182 lines
8.3 KiB
182 lines
8.3 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: NASTRAN input/DMAP
" Maintainer: Tom Kowalski <trk@schaefferas.com>
" Last change: April 27, 2001
" Thanks to the authors and maintainers of fortran.vim.
" Since DMAP shares some traits with fortran, this syntax file
" is based on the fortran.vim syntax file.
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" DMAP is not case dependent
syn case ignore
"--------------------DMAP SYNTAX---------------------------------------
" -------Executive Modules and Statements
syn keyword nastranDmapexecmod call dbview delete end equiv equivx exit
syn keyword nastranDmapexecmod file message purge purgex return subdmap
syn keyword nastranDmapType type
syn keyword nastranDmapLabel go to goto
syn keyword nastranDmapRepeat if else elseif endif then
syn keyword nastranDmapRepeat do while
syn region nastranDmapString start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline
syn region nastranDmapString start=+'+ end=+'+ oneline
" If you don't like initial tabs in dmap (or at all)
"syn match nastranDmapIniTab "^\t.*$"
"syn match nastranDmapTab "\t"
" Any integer
syn match nastranDmapNumber "-\=\<[0-9]\+\>"
" floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
syn match nastranDmapFloat "\<[0-9]\+\.[0-9]*\([edED][-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>"
" floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
syn match nastranDmapFloat "\.[0-9]\+\([edED][-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\>"
" floating point number, without dot, with exponent
syn match nastranDmapFloat "\<[0-9]\+[edED][-+]\=[0-9]\+\>"
syn match nastranDmapLogical "\(true\|false\)"
syn match nastranDmapPreCondit "^#define\>"
syn match nastranDmapPreCondit "^#include\>"
" -------Comments may be contained in another line.
syn match nastranDmapComment "^[\$].*$"
syn match nastranDmapComment "\$.*$"
syn match nastranDmapComment "^[\$].*$" contained
syn match nastranDmapComment "\$.*$" contained
" Treat all past 72nd column as a comment. Do not work with tabs!
" Breaks down when 72-73rd column is in another match (eg number or keyword)
syn match nastranDmapComment "^.\{-72}.*$"lc=72 contained
" -------Utility Modules
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod append copy dbc dbdict dbdir dmin drms1
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod dtiin eltprt ifp ifp1 inputt2 inputt4 lamx
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod matgen matgpr matmod matpch matprn matprt
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod modtrl mtrxin ofp output2 output4 param
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod paraml paramr prtparam pvt scalar
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod seqp setval tabedit tabprt tabpt vec vecplot
syn keyword nastranDmapUtilmod xsort
" -------Matrix Modules
syn keyword nastranDmapMatmod add add5 cead dcmp decomp diagonal fbs merge
syn keyword nastranDmapMatmod mpyad norm read reigl smpyad solve solvit
syn keyword nastranDmapMatmod trnsp umerge umerge1 upartn dmiin partn
syn region nastranDmapMatmod start=+^ *[Dd][Mm][Ii]+ end=+[\/]+
" -------Implicit Functions
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit abs acos acosh andl asin asinh atan atan2
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit atanh atanh2 char clen clock cmplx concat1
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit concat2 concat3 conjg cos cosh dble diagoff
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit diagon dim dlablank dlxblank dprod eqvl exp
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit getdiag getsys ichar imag impl index indexstr
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit int itol leq lge lgt lle llt lne log log10
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit logx ltoi mcgetsys mcputsys max min mod neqvl
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit nint noop normal notl numeq numge numgt numle
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit numlt numne orl pi precison putdiag putsys
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit rand rdiagon real rtimtogo setcore sign sin
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit sinh sngl sprod sqrt substrin tan tanh
syn keyword nastranDmapImplicit timetogo wlen xorl
"--------------------INPUT FILE SYNTAX---------------------------------------
" -------Nastran Statement
syn keyword nastranNastranCard nastran
" -------The File Management Section (FMS)
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Aa][Cc][Qq][Uu][Ii]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Aa][Ss][Ss][Ii][Gg]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Cc][oO][Nn][Nn][Ee]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Cc][Ll][Ee]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Dd][Ii][Cc]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Dd][Ii][Rr]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Ff][Ii][Xx]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Ll][Oo][Aa]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Ll][Oo][Cc]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Ss][Ee][Tt]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Uu][Nn][Ll]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Bb][Uu][Pp][Dd]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Ee][Ff][Ii][Nn]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Ee][Nn][Dd][Jj][Oo]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Ee][Xx][Pp][Aa][Nn]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Ii][Nn][Ii][Tt]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Pp][Rr][Oo][Jj]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranFMSCard start=+^ *[Rr][Ee][Ss][Tt]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn match nastranDmapUtilmod "^ *[Rr][Ee][Ss][Tt][Aa].*,.*," contains=nastranDmapComment
" -------Executive Control Section
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Aa][Ll][Tt][Ee][Rr]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Aa][Pp][Pp]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Ii]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Dd][Ii][Aa][Gg] + end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Ee][Cc][Hh][Oo]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Ee][Nn][Dd][Aa][Ll]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Ii][Dd]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Ll][Ii][Nn][Kk]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Mm][Aa][Ll][Tt][Ee]+ end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Ss][Oo][Ll] + end=+$+ oneline
syn region nastranECSCard start=+^ *[Tt][Ii][Mm][Ee]+ end=+$+ oneline
" -------Delimiters
syn match nastranDelimiter "[Cc][Ee][Nn][Dd]" contained
syn match nastranDelimiter "[Bb][Ee][Gg][Ii][Nn]" contained
syn match nastranDelimiter " *[Bb][Uu][Ll][Kk]" contained
syn match nastranDelimiter "[Ee][Nn][Dd] *[dD][Aa][Tt][Aa]" contained
" -------Case Control section
syn region nastranCC start=+^ *[Cc][Ee][Nn][Dd]+ end=+^ *[Bb][Ee][Gg][Ii][Nn]+ contains=nastranDelimiter,nastranBulkData,nastranDmapComment
" -------Bulk Data section
syn region nastranBulkData start=+ *[Bb][Uu][Ll][Kk] *$+ end=+^ [Ee][Nn][Dd] *[Dd]+ contains=nastranDelimiter,nastranDmapComment
" -------The following cards may appear in multiple sections of the file
syn keyword nastranUtilCard ECHOON ECHOOFF INCLUDE PARAM
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
hi def link nastranDmapexecmod Statement
hi def link nastranDmapType Type
hi def link nastranDmapPreCondit Error
hi def link nastranDmapUtilmod PreProc
hi def link nastranDmapMatmod nastranDmapUtilmod
hi def link nastranDmapString String
hi def link nastranDmapNumber Constant
hi def link nastranDmapFloat nastranDmapNumber
hi def link nastranDmapInitTab nastranDmapNumber
hi def link nastranDmapTab nastranDmapNumber
hi def link nastranDmapLogical nastranDmapExecmod
hi def link nastranDmapImplicit Identifier
hi def link nastranDmapComment Comment
hi def link nastranDmapRepeat nastranDmapexecmod
hi def link nastranNastranCard nastranDmapPreCondit
hi def link nastranECSCard nastranDmapUtilmod
hi def link nastranFMSCard nastranNastranCard
hi def link nastranCC nastranDmapexecmod
hi def link nastranDelimiter Special
hi def link nastranBulkData nastranDmapType
hi def link nastranUtilCard nastranDmapexecmod
let b:current_syntax = "nastran"
"EOF vim: ts=8 noet tw=120 sw=8 sts=0