FALIURE & 0=failure_free -> t := 0; log("stopped testbech because of failure") [] else -> t:=fcontrol_next(0); log("I finished the t loop at current step:",current_step) ] ]; log("I finished the program") } } } }