# Default values for molgenis. replicaCount: 1 service: name: opal type: ClusterIP port: 8080 ingress: enabled: true annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0" hosts: - opal.dev.molgenis.org path: / tls: [] opal: advanced: false javaOpts: maxHeapSpace: "4g" resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2Gi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 4Gi persistence: size: 10Gi image: repository: registry.hub.docker.com name: obiba/opal tag: latest pullPolicy: Always adminPassword: ?01LifeCycle! persistence: claim: pvc-opal size: 10Gi containerPorts: - 8080 rserver: image: repository: registry.hub.docker.com name: obiba/opal-rserver tag: latest pullPolicy: IfNotPresent resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2Gi containerPorts: - 6612 - 6311 mysql: persistence: enabled: false mysqlRootPassword: ParaD0xa mysqlUser: opal mysqlPassword: ?opal01! initializationFiles: opal-ids.sql: |- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS opal_ids DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opal_ids.* TO "opal"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "?opal01!"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; opal-data.sql: |- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS opal_data DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opal_data.* TO "opal"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "?opal01!"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; persistence: enabled: false retain: false nodeSelector: { deployPod: "true" } tolerations: [] affinity: {}