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2019-05-06 16:34:28 +02:00
# ttrace.tcl --
# Copyright (C) 2003 Zoran Vasiljevic, Archiware GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User level commands:
# ttrace::eval top-level wrapper (ttrace-savvy eval)
# ttrace::enable activates registered Tcl command traces
# ttrace::disable terminates tracing of Tcl commands
# ttrace::isenabled returns true if ttrace is enabled
# ttrace::cleanup bring the interp to a pristine state
# ttrace::update update interp to the latest trace epoch
# ttrace::config setup some configuration options
# ttrace::getscript returns a script for initializing interps
# Commands used for/from trace callbacks:
# ttrace::atenable register callback to be done at trace enable
# ttrace::atdisable register callback to be done at trace disable
# ttrace::addtrace register user-defined tracer callback
# ttrace::addscript register user-defined script generator
# ttrace::addresolver register user-defined command resolver
# ttrace::addcleanup register user-defined cleanup procedures
# ttrace::addentry adds one entry into the named trace store
# ttrace::getentry returns the entry value from the named store
# ttrace::delentry removes the entry from the named store
# ttrace::getentries returns all entries from the named store
# ttrace::preload register procedures to be preloaded always
# Limitations:
# o. [namespace forget] is still not implemented
# o. [namespace origin cmd] breaks if cmd is not already defined
# I left this deliberately. I didn't want to override the [namespace]
# command in order to avoid potential slowdown.
namespace eval ttrace {
# Setup some compatibility wrappers
if {[info commands nsv_set] != ""} {
variable tvers 0
variable mutex ns_mutex
variable elock [$mutex create traceepochmutex]
# Import the underlying API; faster than recomputing
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_array {} nsv_array
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_incr {} nsv_incr
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_lappend {} nsv_lappend
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_names {} nsv_names
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_set {} nsv_set
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_unset {} nsv_unset
} elseif {![catch {
variable tvers [package require Thread]
}]} {
variable mutex thread::mutex
variable elock [$mutex create]
# Import the underlying API; faster than recomputing
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_array {} tsv::array
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_incr {} tsv::incr
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_lappend {} tsv::lappend
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_names {} tsv::names
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_set {} tsv::set
interp alias {} [namespace current]::_unset {} tsv::unset
} else {
error "requires NaviServer/AOLserver or Tcl threading extension"
# Keep in sync with the Thread package
package provide Ttrace 2.8.4
# Package variables
variable resolvers "" ; # List of registered resolvers
variable tracers "" ; # List of registered cmd tracers
variable scripts "" ; # List of registered script makers
variable enables "" ; # List of trace-enable callbacks
variable disables "" ; # List of trace-disable callbacks
variable preloads "" ; # List of procedure names to preload
variable enabled 0 ; # True if trace is enabled
variable config ; # Array with config options
variable epoch -1 ; # The initialization epoch
variable cleancnt 0 ; # Counter of registered cleaners
# Package private namespaces
namespace eval resolve "" ; # Commands for resolving commands
namespace eval trace "" ; # Commands registered for tracing
namespace eval enable "" ; # Commands invoked at trace enable
namespace eval disable "" ; # Commands invoked at trace disable
namespace eval script "" ; # Commands for generating scripts
# Exported commands
namespace export unknown
# Initialize ttrace shared state
if {[_array exists ttrace] == 0} {
_set ttrace lastepoch $epoch
_set ttrace epochlist ""
# Initially, allow creation of epochs
set config(-doepochs) 1
proc eval {cmd args} {
set code [catch {uplevel 1 [concat $cmd $args]} result]
if {$code == 0} {
if {[llength [info commands ns_ictl]]} {
ns_ictl save [getscript]
} else {
thread::broadcast {
package require Ttrace
return -code $code \
-errorinfo $::errorInfo -errorcode $::errorCode $result
proc config {args} {
variable config
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
array get config
} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
set opt [lindex $args 0]
set config($opt)
} else {
set opt [lindex $args 0]
set val [lindex $args 1]
set config($opt) $val
proc enable {} {
variable config
variable tracers
variable enables
variable enabled
incr enabled 1
if {$enabled > 1} {
if {$config(-doepochs) != 0} {
variable epoch [_newepoch]
set nsp [namespace current]
foreach enabler $enables {
foreach trace $tracers {
if {[info commands $trace] != ""} {
trace add execution $trace leave ${nsp}::trace::_$trace
proc disable {} {
variable enabled
variable tracers
variable disables
incr enabled -1
if {$enabled > 0} {
set nsp [namespace current]
foreach disabler $disables {
foreach trace $tracers {
if {[info commands $trace] != ""} {
trace remove execution $trace leave ${nsp}::trace::_$trace
proc isenabled {} {
variable enabled
expr {$enabled > 0}
proc update {{from -1}} {
if {$from == -1} {
variable epoch [_set ttrace lastepoch]
} else {
if {[lsearch [_set ttrace epochlist] $from] == -1} {
error "no such epoch: $from"
variable epoch $from
uplevel [getscript]
proc getscript {} {
variable preloads
variable epoch
variable scripts
append script [_serializensp] \n
append script "::namespace eval [namespace current] {" \n
append script "::namespace export unknown" \n
append script "_useepoch $epoch" \n
append script "}" \n
foreach cmd $preloads {
append script [_serializeproc $cmd] \n
foreach maker $scripts {
append script [script::_$maker]
return $script
proc cleanup {args} {
foreach cmd [info commands resolve::cleaner_*] {
uplevel $cmd $args
proc preload {cmd} {
variable preloads
if {[lsearch $preloads $cmd] == -1} {
lappend preloads $cmd
proc atenable {cmd arglist body} {
variable enables
if {[lsearch $enables $cmd] == -1} {
lappend enables $cmd
set cmd [namespace current]::enable::_$cmd
proc $cmd $arglist $body
return $cmd
proc atdisable {cmd arglist body} {
variable disables
if {[lsearch $disables $cmd] == -1} {
lappend disables $cmd
set cmd [namespace current]::disable::_$cmd
proc $cmd $arglist $body
return $cmd
proc addtrace {cmd arglist body} {
variable tracers
if {[lsearch $tracers $cmd] == -1} {
lappend tracers $cmd
set tracer [namespace current]::trace::_$cmd
proc $tracer $arglist $body
if {[isenabled]} {
trace add execution $cmd leave $tracer
return $tracer
proc addscript {cmd body} {
variable scripts
if {[lsearch $scripts $cmd] == -1} {
lappend scripts $cmd
set cmd [namespace current]::script::_$cmd
proc $cmd args $body
return $cmd
proc addresolver {cmd arglist body} {
variable resolvers
if {[lsearch $resolvers $cmd] == -1} {
lappend resolvers $cmd
set cmd [namespace current]::resolve::$cmd
proc $cmd $arglist $body
return $cmd
proc addcleanup {body} {
variable cleancnt
set cmd [namespace current]::resolve::cleaner_[incr cleancnt]
proc $cmd args $body
return $cmd
proc addentry {cmd var val} {
variable epoch
_set ${epoch}-$cmd $var $val
proc delentry {cmd var} {
variable epoch
set ei $::errorInfo
set ec $::errorCode
catch {_unset ${epoch}-$cmd $var}
set ::errorInfo $ei
set ::errorCode $ec
proc getentry {cmd var} {
variable epoch
set ei $::errorInfo
set ec $::errorCode
if {[catch {_set ${epoch}-$cmd $var} val]} {
set ::errorInfo $ei
set ::errorCode $ec
set val ""
return $val
proc getentries {cmd {pattern *}} {
variable epoch
_array names ${epoch}-$cmd $pattern
proc unknown {args} {
set cmd [lindex $args 0]
if {[uplevel ttrace::_resolve [list $cmd]]} {
set c [catch {uplevel $cmd [lrange $args 1 end]} r]
} else {
set c [catch {::eval ::tcl::unknown $args} r]
return -code $c -errorcode $::errorCode -errorinfo $::errorInfo $r
proc _resolve {cmd} {
variable resolvers
foreach resolver $resolvers {
if {[uplevel [info comm resolve::$resolver] [list $cmd]]} {
return 1
return 0
proc _getthread {} {
if {[info commands ns_thread] == ""} {
} else {
ns_thread getid
proc _getthreads {} {
if {[info commands ns_thread] == ""} {
return [thread::names]
} else {
foreach entry [ns_info threads] {
lappend threads [lindex $entry 2]
return $threads
proc _newepoch {} {
variable elock
variable mutex
$mutex lock $elock
set old [_set ttrace lastepoch]
set new [_incr ttrace lastepoch]
_lappend ttrace $new [_getthread]
if {$old >= 0} {
_copyepoch $old $new
_lappend ttrace epochlist $new
$mutex unlock $elock
return $new
proc _copyepoch {old new} {
foreach var [_names $old-*] {
set cmd [lindex [split $var -] 1]
_array reset $new-$cmd [_array get $var]
proc _delepochs {} {
set tlist [_getthreads]
set elist ""
foreach epoch [_set ttrace epochlist] {
if {[_dropepoch $epoch $tlist] == 0} {
lappend elist $epoch
} else {
_unset ttrace $epoch
_set ttrace epochlist $elist
proc _dropepoch {epoch threads} {
set self [_getthread]
foreach tid [_set ttrace $epoch] {
if {$tid != $self && [lsearch $threads $tid] >= 0} {
lappend alive $tid
if {[info exists alive]} {
_set ttrace $epoch $alive
return 0
} else {
foreach var [_names $epoch-*] {
_unset $var
return 1
proc _useepoch {epoch} {
if {$epoch >= 0} {
set tid [_getthread]
if {[lsearch [_set ttrace $epoch] $tid] == -1} {
_lappend ttrace $epoch $tid
proc _serializeproc {cmd} {
set dargs [info args $cmd]
set pbody [info body $cmd]
set pargs ""
foreach arg $dargs {
if {![info default $cmd $arg def]} {
lappend pargs $arg
} else {
lappend pargs [list $arg $def]
set nsp [namespace qual $cmd]
if {$nsp == ""} {
set nsp "::"
append res [list ::namespace eval $nsp] " {" \n
append res [list ::proc [namespace tail $cmd] $pargs $pbody] \n
append res "}" \n
proc _serializensp {{nsp ""} {result _}} {
upvar $result res
if {$nsp == ""} {
set nsp [namespace current]
append res [list ::namespace eval $nsp] " {" \n
foreach var [info vars ${nsp}::*] {
set vname [namespace tail $var]
if {[array exists $var] == 0} {
append res [list ::variable $vname [set $var]] \n
} else {
append res [list ::variable $vname] \n
append res [list ::array set $vname [array get $var]] \n
foreach cmd [info procs ${nsp}::*] {
append res [_serializeproc $cmd] \n
append res "}" \n
foreach nn [namespace children $nsp] {
_serializensp $nn res
return $res
# The code below is ment to be run once during the application start. It
# provides implementation of tracing callbacks for some Tcl commands. Users
# can supply their own tracer implementations on-the-fly.
# The code below will create traces for the following Tcl commands:
# "namespace", "variable", "load", "proc" and "rename"
# Also, the Tcl object extension XOTcl 1.1.0 is handled and all XOTcl related
# things, like classes and objects are traced (many thanks to Gustaf Neumann
# from XOTcl for his kind help and support).
eval {
# Register the "load" trace. This will create the following key/value pair
# in the "load" store:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# <path_of_loaded_image> <name_of_the_init_proc>
# We normally need only the name_of_the_init_proc for being able to load
# the package in other interpreters, but we store the path to the image
# file as well.
ttrace::addtrace load {cmdline code args} {
if {$code != 0} {
set image [lindex $cmdline 1]
set initp [lindex $cmdline 2]
if {$initp == ""} {
foreach pkg [info loaded] {
if {[lindex $pkg 0] == $image} {
set initp [lindex $pkg 1]
ttrace::addentry load $image $initp
ttrace::addscript load {
append res "\n"
foreach entry [ttrace::getentries load] {
set initp [ttrace::getentry load $entry]
append res "::load {} $initp" \n
return $res
# Register the "namespace" trace. This will create the following key/value
# entry in "namespace" store:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# ::fully::qualified::namespace 1
# It will also fill the "proc" store for procedures and commands imported
# in this namespace with following:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# ::fully::qualified::proc [list <ns> "" ""]
# The <ns> is the name of the namespace where the command or procedure is
# imported from.
ttrace::addtrace namespace {cmdline code args} {
if {$code != 0} {
set nop [lindex $cmdline 1]
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set cns ""
switch -glob $nop {
eva* {
set nsp [lindex $cmdline 2]
if {![string match "::*" $nsp]} {
set nsp ${cns}::$nsp
ttrace::addentry namespace $nsp 1
imp* {
# - parse import arguments (skip opt "-force")
set opts [lrange $cmdline 2 end]
if {[string match "-fo*" [lindex $opts 0]]} {
set opts [lrange $cmdline 3 end]
# - register all imported procs and commands
foreach opt $opts {
if {![string match "::*" [::namespace qual $opt]]} {
set opt ${cns}::$opt
# - first import procs
foreach entry [ttrace::getentries proc $opt] {
set cmd ${cns}::[::namespace tail $entry]
set nsp [::namespace qual $entry]
set done($cmd) 1
set entry [list 0 $nsp "" ""]
ttrace::addentry proc $cmd $entry
# - then import commands
foreach entry [info commands $opt] {
set cmd ${cns}::[::namespace tail $entry]
set nsp [::namespace qual $entry]
if {[info exists done($cmd)] == 0} {
set entry [list 0 $nsp "" ""]
ttrace::addentry proc $cmd $entry
ttrace::addscript namespace {
append res \n
foreach entry [ttrace::getentries namespace] {
append res "::namespace eval $entry {}" \n
return $res
# Register the "variable" trace. This will create the following key/value
# entry in the "variable" store:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# ::fully::qualified::variable 1
# The variable value itself is ignored at the time of
# trace/collection. Instead, we take the real value at the time of script
# generation.
ttrace::addtrace variable {cmdline code args} {
if {$code != 0} {
set opts [lrange $cmdline 1 end]
if {[llength $opts]} {
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set cns ""
foreach {var val} $opts {
if {![string match "::*" $var]} {
set var ${cns}::$var
ttrace::addentry variable $var 1
ttrace::addscript variable {
append res \n
foreach entry [ttrace::getentries variable] {
set cns [namespace qual $entry]
set var [namespace tail $entry]
append res "::namespace eval $cns {" \n
append res "::variable $var"
if {[array exists $entry]} {
append res "\n::array set $var [list [array get $entry]]" \n
} elseif {[info exists $entry]} {
append res " [list [set $entry]]" \n
} else {
append res \n
append res "}" \n
return $res
# Register the "rename" trace. It will create the following key/value pair
# in "rename" store:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# ::fully::qualified::old ::fully::qualified::new
# The "new" value may be empty, for commands that have been deleted. In
# such cases we also remove any traced procedure definitions.
ttrace::addtrace rename {cmdline code args} {
if {$code != 0} {
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set cns ""
set old [lindex $cmdline 1]
if {![string match "::*" $old]} {
set old ${cns}::$old
set new [lindex $cmdline 2]
if {$new != ""} {
if {![string match "::*" $new]} {
set new ${cns}::$new
ttrace::addentry rename $old $new
} else {
ttrace::delentry proc $old
ttrace::addscript rename {
append res \n
foreach old [ttrace::getentries rename] {
set new [ttrace::getentry rename $old]
append res "::rename $old {$new}" \n
return $res
# Register the "proc" trace. This will create the following key/value pair
# in the "proc" store:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# ::fully::qualified::proc [list <epoch> <ns> <arglist> <body>]
# The <epoch> chages anytime one (re)defines a proc. The <ns> is the
# namespace where the command was imported from. If empty, the <arglist>
# and <body> will hold the actual procedure definition. See the
# "namespace" tracer implementation also.
ttrace::addtrace proc {cmdline code args} {
if {$code != 0} {
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set cns ""
set cmd [lindex $cmdline 1]
if {![string match "::*" $cmd]} {
set cmd ${cns}::$cmd
set dargs [info args $cmd]
set pbody [info body $cmd]
set pargs ""
foreach arg $dargs {
if {![info default $cmd $arg def]} {
lappend pargs $arg
} else {
lappend pargs [list $arg $def]
set pdef [ttrace::getentry proc $cmd]
if {$pdef == ""} {
set epoch -1 ; # never traced before
} else {
set epoch [lindex $pdef 0]
ttrace::addentry proc $cmd [list [incr epoch] "" $pargs $pbody]
ttrace::addscript proc {
return {
if {[info command ::tcl::unknown] == ""} {
rename ::unknown ::tcl::unknown
namespace import -force ::ttrace::unknown
if {[info command ::tcl::info] == ""} {
rename ::info ::tcl::info
proc ::info args {
set cmd [lindex $args 0]
set hit [lsearch -glob {commands procs args default body} $cmd*]
if {$hit > 1} {
if {[catch {uplevel ::tcl::info $args}]} {
uplevel ttrace::_resolve [list [lindex $args 1]]
return [uplevel ::tcl::info $args]
if {$hit == -1} {
return [uplevel ::tcl::info $args]
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set cns ""
set pat [lindex $args 1]
if {![string match "::*" $pat]} {
set pat ${cns}::$pat
set fns [ttrace::getentries proc $pat]
if {[string match $cmd* commands]} {
set fns [concat $fns [ttrace::getentries xotcl $pat]]
foreach entry $fns {
if {$cns != [namespace qual $entry]} {
set lazy($entry) 1
} else {
set lazy([namespace tail $entry]) 1
foreach entry [uplevel ::tcl::info $args] {
set lazy($entry) 1
array names lazy
# Register procedure resolver. This will try to resolve the command in the
# current namespace first, and if not found, in global namespace. It also
# handles commands imported from other namespaces.
ttrace::addresolver resolveprocs {cmd {export 0}} {
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
set name [namespace tail $cmd]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set cns ""
if {![string match "::*" $cmd]} {
set ncmd ${cns}::$cmd
set gcmd ::$cmd
} else {
set ncmd $cmd
set gcmd $cmd
set pdef [ttrace::getentry proc $ncmd]
if {$pdef == ""} {
set pdef [ttrace::getentry proc $gcmd]
if {$pdef == ""} {
return 0
set cmd $gcmd
} else {
set cmd $ncmd
set epoch [lindex $pdef 0]
set pnsp [lindex $pdef 1]
if {$pnsp != ""} {
set nsp [namespace qual $cmd]
if {$nsp == ""} {
set nsp ::
set cmd ${pnsp}::$name
if {[resolveprocs $cmd 1] == 0 && [info commands $cmd] == ""} {
return 0
namespace eval $nsp "namespace import -force $cmd"
} else {
uplevel 0 [list ::proc $cmd [lindex $pdef 2] [lindex $pdef 3]]
if {$export} {
set nsp [namespace qual $cmd]
if {$nsp == ""} {
set nsp ::
namespace eval $nsp "namespace export $name"
variable resolveproc
set resolveproc($cmd) $epoch
return 1
# For XOTcl, the entire item introspection/tracing is delegated to XOTcl
# itself. The xotcl store is filled with this:
# --- key ---- --- value ---
# ::fully::qualified::item <body>
# The <body> is the script used to generate the entire item (class,
# object). Note that we do not fill in this during code tracing. It is
# done during the script generation. In this step, only the placeholder is
# set.
# NOTE: we assume all XOTcl commands are imported in global namespace
ttrace::atenable XOTclEnabler {args} {
if {[info commands ::xotcl::Class] == ""} {
if {[info commands ::xotcl::_creator] == ""} {
::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::_creator -instproc create {args} {
set result [next]
if {![string match ::xotcl::_* $result]} {
ttrace::addentry xotcl $result ""
return $result
::xotcl::Class instmixin ::xotcl::_creator
ttrace::atdisable XOTclDisabler {args} {
if { [info commands ::xotcl::Class] == ""
|| [info commands ::xotcl::_creator] == ""} {
::xotcl::Class instmixin ""
::xotcl::_creator destroy
set resolver [ttrace::addresolver resolveclasses {classname} {
set cns [uplevel namespace current]
set script [ttrace::getentry xotcl $classname]
if {$script == ""} {
set name [namespace tail $classname]
if {$cns == "::"} {
set script [ttrace::getentry xotcl ::$name]
} else {
set script [ttrace::getentry xotcl ${cns}::$name]
if {$script == ""} {
set script [ttrace::getentry xotcl ::$name]
if {$script == ""} {
return 0
uplevel [list namespace eval $cns $script]
return 1
ttrace::addscript xotcl [subst -nocommands {
if {![catch {Serializer new} ss]} {
foreach entry [ttrace::getentries xotcl] {
if {[ttrace::getentry xotcl \$entry] == ""} {
ttrace::addentry xotcl \$entry [\$ss serialize \$entry]
\$ss destroy
return {::xotcl::Class proc __unknown name {$resolver \$name}}
# Register callback to be called on cleanup. This will trash lazily loaded
# procs which have changed since.
ttrace::addcleanup {
variable resolveproc
foreach cmd [array names resolveproc] {
set def [ttrace::getentry proc $cmd]
if {$def != ""} {
set new [lindex $def 0]
set old $resolveproc($cmd)
if {[info command $cmd] != "" && $new != $old} {
catch {rename $cmd ""}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# fill-column: 78
# tab-width: 8
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: