from setuptools import setup, find_packages from distutils.core import Command import os VERSION = '0.5.0' class generate_themes(Command): """ Generate complete themes from respective parts. """ description = 'generate complete themes from respective parts' user_options = [ ('force', 'f', 'forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)') ] boolean_options = ['force'] def initialize_options(self): self.force = None def finalize_options(self): self.set_undefined_options( 'build', ('force', 'force') ) def run(self): """ Copy respective parts of themes to destination. """ base = os.path.join('src', '_base') for theme in os.listdir('src'): srcdir = os.path.join('src', theme) if os.path.isdir(srcdir) and srcdir != base: outdir = os.path.join('mkdocs_bootswatch', theme) self.copy_tree(base, outdir) self.copy_tree(srcdir, outdir) setup( name="mkdocs-bootswatch", version=VERSION, url='', license='BSD', description='Bootswatch themes for MkDocs', author='Dougal Matthews', author_email='', packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, cmdclass={ 'gen_themes': generate_themes, }, entry_points={ 'mkdocs.themes': [ 'amelia = mkdocs_bootswatch.amelia', 'cerulean = mkdocs_bootswatch.cerulean', 'cosmo = mkdocs_bootswatch.cosmo', 'cyborg = mkdocs_bootswatch.cyborg', 'flatly = mkdocs_bootswatch.flatly', 'journal = mkdocs_bootswatch.journal', 'readable = mkdocs_bootswatch.readable', 'simplex = mkdocs_bootswatch.simplex', 'slate = mkdocs_bootswatch.slate', 'spacelab = mkdocs_bootswatch.spacelab', 'united = mkdocs_bootswatch.united', 'yeti = mkdocs_bootswatch.yeti', ] }, zip_safe=False )