classdef CREClass < handle properties Data; % the data set to get the CRE off nBin; %number of bins for the reference Monitor=true; %set to true to get intermediat results/figures UseHistProxy=true; % set this to get a proxy of the survival function using the hist function end properties %to be made read only CRE RB P_RB end properties (Hidden) WaitBarHandle; end properties (Constant,Hidden) alpha=1; %needed for the scaled cummulative redual entropy as defined in zografoss. Will be implemented in the future. (I hope) beta=1; %they are currently obsolete. % FeedBackOptions={'CRE','RB','All'} end %% constructor methods function obj = CREClass(varargin) obj.Data=[]; obj.nBin=[]; %obj.FeedBack={'CRE'}; if nargin==0;return;end % if no input arguments are given, just create an empty instance if ischar(varargin{1}) %assume number value pairs. if nargin<=2; error('please use number value pairs' ); end for k=2:2:nargin switch lower(varargin{k-1}) case {'ref','data'} obj.Data=varargin{k}; case {'nbin','bin'} obj.nBin=varargin{k}; otherwise error('invalid variable name'); end end else if nargin>=1 obj.Data=varargin{1}; end if nargin==2 obj.nBin=varargin{2}; end end end end %% set functions methods function set.Data(obj,val) if isnumeric(val) obj.Data=val; else error('please enter numeric array/matrix as reference'); end end function set.nBin(obj,val) if isnumeric(val) obj.nBin=val; else error('please enter numeric array or value as bin definition'); end end end %% core function(s) methods function Calc(obj) if isempty(obj.Data) warning('nothing to do'); return; end if obj.UseHistProxy if isempty(obj.nBin) obj.nBin=floor(numel(obj.Data)./10); end [N,bin]=hist(obj.Data(:),obj.nBin); N=transpose(N); P=N./sum(N); CP=cumsum(P); FC=1-CP; FC(FC<0)=0; dl=ones(size(FC))./numel(FC); else q=sort(unique(obj.Data(:))); FC=zeros(size(q)); dl=zeros(size(q)); for k=1:numel(q) FC(k)=sum(obj.Data(:)>=q(k)); if k==1 dl(k)=(q(k+1)-q(k))/2; %should I divide by 2? elseif k==numel(q) dl(k)=(q(k)-q(k-1))/2; else dl(k)=(q(k+1)-q(k))/2+(q(k)-q(k-1))/2; end end FC=FC./numel(obj.Data); end LogFC=log(FC); LogFC(~isfinite(LogFC))=0;%the log of 0 is -inf. however in Fc.*logFc it should end up as 0. to avoid conflicts removing the -inf if any(isnan(FC));keyboard;end obj.CRE=-transpose(dl)*(FC.*LogFC)./(transpose(dl)*FC); %CRE zografos %% get the RB dl(FC>0.5)=0; %set the weight for all in the histogram to the left side (i.e. =FC,1,'first'); if obj.UseHistProxy obj.P_RB=FC(ind); obj.RB=bin(ind); else SortData=sort(obj.Data); obj.RB=SortData(ind); obj.P_RB=FC(ind); end end end end