212 lines
5.7 KiB
212 lines
5.7 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
package SVN::Delta;
use SVN::Base qw(Delta svn_delta_);
=head1 NAME
SVN::Delta - Subversion delta functions
require SVN::Core;
require SVN::Repos;
require SVN::Delta;
# driving an editor
my $editor = SVN::Delta::Editor->
new(SVN::Repos::get_commit_editor($repos, "file://$repospath",
'/', 'root', 'FOO', \&committed));
my $rootbaton = $editor->open_root(0);
my $fbaton = $editor->add_file('filea', $rootbaton,
undef, -1);
my $ret = $editor->apply_textdelta($fbaton, undef);
SVN::TxDelta::send_string("FILEA CONTENT", @$ret);
# implement an editor in perl
SVN::Repos::dir_delta($root1, $path, undef,
$root2, $path,
1, 1, 0, 1
SVN::Delta wraps delta related function in subversion. The most
important one is SVN::Delta::Editor, the interface for describing tree
deltas. by default SVN::Delta::Editor relays method calls to its
internal member C<_editor>, which could either be an editor in C (such
as the one you get from get_commit_editor), or another
SVN::Delta::Editor object.
=head1 SVN::Delta::Editor
=head2 Driving Editors
If you want to drive a native editor (such as commit_editor obtained
by SVN::Repos::get_commit_editor), create a SVN::Delta::Editor object
with the native editor/baton pair. The object will then be ready to
use and its method calls will be relayed to the native editor.
=head2 Implementing Editors
If you want to implement an editor, subclass SVN::Delta::Editor and
implement the editors callbacks. see the METHODS section below.
=head2 CONSTRUCTOR - new(...)
=item new($editor, $editor_baton)
Link to the native editor
You can also pass a hash array to new:
=item _debug
Turn on debug.
=item _editor
An arrayref of the editor/baton pair or another SVN::Delta::Editor
object to link with.
=head2 METHODS
Please consult the svn_delta.h section in the Subversion API. Member
functions of svn_delta_editor_t could be called as methods of
SVN::Delta::Editor objects, with the edit_baton omitted. The pool is
also optional.
If you are subclassing, the methods take exactly the same arguments as
the member functions (note that void ** are returned data though as
throughout the perl bindings), with the edit_baton omitted.
package SVN::TxDelta;
use SVN::Base qw(Delta svn_txdelta_ apply);
*new = *SVN::_Delta::svn_txdelta;
# special case for backward compatibility. When called with an additional
# argument "md5", it's the old style and don't return the md5.
# Note that since the returned m5 is to be populated upon the last window
# sent to the handler, it's not currently working to magically change things
# in Perl land.
sub apply {
if (@_ == 5 || (@_ == 4 && ref($_[-1]) ne 'SVN::Pool' && ref($_[-1]) ne '_p_apr_pool_t')) {
splice(@_, 3, 1);
my @ret = SVN::_Delta::svn_txdelta_apply(@_);
return @ret[1,2];
goto \&SVN::_Delta::svn_txdelta_apply;
package _p_svn_txdelta_op_t;
use SVN::Base qw(Delta svn_txdelta_op_t_);
package _p_svn_txdelta_window_t;
use SVN::Base qw(Delta svn_txdelta_window_t_);
package SVN::Delta::Editor;
use SVN::Base qw(Delta svn_delta_editor_);
*invoke_set_target_revision = *SVN::_Delta::svn_delta_editor_invoke_set_target_revision;
sub convert_editor {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_editor} = $_[0], return 1
if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__);
if (ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->isa('_p_svn_delta_editor_t')) {
@{$self}{qw/_editor _baton/} = @_;
return 1;
return 0;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
unless ($self->convert_editor(@_)) {
%$self = @_;
if $self->{_editor};
return $self;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
return unless $_[0]->{_editor};
my $class = ref($_[0]);
my $func = $AUTOLOAD;
$func =~ s/.*:://;
warn "$func: ".join(',',@_)."\n" if $_[0]->{_debug};
return unless $func =~ m/[^A-Z]/;
my %ebaton = ( set_target_revision => 1,
open_root => 1,
close_edit => 1,
abort_edit => 1,
my $self = shift;
no strict 'refs';
my @ret = UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{_editor}, __PACKAGE__) ?
$self->{_editor}->$func(@_) :
eval { &{"invoke_$func"}($self->{_editor},
$ebaton{$func} ? $self->{_baton} : (), @_) };
die $@ if $@;
return @ret ? $#ret == 0 ? $ret[0] : [@ret] : undef;
=head1 BUGS
Functions returning editor/baton pair should really be typemapped to a
SVN::Delta::Editor object.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chia-liang Kao E<lt>clkao@clkao.orgE<gt>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.